[LargeFormat] Cabin fever has set in.

Huib Smeets largeformat@f32.net
Sat Feb 9 15:27:01 2002

Uncie Dickie,

1.     You walk into the darkroom cold with a headache and 6 DD's filled
with colour neg - result of a studio shoot. How much time until you have the
12 wet negs pegged up to dry and can leave the darkroom.

Here my timings when I return from a day in the field:
I fire up the ATL, select the C41 program and the ATL starts heating the
waterbath. Next I mix the chemicals and fill the containers in the ATL. Than
I load the drums with film and place them in the ATL. After that I set the
fill qty and rotation speed and finish with pressing the start button. This
all takes about 10 to 15 minutes, but as the water is still warming up it
takes about another 30 minutes before processing really starts. Processing
times, 1 minute soak, 3:15 CD, 6:00 Blix and 5 minutes rinsing. Cleaning up
(running the rinse program twice) takes another 15 minutes. Thus: al in al I
have my film developed with the hour. With B&W my times are ofcourse faster
as there is almost no time needed to heat the waterbath to 20 Celcius.

In your case you can have the ATL heating the waterbath and chemicals in
advance, and as soon as you return from the shoot you are ready to develop
the film and can have the film peggep up for drying as fast as 20 minutes.

