[LargeFormat] Traveling with LF gear

Hornford, Dave largeformat@f32.net
Mon Apr 1 12:18:47 2002

If you do travel with a backpack I suggest that you put the backpack
inside a duffle bag. The wide assortment of buckles, belts, & straps on
a backpack are an invitation to the luggage eating equipment and to a
friendly game of luggage toss by the handlers. Even before the recent
increased security, at check in a backpack is an invitation for repeated
thorough unpacking while they look for the most dread item if an
airplane traveller - a used backpacking stove or fuel bottles.=20

Although, in Resolute Bay the pilot suggested I take my shotgun as
carry-on as it would get banged-up in the cargo section, and in
Cunningham Inlet we had to get the Narwal to change seats.

Regards Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: Walter Jansen [mailto:Walter.Jansen@inter.NL.net]=20
Sent: March 30, 2002 5:52 PM
To: largeformat@f32.net
Subject: RE: [LargeFormat] Traveling with LF gear


Depends on whether all of it can be in the cabin luggage or not.
Secondly whether you want all, the stuff all day. Generally I pack the
whole lot in a flight-resistant case which stays in the hotelroom as a
"cupboard" I carry a photo bag with me in which I put the equipment I
think I need during a days work. A specialized rucksack is fine as long
as you relize that you have to take it of for any change of gear.
Moreover a rucksack on the ground is in the mud with the part that will
be against your back afterward.

Whenever you decide for a back pack, be sure that the carrier will
handle it as cabin luggage. Gear in a backback that is in the belly of a
plane will not really survive the rough handling.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: largeformat-admin@f32.net [mailto:largeformat-admin@f32.net]On
> Behalf Of Diane Maher
> Sent: zaterdag, 30 maart, 2002 23:29
> To: largeformat@f32.net
> Subject: [LargeFormat] Traveling with LF gear
> I'm going to be traveling with my gear [35 mm, 6x7 & 4x5] later this=20
> year.  I'm thinking about getting a backpack with wheels to transport=20
> this stuff.  I'm wondering how the rest of you travel with your=20
> equipment?
> Diane
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