[LargeFormat] Colour Analysers (was Re: Enlargers and the New Darkroom)

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Fri Feb 15 04:42:01 2002

>From: "Clive Warren" <cocam@cableinet.co.uk>
>>  Yep, that's the chap, Dr Richard Ross - he is also very friendly and
>>  a photographer - the range of devices he offers is extremely well
>>  designed.
>I've got one of their ZoneMaster II analysers & I'm happy with it. It does
>sometimes get 'confused', but to be honest that's usually with a poor
>negative with little contrast range. It cost me about =A3160 from Silverpri=
>here in London. If people wish, I'll bring it along to the f32 workshop in

Hello Mark,

Yes that is a great idea!  I have Emailed Dr. Ross suggesting he 
might like to be a little more closely involved with f32, so being 
able to look at one his products would be useful for May.
