[Largeformat] List - an offer you can't refuse :-)

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 4 18:06:00 2000

Done -- thanks, Clive.

I think I'll leave the old subscription alone until it's obvious that all
mail from that source has dried up.  Experience shows that this could be
months, Pam...


P.S.  Apart from the fact that a 150 would be a 'normal' as an enlarging
lens for 4x5", would there be practical reasons not to opt for a 135?  With
a restricted budget, I'm shopping for something used to put on my Durst 138S.

Hi Don,

Well your post will end up here anyway :-) The stragglers will be 
copied onto the new list.

The 135mm will be fine for 4x5 - I use a 135mm and a 150mm Componon 
on the 138S. Well to be more accurate I should say that I have used 
in the past etc etc. Life has been so hectic recently that I have not 
been in my darkroom for at least four weeks......

All the best,

             Clive Warren   http://www.f32.net
                            Large Format travel and stock photography