[LargeFormat] lighting tricks

Verna Knapp largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jan 16 00:13:45 2002

I put my opened packs in zip lock bags and put them in the refrigerator
with no problems. I squeeze out the air to some degree before sealing,
but don't worry about it in general. No problems to report in the last
3 years. I also keep my loaded film holders in zip lock bags in the
refrigerator. That way I can load them all at once, shoot when I please,
and process after as much delay as I please. No problems to report.


> whats the deal with cooling opened packs of 4 by 5 film? does condensation,
> on warming, make for problems? i try not to cool film too much if its been
> opened but have never clarified my suspicion

"Barn's burnt down -- now I can see the moon"
Zen saying