[LargeFormat] Numbering film holders

Chuck Cox largeformat@f32.net
Sat Jul 21 05:26:01 2001


What a great idea!!  I already use a 35mm as a light meter, so nothing
extra to lug around.  This also gives me some ideas about lens/shutter
calibrations on my Crown Graphic.

Thanks and why didn't I think of this a year ago when I started :=)


At 09:19 AM 7/20/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>One thing you might consider is taking along a small snapshot camera
>(either digital or 35mm point-n-shoot) as well, just as a note-taking
>device.  Every time you shoot in LF, grab a quick shot with the little
>camera too.  Now you'll have a full record, in sequence, of the expedition.
>Your handwritten notes will coordinate the holder/side numbers with the
>shot order.  As a bonus, the contact sheets should make editorial
>comparisons easier, perhaps.