[LargeFormat] start doing some photography

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sat Jan 19 12:14:32 2002

At 12:55 am +0100 18/1/02, Tom Prack wrote:
>Clive, yes start doing some photography.
>I'm now here since a few weeks and amazed over the high knowledgment
>of all the users of f32. At the moment I have a lot of work with my
>photos but  next time I will set an article in the f32 forum with an
>landscape photo from the Grandagon 155.
>Also have now renewed my Homepage so "come in"
>and have a look:
>I felt free and made a link to f32, is this ok for you?
>At the moment I have only scanned the polaroids and works on paper
>I have now, but when I get the chance to scan my 8x10" trancparencies.
>and at the moment I don't know how to do this, then I would like to
>show 2 of them in the f32 forum for all our friends that
>they can have a look what a Grandagon 155 made quality.
>At least a question for the workshop, can you tell me the prices
>of developing 8x10" transparencies and negs. because they are not
>included in the workshop fee.

Thanks Tom - sound advice, landscape is out today as it has been 
hailing very heavily and although I like a challenge, the notion of 
stepping out in that weather with the camera is not one that fills me 
with great enthusiasm.

Your photos by the way are excellent, particularly like the one of 
Simone - well  I would ;-) I wonder how many other people work with 
8x10 Polaroids on the list. Would welcome the opportunity to see one 
of your 8x10 trannies on a lightbox. Unless you can find someone with 
a flatbed that will take 8x10 trannies (such as the Microtek 
ScanMaker 4) then I guess you will have to take 'em in to a pro lab 
and get them drum scanned. You could try taking a digital photo from 
a trannie placed on a lightbox but you may run into contrast problems 
- has anyone tried this? I found it to be difficult with 4x5.....

As for the f32 May workshop, I have just had a chat with Robert 
Lawrence and he says that you could tray process your negs and 
possibly the trannies at the workshop as he has a small darkroom area 
adjacent to one of the studio rooms together with 11x14 trays.

I have a price list from last year for one local pro. lab who do 8x10 
processing and will get their latest price list next week. We have 
two options for pro labs so will also chase the other lab for prices.

Look forward to seeing some of your work in the Discussion Forum and 
on your f32 home page.
