[LargeFormat] The large format Tessar Lens

Jay Allen largeformat@f32.net
Sun Dec 30 11:06:01 2001

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The Cooke Triplet (style lens) and the Symmetrical lenses dominated
photographic usage in early part of the 20 century.

Many of the great classic photographs were taken with these lenses.

The Tessar lens was a Zeiss product and was also manufactured by B&L in
Rochester NY . Later other companies copied the formula and built
similar lenses.

It has three elements like a triplet. 2 in front of the diaphragm and
one cemented doublet (2) behind the diaphragm. It is not convertible
like a symmetrical lens.

They come in different speeds F4.5 and F6.3 are the ones most thought

The F6.3 commercial design is the sharp one.

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Jay Allen
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