[LargeFormat] 9 1/2" (210mm) Red Dot Artar Coverage?

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Feb 7 05:10:01 2001

Have found a lens that I initially thought may be useful for the 5x7 - a 
Red Dot Artar 9 1/2" f9.  From the f32.net lens tables the coverage is only 
153mm!   Seem to remember reading somewhere that the lens design used for 
the Artars resulted in rather smaller coverage than may be expected, 
however wanted to confirm the figures with someone who may have one of 
these lenses or may have used one in the past.

The coverage figures are probably correct - which means that it's not even 
that wonderful for 4x5 either!

All the best,
                 Clive   http://www.f32.net
                         Large Format Travel and Stock Photography