[LargeFormat] cropping

Ole Tjugen largeformat@f32.net
Fri Apr 5 00:45:13 2002

I confess to being a borderline case.
I try to use the whole frame, all of the frame, and nothing but the full frame; regardless of the format. Most of the pictures I've been satisfied 
with so far are on 6x4.5, probably because it fills a 8x10 print so nicely. Sometimes I'll even print with a touch black border (but NEVER with 
frame numbers)...

The reason I don't do this on LF (so far) is lack of darkroom - and lack of experience.

Ole Tjugen

>So I'm curious to know how the rest of you shoot large format.  Do you crop
>in the camera or leave space to do so in the darkroom?