[flow-tools] netflow udp packets seem to be delivered in batch

Horatio B. Bogbindero wyy@admu.edu.ph
Fri, 17 May 2002 17:01:11 +0800

netflow udp packets seem to be delivered in batch. is this normal behaviour of
the new netflow (0.57)? i remember 0.56 receiving packets in real time.

i suspect somethings. for example, between, the 3663 and the collector machine 
is a 5509 with a large amount of vlans. or does the 5509 batch the flows?

thanks in advance.

William Emmanuel S. Yu
Ateneo Campus Network Group (AteneoCNG)
email  :  wyu at ateneo dot edu
web    :  http://CNG.ateneo.net/wyu/
phone  :  +63(2)4266001-4186
GPG    :  http://CNG.ateneo.net/wyu/wyy.pgp