[LargeFormat] Speed Graphic

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jul 18 11:12:01 2001

At 22:54 17/07/01 +0100, philip Lambert wrote:
big snip
>What is the maximum bellows extension?  I did have a 23 Graphic and this one
>is a size larger but not as big as 5x4..  I like the idea of a working focal
>plane shutter as there are plenty of enlarger lenses around. My engineer
>friend says enlarger lennses don't have the resolving power of camera
>lenses.  I thought some Nikon EL lenses were quite good. Would anybody like
>to give me the benefit of their views?  Philip

There are loads of good large format lenses around in barrel that would be 
great to use with the 3x4 SG once you have a back solution worked 
out.  Having a focal plane shutter opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Good quality enlarging lens most certainly do have the resolving power of 
camera lenses. They tend to be small apertures though - if you are not 
using the ground glass this may not be a problem, however to work well at 
infinity they would need to well stopped down.  Maybe your friend was 
thinking that at the apertures you would need to use then diffraction would 
come into play for infinity shots.....

Finding bargain large format lenses in barrel should be relatively easy - I 
have a box full that I'm waiting for an opportunity to try out :-)

If you can sort out the back solution to your satisfaction in one of the 
ways that Les suggested then you'll have a very flexible camera to use.
