[Jacob-list] range of Jacobs in North America

Edd Bissell bissell at usit.net
Mon Nov 20 20:56:41 EST 2000

>>From what I have seen of the Jacob sheep here in the US, they are PRIMARILY 
>>blends of the so-called primitive/improved versions.  There is not a wide 
>>difference as some have talked about between the size or overall appearance 
>>of these animals.  I got a chance to see Maizie Hescock's flock this past 
>>summer as that is THE flock that has not had any influence from this 
>>country's sheep since being imported in the 70's from England.  It is also 
>>the "classic improved" flock if you are talking about the latter 
>>imports-----the overall size of sheep was similar to others.  There were 
>>fine-boned sheep and heavier boned ones in the group.  There was simply a 
>>wide variation in the flock----just as we often see in our own flocks that 
>>stand in our backyards.
>I remember well the first time I saw Mazie Hescock's flock and I personally
thought just the opposite to you Mary Ann - They were to me a completerly
different look - wider noses, larger frames [although a few were admittedly
a smaller frame], ALLl, except for one younr ram, had PINK noses, much
longer, courser and VERY definate black and white patterns on the wool.  I
bought 20 ewes from her and brought them back home with me.  The difference
in the "look" of these Hescock ewes and my Hatch type was even more evident
when placed into the same fields.  She would not sell us, Luther and I, a
ram so there were immediately bred over a Hatch ram - I later got a ram from
Janine Fenton, bred him over the ewes I had left several years later, and
then passed this entire flock on to Bill Jones.  
>The difference in these two type flocks were evident BUT the most prominant
thing to me was the body frame and the carraige - the Hatch type being a
more allert, nervous, wild type demenor while the Hescock sheep were more
like a commercial, low key attitude sheep.  Hard to explaine but an overall
attitude or more wild type action. I would use the work primitive but seems
too many have an opinion that this is not the proper wording - however to me
it is. 
>But remember that my first sheep did NOT from from Hatch - they were from
primarily the 4-h sale in Cape Geraredo [sp[elling], Mo. - Hatch bought 90%
of everything that came thru and I got the left overs - those that he was
not interested in - not a whole lot different from his purchases but just no
quiet as nice.  Luther also found lots of things that came out of Canada,
the mid West, etc a few years later.
      Edd Bissell = Hidden View Farm = Rare and Primitive Breed Animals
Scottish Blackface=Jacob=Barbados=Texas Dall=Navajo-Churro=Churro Hairsheep
     ====Tennessee Nervous Meat Goats =  = Great Pyrenees LGDs=====     
                  = eddbissell.com = 423-475-4844 =    
         1435 Collins Road - New Market, Tennessee U.S.A. 37820   

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