[LargeFormat] darkroom horrors (was philosophy)

Les Newcomer largeformat@f32.net
Fri Mar 22 19:16:04 2002

> I think I
> got away with only three or four trips to the plumbing supply place before
> the job was done, which seems about average.
> Onwards.
> \donw
THREE OR FOUR!!!!!!  heck I did that in one day!!

Actually i decided early one not to buy too far ahead.  when it was time to
design the panel I just grabbed two hand fulls of tees and three of elbows.

then once evolution set in and the design changed, and changed and changed.
I added 90 and 45 ells

for the curious, the stainless steel box with the dial in the upper left is
the Nitrogen control,  the black box is my process timer from heathkit (no I
didn't build it, never could get a switch to work from Heathkit, got it at
an auction) It can be programed for several times in a sequence which is a
big help when your hands are full of stainless steel and silver nitrate. The
last mystery box on the right controls the odd gray angle thingy near the
filter. That goes to both the film and print washer and allows me to time
the water as well as control the rate of flow.  Those parts came from Rain
bird, Radio Shack and some cast offs from an auction.

The thermometer came from an estate sale, I actually have a very nice dial
thermometer for the Lawler valve that says "Eastman Kodak" on it. But I put
it away when I was busting through the stone wall and now I uhhhh well lets
just say the rest of the room needs cleaning, I'm sure it will show up.