[LargeFormat] film holders

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jan 24 16:13:27 2001

At 3:05 pm -0800 23/1/01, Les Newcomer wrote:
huge snip
>  > 
>  >
>  > Cost is $2.20 for a yard.  You're so lucky still being able to use "real"
>  > measurements in the US - we have been forced into metric here in the
>  > UK.  If anyone sells you products using imperial measures they are taken to
>>  court and receive a heavy fine.  One of the best pieces of news footage I
>>  have seen was of a group of outraged butchers and grocers smashing a large
>>  set of metric weighing scales to pieces outside the Houses of Parliament as
>>  a protest!
>>  We still have pints of beer in pubs despite several attempts to make people
>>  accept litres and 1/2 litres. Best to drink several of these when the
>  > bureaucracy gets too much ;-)
>For quite some time I've seen a pushing of the envelope as to anything
>but ounces here. At one time you could get a pint of Pepsi--16oz. Then
>a 1/2 liter 16.9 oz now its 20oz, not really anything. this is even more
>true with canned goods, laundry soap, etc.  28oz peaches 80oz bottles of
>soap, nothing is even a standard anymore.

Well at least film is still sold in 4x5, 5x7, 8x10 etc. Would be a 
nightmare if that went metric :-)  Sounds as though you'll have to be 
on your guard....

All the best,

             Clive Warren   http://www.f32.net
                            Large Format travel and stock photography