[LargeFormat] A bit quiet!

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jun 5 08:46:11 2001

At 10:11 25/05/01 -0500, Hornford, Dave wrote:
>I always learn little things on this list - like putting notes in the zip
>locks the film holders go in rather than writing in a book and relying on
>the holders numbers to match what I wrote in the book.
>I was out, without my camera, on a weekend backpacking trip in Banff Park -
>lovely spring weather  winds up to 90 km/h, low of -2 C, touch of snow,
>touch of rain, touch of thunder & lightning, high of 18 -  however in the
>mountains the weather was nicer than back home in Calgary.
>Off to Dinosaur Provincial Park today - I always enjoy the photography and
>must admit a 'kick' out of standing on the exact same ground where a
>Tyrannosaur died a few million years ago (there is a short walk to where a
>Tyrannosaur and Anklyosaur seem to have killed each other and were dug up
>-can't recall the exact species involved)

Well the book idea is probably a good one but it is another item to carry 
around - have toyed with the idea of using a Palm or CE device for taking 
the notes but the use of such high technology doesn't somehow seem to mesh 
well with the clockwork shutters and analogue exposure meters :-)

Where is the Dinosaur Provincial Park?  Did try to make it to the dinosaur 
area of Utah on my last trip but ran out of time.  Do you have any photos 
you could post in the f32 Discussion Forum or perhaps on a web site?
