[LargeFormat] Nguyen-Quoc Cuong/HCM/DBAsia/DeuBa is out of the office.

f32 Large Format List Admin largeformat@f32.net
Mon Apr 29 11:48:00 2002

At 3:15 am +0700 29/4/02, Nguyen-Quoc Cuong wrote:
>I will be out of the office starting  29/04/2002 and will not return 
>until 02/05/2002.
>If it is urgent thing, please contact Ms. Phung-Tuong Oanh.

Well, at lest it doesn't happen often!

You will be pleased to hear that Nguyen-Quoc's mail delivery has been 
disabled now that we all know he will be out of the office for a 

Mail delivery can easily be temporarily suspended using the web-based 
admin facility at http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/largeformat

         LargeFormat Admin