[LargeFormat] How do you transport lenses in the field?

Michael Briggs largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jan 29 03:00:05 2002

On 27-Jan-02 Marco Milazzo wrote:

> I have four lenses and want to pack them all in my kit when I go out to
> photograph, but I don't have cases for them.  I attach them to lensboards,
> put on their caps and stick them in my $16.00 tool chest from Home Depot.
> Am I asking for trouble?
> How do you carry lenses in the field -- attached to lensboards, in cases,
> with or without lenscaps, in some special gizmo, or how?

I carry them attached to the lensboards--too much time and risk of damage or
dirt to change lensboards in the field.   I wrap them in lens wraps, with lens
caps, and put them in a backpack or small wheel-style carryon case, depending
on where I am traveling.   I have several brands of lens wraps, mostly Domke.
I bought different colors to make it easy to grab the lens that I want to use.
Red for most used, yellow for second most used, grey or black for the others.
