[Jacob-list] Dry cough...

Karen karen at benjaminfarms.com
Mon Aug 7 21:06:25 EDT 2006

    We are Hot and dry here.  I have noticed on my more congested sheep, 
they can get a dry cough.  I have come to the conclusion that when it is 
hot... my sheep pant, causing them to get a bacterial  or respitory 
infections. In some cases with the runny noses, getting worms in their 
noses and lungs. I do put some antibodic in the water and cider vinegar 
to help me get them thru the hot days.  Once we dropped back into the 
80's then I will worm good.  I have even given some of my ewes, with 
really runny noses, some allergy medicine just to help dry them up.
Karen Sigler 
Benjamin Farms   Utah

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