[LargeFormat] Tripods

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Sun Mar 10 00:41:21 2002

At 07:52 AM 3/8/2002 +0000, philip Lambert wrote:

>You make a very good case in favour. How much does a tripod  like yours
>cost?  Philip

I bought my G1349 when they first came out. List was around $1000 and I 
paid $800. List is now somewhere around $1200. You could check on the 
BHPHOTO.com site to see the current street price.

I also have a G1228 which I bought when they first came out. Mine is the 
old design. I think I paid in the $400+ range. I've recently put a Gitzo 
magnesium Centre ball head on it. I've carried it everywhere and used it 
extensively. It just works. And it is light weight and sturdy.
