[LargeFormat] GranView Camera?

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Mar 14 05:50:01 2001

At 19:18 13/03/01 -0500, Douglas Cooper wrote:
>Does anyone here have experience with a GranView handheld 4x5?  I may be
>trading a Leica M3 for one, but I'd like to know if anyone has thoughts on
>this peculiar beast.  The idea is to do 4x5 street shooting (which I'm set
>up to do already with my Super Graphic, but it's a much heavier camera).
>I'd mount a 100/6.3 Wide Field Ektar on it.

Do you have a URL with a picture of the GranView?

The 100mm WF Ektar would be struggling to cover 4x5 unless stopped down - 
which presumably would make handheld street shooting a little difficult......

All the best,
                 Clive   http://www.f32.net
                         Large Format Travel and Stock Photography