[LargeFormat] Re Graflex

Jay Allen largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jan 23 10:24:42 2002

Dear Les,

As you may know, I have been shooting with Graflex SLRs for 30 years,

But, you may not know that when I go out with my 4x5 Series D and the
4x5 sheet film holders, I also take my 4x5 Speed Graphic Pacemaker (top
range finder model --- with its -- GRAFLEX BACK.

The "Graflex" style film holders -- then fit both cameras. I also like
the better way the Ground-glass comes off, after I focus. There is less
camera movement than with the Graphic or Graflock backs.

I usually take a couple of GRAFLEX  Grafmatics. Not to be confused with
the Graphic Grafmatics,

For others reading this, that don't know, a Grafmatic is a 6 shot 4x5

Les, if I can answer any questions in this area please let me know.
