[LargeFormat] Re: Arista thread

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Thu Oct 18 20:46:12 2001

At 9:35 am -0700 18/10/01, William Bay wrote:
>Instead of trying to figure out Arista. Please figure out how to send your
>emails in plain text so we dont get all that extraneous crap!
>Thank you,
>William Bay

Now I did mention a while ago that HTML is not allowed on the list as 
it is a pain for some people and rightly muntifies the archives! Hey 
- it's our only rule - well almost......

If anyone needs a hand strangling Outlook to send in plain text 
(asci) only then please give me a shout off the list.

I should point out that I inadvertently broke the rules when sending 
a message to the list from hotmail - if anyone knows how to turn off 
the HTML in hotmail then please let me know :-)  The web site and 
interface has been changed recently so there may even be an option 
there now....... Luckily the hotmail account has only used when away 
from home and some burning LF issue drives me to the local Internet 

Speaking plainly,
