[LargeFormat] Durst carriers

Don Wilkes largeformat@f32.net
Fri Dec 29 16:32:01 2000

At 01:19 PM 12/29/00 -0800, Winddancing wrote:
>I know, they're kind of  father-figures to me also.  Double sided tape or
>Fun-Tak ( a blue putty-like stuff to hold paper signs to the wall) can be
>placed on the edge of the head just above the carrer.  Red cello or black
>velvet ribbon would work

Hmm -- velvet ribbon!  That sounds like a really good choice, especially if
I can find some weighty stuff.  Many years ago, I taped some heavy black
paper (from the bag inside a package of Agfa Brovira) around the carrier on
my Durst M600 with some filiament tape.  Most of the glue in the tape
turned brittle and flaked off eventually, but some of the residue is still
firmly welded to the condenser housing -- I don't think I'll *ever* get it
off!  That Fun-Tak sounds interesting, though; I'll have to have a look for
it.  Where do you live (on the planet)?  I'm in Canada.
