[LargeFormat] film holders

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jan 23 04:30:41 2001

At 18:00 22/01/01 -0800, Tom Micklin wrote:
>I'm not sure if this is the site you were referring to, Clive, because 
>there is no mention of glue but looks like it will do the trick.
>Calumet Photo / Large Format and about halfway down the page is a product 
>called "Hinge Tape" manufactured by Fidelity. If you call Calumet they are 
>generally very friendly and helpful and may have information on the glue 
>as well
>Just revised my Photographic site: 
>There is a site on the web selling some of this tape and the glue to go 
>with it but I have filed the bookmark so well that it is currently lost.
>Perhaps someone else has the reference and can post it here again.
>There is a slight recess in most holders to allow for the thickness of the 
>tape so unless you manage to find a really thick replacement then 
>registration at the focal plane shouldn't be a problem.
>All the best,
>             Clive Warren   http://www.f32.net


Thanks for the URL - the site I was thinking of was one which caters to the 
alt processes.  The Calumet tape sounds just as good and may be self 
adhesive.  The URL you gave didn't go directly to the tape - here is the 
direct link:


Cost is $2.20 for a yard.  You're so lucky still being able to use "real" 
measurements in the US - we have been forced into metric here in the 
UK.  If anyone sells you products using imperial measures they are taken to 
court and receive a heavy fine.  One of the best pieces of news footage I 
have seen was of a group of outraged butchers and grocers smashing a large 
set of metric weighing scales to pieces outside the Houses of Parliament as 
a protest!

We still have pints of beer in pubs despite several attempts to make people 
accept litres and 1/2 litres. Best to drink several of these when the 
bureaucracy gets too much ;-)

All the best,
                 Clive   http://www.f32.net
                         Large Format Travel and Stock Photography