[LargeFormat] symmar

Rick Moore largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jun 6 21:28:03 2001

The Fujinon C 300mm f8.5 and C 450mm f12.5 are both razor sharp and
amazingly small.  They both come in Copal #1 shutters and use 52mm
filters.  Both weigh less than 300 grams apiece. I use them on my Canham

-----Original Message-----
From: zacharie Bauer [mailto:zachbauer@noos.fr]=20
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 10:46 AM
To: largeformat@f32.net
Subject: [LargeFormat] symmar

i found this question somewhere : what lense like tiny and practical can
i use instead of a huge symmar s 360 for 810 ? Do you know any other
good one ?

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