[LargeFormat] (t)here Magazine

Douglas Cooper largeformat@f32.net
Wed Feb 14 17:30:00 2001

Thought I'd point you all to a meta-photographic project I've just had
published in (t)here Magazine.  If you haven't yet seen (t)here, I highly
recommend seeking it out -- beautiful production, and devoted mostly to
conceptual work.  My project involves someone else's camera.  I took a
digital recorder into Warren Neidich's studio, and recorded my impressions
as he took light-painted photographs of my head.  The finished images are
brilliant -- some look like a skull floating in space, with a brain stem
hanging down -- and the text turned out okay.

Warren's an interesting guy.  For a long time he staged pre-photographic
historical scenes -- these were published by Aperture -- and now he's
drifting towards subtle Photoshop manipulation, along the lines of Andreas

Douglas Cooper

(also, a great deal of my own work is now up at www.dysmedia.com -- just
click on "Old Media.")