[Jacob-list] Promoting Jacob sheep at our county fair

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 22 00:31:04 EDT 2006

Next month is the Latah County Fair.  Our wool group is doing a
"sheep-to-shawl" demonstration where we show the various steps from
shearing sheep to washing wool to carding to spinning to knitting the final
product, a shawl.  I will be washing wool and bringing some of my Jacob
fleeces to wash.  The dominate sheep (meat category) in this fair is the
Suffolk with a few miscellaneous meat breeds.  The Suffolk sheep always win
the 4-H and FFA shows.  There are no other sheep there, no place to show
Jacobs or any other sheep.  Some of the ladies in our wool group have
sheep, mostly Icelandic, Lincoln cross, Romneys.  I am the only one with
Jacobs.  I would like to advertise the Jacob breed.  I will be washing wool
in front of the fair crowd, so I would like to wear a vest, t-shirt, and/or
sweatshirt with Jacobs and catchy Jacob sheep phrases all over it. 
Something cute, not gaudy.  Does someone make Jacob sheep hats with the
four horns??   Yes, I would wear that too (until the ladies ask me to
leave).  Maybe have a Jacob poster somewhere on display.  I will wear Jacob
sheep pins and earrings, etc.  Anyone know where I can purchase these
things?  When I Googled I just found items about Jacob from the bible.
Moscow, Idaho

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