[LargeFormat] Cabin fever has set in.

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Fri Feb 8 20:16:27 2002

Dear Friends,

     I am satisfied. I have finally had value for money. The cost of this
computer and internet connection has been amply justified.

    I refer, of course to David Hornford - the Mad Hermit of Calgary. His
posting today contains proof that the human mind can indeed be freeze-dried
and sold in small glassine bags. Also that there is a good market for it.

    The idea of using fish to clean the inside of the processor - tropical
fish as it is a heated tank - is delightful. I have never been one for
aquaria but with the prospect of a bubbler, gravel, and a plastic deep-sea
diver at the bottom of the Nova tanks has won me over. I presume it is best
to get deep-sea fish as this will be done mostly in the dark and the blind
varieties will be most at home. Will their little phosphorescent spots and
feelers fog paper? Can I train an octopus to dip and dunk?

    AND FINALLY - to make it legit.

    Thanks to the JOBO advisers. The next questions in the thread involve
the speed of the process - or rather the actual output for a work session.
Two scenaria:

1.     You walk into the darkroom cold with a headache and 6 DD's filled
with colour neg - result of a studio shoot. How much time until you have the
12 wet negs pegged up to dry and can leave the darkroom.

2.    You walk into the darkroom next day cold with a cup of coffee. How
much time to print and process 12 8 x10's to dry finish from those
negatives - assuming studio lighting the same for each shot and a standard
filter pack worked out in advance.

    Comment please from ATL users as well as CPA or CPE people. I need to
analyse whether the time structure would be better than my present system.

    Uncle Dick