[LargeFormat] Re: lens corner definition

largeformat@f32.net largeformat@f32.net
Sat Dec 9 18:13:35 2000

----Original Message-----
   >From:    	Don Wilkes <Don.Wilkes@gems9.gov.bc.ca>

   >At 07:20 PM 12/8/00 +0000, philip Lambert wrote:
   >>try www.hevanet.com/operez/testing.html#65mm-thru-125mm.   or surf looking
   >>for large-format lenses
   >Philip --
   >It seems that page no longer exists:
   >The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed,
   >or is temporarily unavailable. 
   >Incorrect address: http://www.hevanet.com/operez/testing.html 
Well that's because you have the URL wrong!

The correct address (taken from the f32.net links page) is as follows:


Spot the difference :-) The test page is an excellent resource and maybe we should all contribute a couple of dollars to a testing refreshment fund so that  Kerry and Chris will be  encouraged to continue the tests......

All the best,

                Clive     http://www.f32.net