[LargeFormat] color enlarger

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Feb 5 04:58:01 2001

At 15:13 02/02/01 -0500, John Harmon wrote:
>Hi folks,
>I'm looking to purchase an enlarger for color printing. Any suggestions? I'm
>using an Omega d2 with a filter tray and condenser head. Would really like
>something thats color friendly with diffusion and built in filtration and
>can print 4x5.
>Thank In advance.
>John Harmon

The Chromega Dichroic heads are excellent - if your current D2 enlarger can 
handle 4x5 then it may be worth sticking with it and buying one of the 
Chromega heads.

All the best,
                 Clive   http://www.f32.net
                         Large Format Travel and Stock Photography