[LargeFormat] Curly Film and Dress Sense

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Fri Mar 29 08:59:49 2002

Dear Ken,

     You have touched a sore point. You mentioned reading my letters whilst
on Benadryl and cough medicine. As it happens I once purchased a motor car
that was made by factory workers who were ALSO on Benedryl and cough
medicine. I suspect they were on half time and the steering committee of the
local Communist party too.

    It was a beautiful motor car - bright blue. The fact that the rear
suspension arm unscrewed itself from the frame and hit the ground at speed
 200 miles out in the Nullarbor desert ) and the spraybar screw from the
carbuerrator fell out and rolled into the ninth dimension and the knobs from
the dashboard broke off in your hand regularly really don't detract from the
fact that it was a beautiful blue.

    I did try to take it back to the dealer, but he had those big concrete
bollards out the front of the showroom and I wasn't sure I could squeeze
between them at 80 miles an hour. I was tempted to mail it back to him.
Postal collect. But my wife appealed to my better side and I relented. In
the end it all worked out satsfactorily. I sold it to my father-in-law.

    No-one marries me and dies happy....

     Uncle Dick