[LargeFormat] 10x8 camera

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sun Apr 21 04:17:11 2002

At 7:47 am +0100 21/4/02, philip.lambert wrote:
>  > The Gundlach Korona is a good ol' US of A camera. I made the choice
>>  between cameras and food a long time ago.....
>>  Cheers,
>>          Clive
>I knew that of course and now so does everybody else.......... It looks like
>half the weight and twice the charm of my 10x8 Sinar (long since sold).  Not
>a bit of plastic anywhere, no chip, no battery, no led/lcd/dvd/fwd.
>Obviously can't be any good, how much did you want? Philip

Ah, the wonderful 8x10 Korona at 

It took me a couple of years to find one at a price that meant I 
could afford the bread to go along with the water. Well, sorry to say 
that it is not for sale - but you probably knew that anyway :-)

Good to hear that you are thinking about using 8x10 again. The more 
people that use the format the better. We have to keep the film 
manufacturers on their toes.

I intend to make good use of it as it is a lot more fun to use than 
my old B&J 8x10 field camera. The only thing I really need is an 8x10 
back for it. It is currently being used for 5x7 portraiture as that 
is the back I have on it at the moment.
