[LargeFormat] Enlargers......

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Thu May 3 05:58:01 2001

At 21:36 30/04/01 -0400, jpetrush wrote:
>I know that is a tad OT, but I hope the collective wisdom of the group can
>help me steer clear of making too many beginners mistakes.  I am looking to
>replace my medium format (6x6 cm) enlarger with a 4x5 so I can further enjoy
>my monorail view.  Beseler and Omega seem to command a very high market
>share, but I've heard a fair amount of discussion of Durst here and recently
>discovered Saunders LPL.  I print mostly color negative to date but have
>done a fair amount of B&W and Cibachrome (Ilfochrome) over the years.  Color
>is an absolute requirement.  I just don't have the space to have to
>enlargers - my darkroom is tiny, just 5x8 feet.
>Most work is 8x10 or 11x14, 16x20 is my current maximum size.  Please share
>your objective opinions and experiences.  My wife is having a weak moment; I
>get one shot to do this right <g>

Entirely on topic - it's a large format enlarger and we also want to know 
how you engineered your wife into the position that she agreed to the 
invasion of  the house by big pieces of kit ;-)

The Durst 138S would probably be too big for your space.  Most of the older 
4x5 colour enlargers will probably be too big for your darkroom.  Other 
peops on the list seem to have given some excellent advice.  Thought you 
would like to know that the Durst probably wouldn't be the one to go for if 
you have space considerations.
