CAFI Newsletter #170
Fri, 30 Jan 2004 15:39:47 -0500

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CAFI Newsletter
            Newsletter #170     Friday, January 30, 2004=20

              1.. JERUSALEM, 8:48 A.M.=20
              2.. ON THE FRONT LINES=20
              3.. MY LAND, NOT YOURS=20
              4.. IF YOU DON'T CRY, WHO WILL?=20
              5.. QUOTES AND QUICK NOTES=20
              6.. HIGHLIGHT ARTICLES=20


      1.   JERUSALEM, 8:48 A.M.
      By Bret Stephens - Jerusalem Post - January 30, 2004=20
      I have no particular wisdom to offer in this column. In fact, I =
had no intention this week of writing a column at all. I only decided to =
do it late afternoon yesterday, as the impressions of Thursday morning =
accumulated in my brain and it seemed to me that some purpose might be =
served by putting them down on paper.=20

      At 8:48 a.m. yesterday, I was with my wife, Corinna, and our =
seven-week old daughter in the bedroom of our Jerusalem flat when we =
heard a loud boom. Corinna happened to be looking northward when it =
happened; through the window, she saw a large, flat, rectangular scrap =
of metal fly up above the rooftops of three-story houses and tall palm =
trees. That was followed by a plume of black smoke. It was immediately =
clear to us both what had happened. I dressed, went downstairs and =
walked down the street in the direction of the smoke.=20

      It was a beautiful morning, cloudless and warm for the season. A =
man and a young girl were walking toward me on the pavement opposite. =
The man did not appear to look anxious, and it occurred to me that what =
I thought was a suicide bombing might have been something else =96 the =
collapse of a construction crane, or maybe a bad car accident.=20

      The other thing I noticed was the quiet, which was unusual even in =
a city that has a way of going quiet. But this was not Shabbat, it was =
not a High Holiday, and rush hour was not yet over.=20

      By the time I got down the block to the bus, perhaps three minutes =
had elapsed since the blast.=20

      Survivors lay on the pavement. One elderly man had flecks of human =
tissue on the back of his coat and scalp, but otherwise he seemed =
uninjured. Another man was bleeding from his ear, which had been sliced =
in half. A woman held her face in her hands, and everything was covered =
in blood.=20

      It was still very quiet, or at least it seemed that way to me. I =
don't remember any police there, although surely there must have been =
some. The ground was covered in glass; every window of the bus had been =
blasted. Inside the wreckage, I could see three very still corpses and =
one body that rocked back and forth convulsively. Outside the bus, =
another three corpses were strewn on the ground, one face-up, two =
face-down. There was a large piece of torso ripped from its body, which =
I guessed was the suicide bomber's. Elsewhere on the ground, more chunks =
of human flesh: a leg, an arm, smaller bits, pools of blood.=20

      Now the police and ambulances began to arrive in great numbers. =
How much time had elapsed I do not know. They began herding non-official =
personnel to the sidelines. My secretary called to tell me there had =
been a suicide bombing. I said: I know, I'm there. Also, she said, =
Independent Radio wanted to speak to me, would that be alright? Why not? =
I was patched through to a studio in London. It took me two or three =
minutes to describe the scene. "That'll do nicely," said the voice on =
the other end. "Cheers."=20

      It had become much noisier. A young policeman with a rifle and a =
panicky expression ordered me to move back. I retreated a bit. An older =
officer screamed at me to retreat a bit farther. I did so again. Crowds =
of onlookers had gathered behind the police lines, and TV networks were =
setting up their cameras. I spotted one colleague, then another. =
Practically half The Jerusalem Post's editorial staff lives within a =
short walking distance of the blast site.=20

      A reporter from the Voice of America overheard me telling a =
colleague that I'd been one of the first on the scene. He wanted an =
interview. Why not? I did the same for Germany's RTL television, The New =
York Times, an Italian channel, a Japanese reporter. The German wanted =
to know whether I thought the timing of the bombing was meant to =
coincide with the prisoner exchange. I doubted a connection. The Italian =
speculated about the location of the bombing, only some 150 meters from =
the prime minister's residence. I doubted the coincidence. The Japanese =
wanted to know whether I thought this attack justified targeted =
assassinations. "Yes, and the security fence, too," I said.=20

      The thought ran through my mind that in five minutes flat I had =
become a media whore. Corinna rang. "Come home soon," she said. "I'm =
coming right now." I got home. The office rang. Erik Schechter, one of =
our military correspondents, was among the wounded. How had I missed =
seeing him there? We left immediately for the hospital. Erik's wounds =
were described as "moderate." What that meant was that his knee-cap had =
been shattered and that he had sustained shrapnel wounds and vascular =
damage. He will spend between three and six months in recovery.=20

      We left the hospital in the early afternoon, to visit a friend =
who's just given birth. Afterwards, we went to an outdoor cafe for =
lunch. I had promised myself a day off and I was determined to take it. =
There have been 28 previous suicide bombings in Jerusalem. The 29th was =
not going to make me change the way I live my life. It was not going to =
prevent me from taking my day off =96 although I am writing this column. =

      Another thought occurs. I think of Thursday's bombing as a death =
event. The absolute stillness that followed the bombing, that amazing =
and horrifying quiet =96 that was the quiet of 10 murdered souls. Only =
later, when the ambulance sirens began to wail and reporters answered =
the call of their beepers, did it become a news event. There is a very =
great distance between a death event and a news event, I think. At best, =
a death event invites description, and even then description can hardly =
capture the nature of the thing. But a news event demands speculation, =
analysis. Was the attack deliberately timed? Did the bomber choose to =
detonate himself so near the PM's home? What do I think of targeted =
assassinations? What about the security fence? And so on.=20

      I doubt many reporters have actually witnessed a suicide bombing =
up close =96 indeed, not many Israelis have. After today, I know there =
is a basic difference between what one sees in the first five or ten =
minutes and what one sees in the next 20 or 30 minutes. Most of the =
reporters who "covered" the bombing did not actually see the corpses on =
the ground. They do not know about the body convulsing in the bus. What =
they saw was a bus blown to smithereens, which is awful enough, while =
the rest was left to their imaginations. But if you haven't seen it =
before, you cannot imagine it. You don't have a clue. If I learned one =
thing today, it is this.=20

      We move too quickly from death events to news events. Nobody =
should see the scene I witnessed this morning, while the quiet still =
hung in the air. Then again, maybe everyone should see it, at least =
everyone in the news media. They should switch off their cameras and =
mobile phones and close their notepads. They should observe the silence, =
first of all by being silent.=20

      This is what I wanted to say.=20

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      By Caroline Glick - Jerusalem Post - January 30, 2004=20
      My home is alongside the ambulance route in Jerusalem so I don't =
need to listen to the radio to know when bombs go off in the city. If I =
don't hear the blasts themselves, I hear the ambulance convoys =96 their =
sirens screeching and howling as they pummel into traffic on their way =
to evacuate wounded and take them to the trauma wards. The sirens are a =
constant reminder that I live on the front lines of the war.=20

      By noon yesterday, I received a more personalized confirmation of =
this fact. I heard news that among the wounded in yesterday's carnage =
are two of my friends. One is still in surgery as I write these lines. I =
am told that his wounds are not life threatening. The other, who got off =
with a broken knee, lies in Shaare Zedek's orthopedic ward awaiting word =
of whether she needs surgery.=20

      Government sources were quick to tell us that there is no =
connection between the carnage in Rehavia and the deal negotiated with =
Hizbullah that was proceeding in Germany as our enemies murdered and =
maimed us in the streets of Jerusalem. Science Minister Eliezer Sandberg =
announced, "There is no connection and it is forbidden to make a =
connection between the bombing and the deal for the prisoner swap."=20

      The fact that the PLO's Fatah terror group claimed responsibility =
for the attack on Hizbullah television should give considerable pause to =
those like Sandberg who protest that there is no connection. In fact =
Fatah and Hizbullah have been cooperating closely since late 2001. Fatah =
receives funding and direction from Iran. Hizbullah is an Iranian =

      The date of the prisoner swap was announced publicly last week. No =
doubt, Hizbullah has known the date for some time. There is no reason =
not to suspect that this information was passed on to Fatah and so today =
was chosen for the attack. What better way for Hizbullah chief Hassan =
Nasrallah to declare complete victory over Israel than for his allies to =
carry out a massacre of Israeli civilians the day he secures the release =
of hundreds of their terrorist brethren?=20

      We shouldn't be surprised that our national leadership is making =
such statements in the wake of the bombing. In the sensational build-up =
to the prisoner swap, we have received a full diet of groundless =
assertions by our leadership. IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Moshe =
Ya'alon for instance said on Tuesday in the Knesset that Hizbullah would =
be unlikely to resume kidnappings after the prisoner swap because its =
leadership knows that the IDF will respond militarily to such an action. =
Even Channel 2's left-wing commentator Amnon Abramovich couldn't resist =
mentioning that given Israel's decision not to retaliate for the =
abduction of our soldiers and subsequent Hizbullah attacks, Israeli =
threats today have little credibility with Nasrallah.=20

      Indeed, how can anyone with a modicum of common sense make the =
argument that terror doesn't pay when they look at the current positions =
of our government and security brass? Hizbullah received 461 live =
terrorists and 59 dead terrorists for going to the trouble of abducting =
and murdering our soldiers and kidnapping Elhanan Tannenbaum. If that =
isn't a good payoff for terrorism, what is?=20

      And yet, the deal with Hizbullah is but one of the strategic =
errors of the government in recent days and weeks.=20

      On Sunday, the government approved the election of Irineos I as =
the Greek Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem. In July 2001, Irineos penned =
a letter to PA chief Yasser Arafat riddled with anti-Semitic slanders. =
He told Arafat that the Jews are "crucifying" the Palestinians. In =
addition, Irineos informed Arafat that he looked forward to cooperating =
with Arafat in Jerusalem. Irineos has claimed that the letter is a =
forgery, but a police investigation, which was closed two weeks ago, =
substantiated its authenticity. Sources close to the investigation say =
that three people were with Irineos when he penned the letter and all =
provided testimony to the police that the letter was authentic.=20

      The Greek Orthodox Church is the largest landowner in Israel after =
the Jewish National Fund. The church owns large swathes of Rehavia and =
Talbiyeh neighborhoods in Jerusalem including the land on which the =
Knesset, the Prime Minister's Residence and the President's Residence =
are located. As patriarch, Irineos will have the power to refuse to =
renew the leases for the land when they come due in the coming years.=20

      The cabinet had no reason to approve the appointment. Israel is =
under no obligation to approve the lifetime appointment of an =
anti-Semite to an office which owns such sensitive sites. One must =
wonder what motivated our ministers to approve this appointment that =
risks handing control of such vital properties to Arafat's friend. In an =
interview with Kul al-Arab last week, Irineos's spokesman said that the =
cabinet bowed to pressure from the US and Greek governments as well as =
to pressure from Israeli businessmen in approving the appointment.=20

      It is hard to imagine what sort of pressure could have possibly =
justified such a dangerous move. And yet, Irineos's appointment is small =
potatoes when compared with the prime minister's newest plan to =
unilaterally withdraw from Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. This plan is =
packaged as a way of enhancing Israel's security. And yet, any way one =
looks at it, it involves the surrender of control of large swathes of =
strategically vital areas of Judea and Samaria to terrorists in the =
midst of war.=20

      In the hours after yesterday's attack, unnamed government sources =
were quick to see the massacre as a way to advance the program. Sources =
claimed to Ynet, "If the Palestinians were behind fences, maybe they =
would finally reach the conclusion that terror doesn't pay." This little =
bit of strategic wishful thinking was apparently directed toward the two =
US envoys, David Satterfield and John Wolf, who are here visiting this =
week in yet another attempt to draw water from a rock and get =
Palestinian terrorists to reform themselves. The sources argued, "The =
unilateral steps the prime minister advocates are the only way to save =
the president's vision and the road-map plan."=20

      How exactly a unilateral withdrawal under fire by Israeli security =
forces would advance anything other than Yasser Arafat's vision of the =
destruction of Israel is unclear. Why would the forced transfer of =
Israeli citizens from their homes in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, and the =
redeployment of IDF forces out of Palestinian population centers, make =
the situation better for Israel and worse for the PLO? Advocates of =
Sharon's plan claim that it has four distinct advantages for Israel. =
They say that unilateral withdrawal will reduce contact between Israel =
and the Palestinians and, as a result, lessen the Palestinians' desire =
and ability to kill Israelis. They say that if the IDF leaves the =
Palestinian population centers and redeploys behind static barriers like =
the fence, Israel's lines of defense will be enhanced. They say that an =
Israeli withdrawal will increase the international legitimacy of Israeli =
counter-terror measures in the future and they argue that unilateral =
withdrawal will enhance Israel's demographic balance with the Arabs.=20

      But the Palestinians, like their ally Hizbullah, have already =
proven all these contentions false. When Israel transferred control of =
Palestinian cities to the PLO, the government built bypass roads around =
the cities to enable Israelis to drive through the territories without =
contact with the Palestinians. Yet, this move to prevent contact failed =
to prevent attacks. The Palestinian gunmen simply left the cities and =
began shooting Israeli motorists on the bypass roads. In so doing they =
proved that it isn't contact with Israelis that moves Palestinian =
terrorists to murder, it is the existence of Israelis that moves them to =
murder. Retreating behind a barrier won't make them stop killing us. It =
will only make them change their route of approach.=20

      The fact of the matter is that Arafat has taken the territory that =
Israel transferred to his control and transformed it into a terror =
fiefdom. If IDF forces withdraw, these areas will not magically become =
islands of tranquility. They will, like South Lebanon, become =
strongholds of terrorists who will train and arm and set out for attacks =
from their now safe havens.=20

      The main reason that Israel has yet to seriously retaliate against =
Hizbullah is that Hizbullah, in the wake of the IDF's withdrawal from =
South Lebanon, has deployed thousands of rockets along the border. If =
Israel attacks, they will launch the rockets against us. So who has =
deterred whom here?=20

      Another reason for lack of action by the IDF against this =
unacceptable terrorist threat is international pressure. The US opposes =
IDF action in Lebanon for fear that such action will destabilize the =
region. Why would the US respond differently to attacks emanating from =
behind the fence after an IDF withdrawal? Finally, how will the =
demographic balance be in any way enhanced by the withdrawal? The only =
population that will dwindle as a result of the plan is the Israeli =
population in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Aside from that, the situation =
will be unaffected.=20

      In short, the prime minister's withdrawal plan will simply reenact =
in Judea, Samaria and Gaza the IDF retreat from Lebanon in 2000. The =
Palestinians see the plan as such. Hizbullah too sees it as such.=20

      As Thursday's massacre in Jerusalem proved, yet again, our =
terrorist enemies have transformed our entire country into a frontline =
community. Our enemies see no difference between civilians on a bus, =
soldiers on a border or businessmen traveling in the Persian Gulf. All =
of us are targets for murder, blackmail and manipulation. They view =
Israeli retreats as their victory. They view Israeli concessions as =
their gain. This week's retreats have no doubt played into our enemies' =
hands. If our leadership's strategic blindness is not soon rectified it =
may usher in a more dangerous phase in our war for national survival.=20


      3.   MY LAND, NOT YOURS=20
      by Shmuel Sokol - - January 25, 2004=20
      There are some truths so obvious that we take them for granted and =
do not think about them as much as we should. It obviously follows that =
if such is the case, we also do not use such information in arguing the =
issues that embroil our community during these times of doubt, regarding =
the validity of a Jewish state in "Palestine".=20

      There are two issues which have been relegated to the sidelines in =
the current debate, both of which must take their place in the arsenal =
of facts used in the defense of our national claims.=20

      When discussing the rise of the third Jewish commonwealth in Eretz =
Israel, the most commonly used arguments are that (1) Israel is ours =
based on a 2,000 year old claim, and (2) Israel provided a refuge for =
the survivors of the Holocaust, desperately in need of a secure and =
defensible homeland. However, by leaving out certain facts, which may =
seem obvious to us, but are virtually unknown to most outsiders, we =
wreak havoc with our cause, which is completely unnecessary and totally =

      In her book, From Time Immemorial, Joan Peters states that by =
neglecting to mention the continual Jewish presence in Israel since the =
exile (albeit in relatively small numbers) we make a terrible error. By =
letting this historical tidbit fall by the wayside, we give room for the =
Arab propagandists to paint a picture of a European Jewish community =
coming into a land that was Judenrein for two millennia, and wrestling =
control from an indigenous Arab population.=20

      This is obviously a false picture, both in that there was no =
nation-state in "Palestine" predating the modern State of Israel, and =
because the majority of Jews in the new Hebrew nation were Jews from =
Arab lands, expelled with only the clothes on their backs.=20

      This is obviously a very important point, and one which we must =
not forget. Furthermore, we must present this information at every =
available opportunity. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in =
Israel since Biblical times, no matter which foreign nation ruled over =
the remnants of the Kingdoms of Judea and Israel at any given time.=20

      However, as important as this point is, there is another more =
fundamental idea that must be stressed again and again. This is a proof =
that is so fundamental, so elementary, and so exclusively ecumenical =
that it is either forgotten in debate, or intentionally omitted. It is, =
of course, the claim brought by Rashi in his first comment on the book =
of Genesis. He states therein that the entire reason why the story of =
creation is told in the Torah, a book whose primary purpose is as a =
legal code, is to give title of Eretz Israel to the Children of Israel.=20

      The argument goes that if G-d created the entire world, he must =
therefore maintain ownership over all of creation. Therefore, any land =
that the Holy One, blessed be He, gives to any particular nation, =
becomes their property in perpetuity. The land of Israel was given to =
the Jewish people. It was promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was =
conquered by Joshua and survived as an independent kingdom while great =
empires rose and fell again to be swept into the dustbin of history.=20

      It therefore follows that our claim and title to this land does =
not stem from the fact that we owned it twenty centuries ago, or because =
we suffered during the Holocaust. It does not even stem from the =
continual Jewish presence over the long millennia of exile for the vast =
majority of the remnants of our people. While all of these points are =
valid and must be used in our arguments, if we do not recognize the =
fundamental, underlying truth behind our claim, then all of our =
arguments will sound hollow in our own ears, and thus will not be =
effective in persuading others to come around to our point of view.=20

      I am not saying that using our Biblical claim as a justification =
will in itself sway our detractors into joining forces with us in our =
holy mission to settle and rule over the land. All that I posit here is =
that unless we keep this fundamental truth in mind, and allow it to be =
the basis for all else that we say, our own faith will waver and our =
arguments falter before the onslaught of foreign and untrue propaganda =
spewed forth by our enemies.=20

      I heard this point twice during my most recent university =
semester. Once, at the Beit Orot dinner, during a shiur (lesson) given =
by Rabbi Binyamin Elon, and again during a shiur at Yeshiva University =
given by Rabbi Eliezer Waldman of Kiryat Arba. If we do not acknowledge =
our G-d given right to this land, then how can we expect to maintain our =
courage in the face of all the tests and tribulations we have and shall =
continue to endure in defending our patrimony?=20

      In the end, while the point that Joan Peters makes is an extremely =
important one, that which Rashi made hundreds of years earlier, and =
which our rabbis now continue to promulgate, is the secret to our =
continued steadfastness in the face of adversity and ridicule by the =
world community. We have seen the birth of Post-Zionism and the decline =
in the pioneering spirit in the secular Zionist establishment; the time =
has come to realize that to be a full Jew, and to live a proper life as =
such, requires both the national and religious (though they really are =
one entity) to be present in our lives and always foremost in our minds. =


      Subscriptions are processed through the Secure PayPal system.=20
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      4.   IF YOU DON'T CRY, WHO WILL?
      By Yechezkal Chezi Goldberg - - December 3, =
        Yechezkal Chezi Goldberg was a Jerusalem-based counselor for =
Adolescents and Families at Risk, and a freelance columnist. He was =
murdered in the suicide bombing attack on a Jerusalem bus, January 29, =
      7:30 a.m. Israel time, Sunday December 2, 2001. Eight Hours after =
the triple-terror attack on Jerusalem's popular Ben Yehuda pedestrian =

      He walked into shul. I nodded my acknowledgement like I always do. =
He made some strange gesture, which I couldn't understand. I went on =
with the business of the prayer service.=20

      A few minutes later, he walked over to me and said, "Didn't you =

      "Hear about what?"=20

      "Didn't you HEAR?"=20

      I understood that he was talking about last night's terror attack =
on Ben Yehuda Mall.=20

      I assumed that he obviously intended that someone we knew was hurt =
or killed.=20

      "About who?"=20

      He looked at me as if I had landed from another planet. "About =
who? About everyone who was attacked last night.=20

      I nodded, "Yes, I heard."=20

      "Then why aren't you crying?"=20

      His words shot through me like a spear piercing my heart. Our =
Sages teach that "words that come from the heart enter the heart." He =
was right. Why wasn't I crying?=20

      I could not answer. I had nothing to say.=20

      He pointed around the shul. "Why aren't all my friends crying?"=20

      I could not answer. I had nothing to say.=20

      "Shouldn't we all be crying?"=20

      He was right. What has happened to all of us? -- myself included. =
We have turned to stone. Some would call it numbness. Some would call it =
collective national shock. Some would say that we all have suffered =
never-ending trauma and it has affected our senses.=20

      The excuses are worthless. All the reasons in the world don't =
justify our distance from the pain that is burning in our midst.=20

      When an attack happens, in the heat of the moment, we frantically =
check to see if someone we know has been hurt or killed. And then, if we =
find out that "our friends and family are safe," we breathe a deep sigh =
of relief, grunt and grumble about the latest tragic event and then, =
continue with our robotic motions and go on with our lives.=20

      We have not lost our minds, my friends. We have lost our hearts.=20

      And that is why we keep on losing our lives.=20

      IF NOT ME, WHO?
      When I left the shul, my friend said to me with tears dripping =
from his bloodshot eyes, "I heard that the Torah teaches that for every =
tear that drops from our eyes, another drop of blood is saved."=20
      We are living in a time of absolute madness. And yet, we detach =
ourselves and keep running on automatic in our daily lives.=20

      Last night, 10 people were killed and nearly 200 were injured. =
Even MSNBC referred to the triple terror attack as a "slaughter."=20

      And still, we are not crying.=20

      Perhaps my friends, we are foolish to believe that the nations of =
the world should be upset about the continuous murder and slaughter of =
Jews -- if we ourselves are not crying about it. Am I not my brother's =

      The most effective way for us to stop the carnage in our midst is =
to wake up and to react to it from our hearts. How can we demand that =
God stop the tragedy, when most of us react like robots when tragedy =

      If we don't cry about what is happening around us, who will?=20

      If you don't cry about what is happening around us, who will?=20

      If I don't cry about what is happening to us, who will?=20

      Maybe our salvation from this horrific mess will come only after =
we tune into our emotions and cry and scream about it.=20

      My friend walked into shul this morning and from the looks on his =
friends' faces, he could not tell that they had heard what had happened =
on Ben Yehuda Mall.=20
      When our enemies pound us and we fail to react because we no =
longer feel the pain, we are truly in a precarious position in the =
battle to survive.=20

      I know a woman who has no sensitivity in her fingers. When she =
approaches fire, she doesn't feel the pain. That puts her in a dangerous =
position because she might be getting burnt and not know it, because her =
senses don't feel it.=20

      If we are being hurt and we don't feel it, then we are in a very =
risky position. A devastating 3-pronged suicide attack on Jerusalem's =
most popular thoroughfare should evoke a cry of pain and suffering from =
all of us, should it not? Unless of course, we have lost our senses.=20

      And if we have lost our senses, then what hope is there?=20

      I turn on the news to hear of more carnage in Haifa. Sixteen dead. =
Sixteen of my brothers and sisters.=20

      King Solomon said, "There is a time for everything." Now is the =
time for crying.=20

      May God protect each and every one of us from our enemies so that =
we will not have to cry in the future.=20

        See also;
        Victim was a 'lifeline' for immigrant kids
        Rabbi Yechezkel Goldberg, H.Y.D.


        "My son is a hero and we are proud of what he did"
      - Munir Ja'arah, father of the Palestinian suicide bomber who =
carried out Thursday's attack in Jerusalem=20

      Yassin: Hamas will kidnap Israelis
      Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin said at the end of Friday prayers =
that the Hamas will endeavor to kidnap Israelis in order to bargain for =
the release of Palestinian prisoners, reports Ynet.=20

        a.. Aspiration, Not Desperation  In the ancient world, there was =
widespread belief that the deity wanted humans to die as the ultimate =
form of worship. People gave their children to the deity of Molech and =
the Baal. This ancient belief has now returned to plague the world. Only =
when death worship is recognized as a basic tenet of Palestinian belief =
will it be possible to understand the challenges Israel and the world =
face from suicide terror.=20


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          <TD vAlign=3Dtop><B><FONT color=3D#800000>Newsletter #170=20
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Friday, January 30, 2004</FONT></B>=20
              <LI><A href=3D"#1">JERUSALEM, 8:48 A.M.</A>=20
              <LI><A href=3D"#2">ON THE FRONT LINES</A>=20
              <LI><A href=3D"#3">MY LAND, NOT YOURS</A>=20
              <LI><A href=3D"#4">IF YOU DON'T CRY, WHO WILL?</A>=20
              <LI><A href=3D"#5">QUOTES AND QUICK NOTES</A>=20
              <LI><A href=3D"#6">HIGHLIGHT ARTICLES</A>=20

      <H3>1. &nbsp;&nbsp;<A name=3D1>JERUSALEM, 8:48 A.M.</A></H3>By =
Bret Stephens=20
      - Jerusalem Post - January 30, 2004=20
      <P><FONT color=3D#800000 size=3D+2>I</FONT> have no particular =
wisdom to offer=20
      in this column. In fact, I had no intention this week of writing a =
      at all. I only decided to do it late afternoon yesterday, as the=20
      impressions of Thursday morning accumulated in my brain and it =
seemed to=20
      me that some purpose might be served by putting them down on =
      <P>At 8:48 a.m. yesterday, I was with my wife, Corinna, and our =
      old daughter in the bedroom of our Jerusalem flat when we heard a =
      boom. Corinna happened to be looking northward when it happened; =
      the window, she saw a large, flat, rectangular scrap of metal fly =
up above=20
      the rooftops of three-story houses and tall palm trees. That was =
      by a plume of black smoke. It was immediately clear to us both =
what had=20
      happened. I dressed, went downstairs and walked down the street in =
      direction of the smoke.=20
      <P>It was a beautiful morning, cloudless and warm for the season. =
A man=20
      and a young girl were walking toward me on the pavement opposite. =
The man=20
      did not appear to look anxious, and it occurred to me that what I =
      was a suicide bombing might have been something else =96 the =
collapse of a=20
      construction crane, or maybe a bad car accident.=20
      <P>The other thing I noticed was the quiet, which was unusual even =
in a=20
      city that has a way of going quiet. But this was not Shabbat, it =
was not a=20
      High Holiday, and rush hour was not yet over.=20
      <P>By the time I got down the block to the bus, perhaps three =
minutes had=20
      elapsed since the blast.=20
      <P>Survivors lay on the pavement. One elderly man had flecks of =
      tissue on the back of his coat and scalp, but otherwise he seemed=20
      uninjured. Another man was bleeding from his ear, which had been =
sliced in=20
      half. A woman held her face in her hands, and everything was =
covered in=20
      <P>It was still very quiet, or at least it seemed that way to me. =
I don't=20
      remember any police there, although surely there must have been =
some. The=20
      ground was covered in glass; every window of the bus had been =
      Inside the wreckage, I could see three very still corpses and one =
      that rocked back and forth convulsively. Outside the bus, another =
      corpses were strewn on the ground, one face-up, two face-down. =
There was a=20
      large piece of torso ripped from its body, which I guessed was the =
      bomber's. Elsewhere on the ground, more chunks of human flesh: a =
leg, an=20
      arm, smaller bits, pools of blood.=20
      <P>Now the police and ambulances began to arrive in great numbers. =
      much time had elapsed I do not know. They began herding =
      personnel to the sidelines. My secretary called to tell me there =
had been=20
      a suicide bombing. I said: I know, I'm there. Also, she said, =
      Radio wanted to speak to me, would that be alright? Why not? I was =
      through to a studio in London. It took me two or three minutes to =
      the scene. "That'll do nicely," said the voice on the other end. =

      <P>It had become much noisier. A young policeman with a rifle and =
      panicky expression ordered me to move back. I retreated a bit. An =
      officer screamed at me to retreat a bit farther. I did so again. =
Crowds of=20
      onlookers had gathered behind the police lines, and TV networks =
      setting up their cameras. I spotted one colleague, then another.=20
      Practically half The Jerusalem Post's editorial staff lives within =
a short=20
      walking distance of the blast site.=20
      <P>A reporter from the Voice of America overheard me telling a =
      that I'd been one of the first on the scene. He wanted an =
interview. Why=20
      not? I did the same for Germany's RTL television, The New York =
Times, an=20
      Italian channel, a Japanese reporter. The German wanted to know =
whether I=20
      thought the timing of the bombing was meant to coincide with the =
      exchange. I doubted a connection. The Italian speculated about the =

      location of the bombing, only some 150 meters from the prime =
      residence. I doubted the coincidence. The Japanese wanted to know =
      I thought this attack justified targeted assassinations. "Yes, and =
      security fence, too," I said.=20
      <P>The thought ran through my mind that in five minutes flat I had =
      a media whore. Corinna rang. "Come home soon," she said. "I'm =
coming right=20
      now." I got home. The office rang. Erik Schechter, one of our =
      correspondents, was among the wounded. How had I missed seeing him =
      We left immediately for the hospital. Erik's wounds were described =
      "moderate." What that meant was that his knee-cap had been =
shattered and=20
      that he had sustained shrapnel wounds and vascular damage. He will =
      between three and six months in recovery.=20
      <P>We left the hospital in the early afternoon, to visit a friend =
      just given birth. Afterwards, we went to an outdoor cafe for =
lunch. I had=20
      promised myself a day off and I was determined to take it. There =
have been=20
      28 previous suicide bombings in Jerusalem. The 29th was not going =
to make=20
      me change the way I live my life. It was not going to prevent me =
      taking my day off =96 although I am writing this column.=20
      <P>Another thought occurs. I think of Thursday's bombing as a =
death event.=20
      The absolute stillness that followed the bombing, that amazing and =

      horrifying quiet =96 that was the quiet of 10 murdered souls. Only =
      when the ambulance sirens began to wail and reporters answered the =
call of=20
      their beepers, did it become a news event. There is a very great =
      between a death event and a news event, I think. At best, a death =
      invites description, and even then description can hardly capture =
      nature of the thing. But a news event demands speculation, =
analysis. Was=20
      the attack deliberately timed? Did the bomber choose to detonate =
      so near the PM's home? What do I think of targeted assassinations? =
      about the security fence? And so on.=20
      <P>I doubt many reporters have actually witnessed a suicide =
bombing up=20
      close =96 indeed, not many Israelis have. After today, I know =
there is a=20
      basic difference between what one sees in the first five or ten =
      and what one sees in the next 20 or 30 minutes. Most of the =
reporters who=20
      "covered" the bombing did not actually see the corpses on the =
ground. They=20
      do not know about the body convulsing in the bus. What they saw =
was a bus=20
      blown to smithereens, which is awful enough, while the rest was =
left to=20
      their imaginations. But if you haven't seen it before, you cannot =
      it. You don't have a clue. If I learned one thing today, it is =
      <P>We move too quickly from death events to news events. Nobody =
should see=20
      the scene I witnessed this morning, while the quiet still hung in =
the air.=20
      Then again, maybe everyone should see it, at least everyone in the =
      media. They should switch off their cameras and mobile phones and =
      their notepads. They should observe the silence, first of all by =
      <P>This is what I wanted to say.=20

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      <H3>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;<A name=3D2>ON THE FRONT LINES</A></H3>By =
Caroline Glick=20
      - Jerusalem Post - January 30, 2004=20
      <P><FONT color=3D#800000 size=3D+2>M</FONT>y home is alongside the =
      route in Jerusalem so I don't need to listen to the radio to know =
      bombs go off in the city. If I don't hear the blasts themselves, I =
      the ambulance convoys =96 their sirens screeching and howling as =
they pummel=20
      into traffic on their way to evacuate wounded and take them to the =
      wards. The sirens are a constant reminder that I live on the front =
      of the war.=20
      <P>By noon yesterday, I received a more personalized confirmation =
of this=20
      fact. I heard news that among the wounded in yesterday's carnage =
are two=20
      of my friends. One is still in surgery as I write these lines. I =
am told=20
      that his wounds are not life threatening. The other, who got off =
with a=20
      broken knee, lies in Shaare Zedek's orthopedic ward awaiting word =
      whether she needs surgery.=20
      <P>Government sources were quick to tell us that there is no =
      between the carnage in Rehavia and the deal negotiated with =
Hizbullah that=20
      was proceeding in Germany as our enemies murdered and maimed us in =
      streets of Jerusalem. Science Minister Eliezer Sandberg announced, =
      is no connection and it is forbidden to make a connection between =
      bombing and the deal for the prisoner swap."=20
      <P>The fact that the PLO's Fatah terror group claimed =
responsibility for=20
      the attack on Hizbullah television should give considerable pause =
to those=20
      like Sandberg who protest that there is no connection. In fact =
Fatah and=20
      Hizbullah have been cooperating closely since late 2001. Fatah =
      funding and direction from Iran. Hizbullah is an Iranian =
      <P>The date of the prisoner swap was announced publicly last week. =
      doubt, Hizbullah has known the date for some time. There is no =
reason not=20
      to suspect that this information was passed on to Fatah and so =
today was=20
      chosen for the attack. What better way for Hizbullah chief Hassan=20
      Nasrallah to declare complete victory over Israel than for his =
allies to=20
      carry out a massacre of Israeli civilians the day he secures the =
      of hundreds of their terrorist brethren?=20
      <P>We shouldn't be surprised that our national leadership is =
making such=20
      statements in the wake of the bombing. In the sensational build-up =
to the=20
      prisoner swap, we have received a full diet of groundless =
assertions by=20
      our leadership. IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Moshe Ya'alon =
      instance said on Tuesday in the Knesset that Hizbullah would be =
      to resume kidnappings after the prisoner swap because its =
leadership knows=20
      that the IDF will respond militarily to such an action. Even =
Channel 2's=20
      left-wing commentator Amnon Abramovich couldn't resist mentioning =
      given Israel's decision not to retaliate for the abduction of our =
      and subsequent Hizbullah attacks, Israeli threats today have =
      credibility with Nasrallah.=20
      <P>Indeed, how can anyone with a modicum of common sense make the =
      that terror doesn't pay when they look at the current positions of =
      government and security brass? Hizbullah received 461 live =
terrorists and=20
      59 dead terrorists for going to the trouble of abducting and =
murdering our=20
      soldiers and kidnapping Elhanan Tannenbaum. If that isn't a good =
      for terrorism, what is?=20
      <P>And yet, the deal with Hizbullah is but one of the strategic =
errors of=20
      the government in recent days and weeks.=20
      <P>On Sunday, the government approved the election of Irineos I as =
      Greek Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem. In July 2001, Irineos =
penned a=20
      letter to PA chief Yasser Arafat riddled with anti-Semitic =
slanders. He=20
      told Arafat that the Jews are "crucifying" the Palestinians. In =
      Irineos informed Arafat that he looked forward to cooperating with =
      in Jerusalem. Irineos has claimed that the letter is a forgery, =
but a=20
      police investigation, which was closed two weeks ago, =
substantiated its=20
      authenticity. Sources close to the investigation say that three =
      were with Irineos when he penned the letter and all provided =
testimony to=20
      the police that the letter was authentic.=20
      <P>The Greek Orthodox Church is the largest landowner in Israel =
after the=20
      Jewish National Fund. The church owns large swathes of Rehavia and =

      Talbiyeh neighborhoods in Jerusalem including the land on which =
      Knesset, the Prime Minister's Residence and the President's =
Residence are=20
      located. As patriarch, Irineos will have the power to refuse to =
renew the=20
      leases for the land when they come due in the coming years.=20
      <P>The cabinet had no reason to approve the appointment. Israel is =
      no obligation to approve the lifetime appointment of an =
anti-Semite to an=20
      office which owns such sensitive sites. One must wonder what =
motivated our=20
      ministers to approve this appointment that risks handing control =
of such=20
      vital properties to Arafat's friend. In an interview with Kul =
al-Arab last=20
      week, Irineos's spokesman said that the cabinet bowed to pressure =
from the=20
      US and Greek governments as well as to pressure from Israeli =
      in approving the appointment.=20
      <P>It is hard to imagine what sort of pressure could have possibly =

      justified such a dangerous move. And yet, Irineos's appointment is =
      potatoes when compared with the prime minister's newest plan to=20
      unilaterally withdraw from Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. This plan is =
      as a way of enhancing Israel's security. And yet, any way one =
looks at it,=20
      it involves the surrender of control of large swathes of =
      vital areas of Judea and Samaria to terrorists in the midst of =
      <P>In the hours after yesterday's attack, unnamed government =
sources were=20
      quick to see the massacre as a way to advance the program. Sources =
      to Ynet, "If the Palestinians were behind fences, maybe they would =
      reach the conclusion that terror doesn't pay." This little bit of=20
      strategic wishful thinking was apparently directed toward the two =
      envoys, David Satterfield and John Wolf, who are here visiting =
this week=20
      in yet another attempt to draw water from a rock and get =
      terrorists to reform themselves. The sources argued, "The =
unilateral steps=20
      the prime minister advocates are the only way to save the =
      vision and the road-map plan."=20
      <P>How exactly a unilateral withdrawal under fire by Israeli =
      forces would advance anything other than Yasser Arafat's vision of =
      destruction of Israel is unclear. Why would the forced transfer of =
      citizens from their homes in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, and the =
      of IDF forces out of Palestinian population centers, make the =
      better for Israel and worse for the PLO? Advocates of Sharon's =
plan claim=20
      that it has four distinct advantages for Israel. They say that =
      withdrawal will reduce contact between Israel and the Palestinians =
and, as=20
      a result, lessen the Palestinians' desire and ability to kill =
      They say that if the IDF leaves the Palestinian population centers =
      redeploys behind static barriers like the fence, Israel's lines of =
      will be enhanced. They say that an Israeli withdrawal will =
increase the=20
      international legitimacy of Israeli counter-terror measures in the =
      and they argue that unilateral withdrawal will enhance Israel's=20
      demographic balance with the Arabs.=20
      <P>But the Palestinians, like their ally Hizbullah, have already =
      all these contentions false. When Israel transferred control of=20
      Palestinian cities to the PLO, the government built bypass roads =
      the cities to enable Israelis to drive through the territories =
      contact with the Palestinians. Yet, this move to prevent contact =
failed to=20
      prevent attacks. The Palestinian gunmen simply left the cities and =
      shooting Israeli motorists on the bypass roads. In so doing they =
      that it isn't contact with Israelis that moves Palestinian =
terrorists to=20
      murder, it is the existence of Israelis that moves them to murder. =

      Retreating behind a barrier won't make them stop killing us. It =
will only=20
      make them change their route of approach.=20
      <P>The fact of the matter is that Arafat has taken the territory =
      Israel transferred to his control and transformed it into a terror =

      fiefdom. If IDF forces withdraw, these areas will not magically =
      islands of tranquility. They will, like South Lebanon, become =
      of terrorists who will train and arm and set out for attacks from =
      now safe havens.=20
      <P>The main reason that Israel has yet to seriously retaliate =
      Hizbullah is that Hizbullah, in the wake of the IDF's withdrawal =
      South Lebanon, has deployed thousands of rockets along the border. =
      Israel attacks, they will launch the rockets against us. So who =
      deterred whom here?=20
      <P>Another reason for lack of action by the IDF against this =
      terrorist threat is international pressure. The US opposes IDF =
action in=20
      Lebanon for fear that such action will destabilize the region. Why =
      the US respond differently to attacks emanating from behind the =
      after an IDF withdrawal? Finally, how will the demographic balance =
be in=20
      any way enhanced by the withdrawal? The only population that will =
      as a result of the plan is the Israeli population in Judea, =
Samaria and=20
      Gaza. Aside from that, the situation will be unaffected.=20
      <P>In short, the prime minister's withdrawal plan will simply =
reenact in=20
      Judea, Samaria and Gaza the IDF retreat from Lebanon in 2000. The=20
      Palestinians see the plan as such. Hizbullah too sees it as such.=20
      <P>As Thursday's massacre in Jerusalem proved, yet again, our =
      enemies have transformed our entire country into a frontline =
      Our enemies see no difference between civilians on a bus, soldiers =
on a=20
      border or businessmen traveling in the Persian Gulf. All of us are =
      for murder, blackmail and manipulation. They view Israeli retreats =
      their victory. They view Israeli concessions as their gain. This =
      retreats have no doubt played into our enemies' hands. If our =
      strategic blindness is not soon rectified it may usher in a more =
      phase in our war for national survival.=20

      <H3>3. &nbsp;&nbsp;<A name=3D3>MY LAND, NOT YOURS </A></H3>by =
Shmuel Sokol -=20 - January 25, 2004=20
      <P><FONT color=3D#800000 size=3D+2>T</FONT>here are some truths so =
      that we take them for granted and do not think about them as much =
as we=20
      should. It obviously follows that if such is the case, we also do =
not use=20
      such information in arguing the issues that embroil our community =
      these times of doubt, regarding the validity of a Jewish state in=20
      <P>There are two issues which have been relegated to the sidelines =
in the=20
      current debate, both of which must take their place in the arsenal =
      facts used in the defense of our national claims.=20
      <P>When discussing the rise of the third Jewish commonwealth in =
      Israel, the most commonly used arguments are that (1) Israel is =
ours based=20
      on a 2,000 year old claim, and (2) Israel provided a refuge for =
      survivors of the Holocaust, desperately in need of a secure and =
      homeland. However, by leaving out certain facts, which may seem =
obvious to=20
      us, but are virtually unknown to most outsiders, we wreak havoc =
with our=20
      cause, which is completely unnecessary and totally avoidable.=20
      <P>In her book, <I>From Time Immemorial</I>, Joan Peters states =
that by=20
      neglecting to mention the continual Jewish presence in Israel =
since the=20
      exile (albeit in relatively small numbers) we make a terrible =
error. By=20
      letting this historical tidbit fall by the wayside, we give room =
for the=20
      Arab propagandists to paint a picture of a European Jewish =
      coming into a land that was Judenrein for two millennia, and =
      control from an indigenous Arab population.=20
      <P>This is obviously a false picture, both in that there was no=20
      nation-state in "Palestine" predating the modern State of Israel, =
      because the majority of Jews in the new Hebrew nation were Jews =
from Arab=20
      lands, expelled with only the clothes on their backs.=20
      <P>This is obviously a very important point, and one which we must =
      forget. Furthermore, we must present this information at every =
      opportunity. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in Israel =
      Biblical times, no matter which foreign nation ruled over the =
remnants of=20
      the Kingdoms of Judea and Israel at any given time.=20
      <P>However, as important as this point is, there is another more=20
      fundamental idea that must be stressed again and again. This is a =
      that is so fundamental, so elementary, and so exclusively =
ecumenical that=20
      it is either forgotten in debate, or intentionally omitted. It is, =
      course, the claim brought by Rashi in his first comment on the =
book of=20
      Genesis. He states therein that the entire reason why the story of =

      creation is told in the Torah, a book whose primary purpose is as =
a legal=20
      code, is to give title of Eretz Israel to the Children of Israel.=20
      <P>The argument goes that if G-d created the entire world, he must =

      therefore maintain ownership over all of creation. Therefore, any =
      that the Holy One, blessed be He, gives to any particular nation, =
      their property in perpetuity. The land of Israel was given to the =
      people. It was promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was =
conquered by=20
      Joshua and survived as an independent kingdom while great empires =
rose and=20
      fell again to be swept into the dustbin of history.=20
      <P>It therefore follows that our claim and title to this land does =
      stem from the fact that we owned it twenty centuries ago, or =
because we=20
      suffered during the Holocaust. It does not even stem from the =
      Jewish presence over the long millennia of exile for the vast =
majority of=20
      the remnants of our people. While all of these points are valid =
and must=20
      be used in our arguments, if we do not recognize the fundamental,=20
      underlying truth behind our claim, then all of our arguments will =
      hollow in our own ears, and thus will not be effective in =
      others to come around to our point of view.=20
      <P>I am not saying that using our Biblical claim as a =
justification will=20
      in itself sway our detractors into joining forces with us in our =
      mission to settle and rule over the land. All that I posit here is =
      unless we keep this fundamental truth in mind, and allow it to be =
      basis for all else that we say, our own faith will waver and our =
      falter before the onslaught of foreign and untrue propaganda =
spewed forth=20
      by our enemies.=20
      <P>I heard this point twice during my most recent university =
      Once, at the Beit Orot dinner, during a shiur (lesson) given by =
      Binyamin Elon, and again during a shiur at Yeshiva University =
given by=20
      Rabbi Eliezer Waldman of Kiryat Arba. If we do not acknowledge our =
      given right to this land, then how can we expect to maintain our =
      in the face of all the tests and tribulations we have and shall =
      to endure in defending our patrimony?=20
      <P>In the end, while the point that Joan Peters makes is an =
      important one, that which Rashi made hundreds of years earlier, =
and which=20
      our rabbis now continue to promulgate, is the secret to our =
      steadfastness in the face of adversity and ridicule by the world=20
      community. We have seen the birth of Post-Zionism and the decline =
in the=20
      pioneering spirit in the secular Zionist establishment; the time =
has come=20
      to realize that to be a full Jew, and to live a proper life as =
      requires both the national and religious (though they really are =
      entity) to be present in our lives and always foremost in our =

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      <H3>4. &nbsp;&nbsp;<A name=3D4>IF YOU DON'T CRY, WHO =
      Yechezkal Chezi Goldberg - - <B>December 3, =
      <BLOCKQUOTE><STRONG><FONT color=3D#c80f21 size=3D-1>Yechezkal =
Chezi Goldberg=20
        was a Jerusalem-based counselor for Adolescents and Families at =
        and a freelance columnist. He was murdered in the suicide =
bombing attack=20
        on a Jerusalem bus, January 29, 2004.</FONT> =
      <P><STRONG><FONT size=3D-1>7:30 a.m. Israel time, <I>Sunday =
December 2,=20
      2001</I>. Eight Hours after the triple-terror attack on =
      popular Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall. </FONT></STRONG>
      <P><FONT color=3D#800000 size=3D+2>H</FONT>e walked into shul. I =
nodded my=20
      acknowledgement like I always do. He made some strange gesture, =
which I=20
      couldn't understand. I went on with the business of the prayer =
      <P>A few minutes later, he walked over to me and said, "Didn't you =
      <P>"Hear about what?"=20
      <P>"Didn't you HEAR?"=20
      <P>I understood that he was talking about last night's terror =
attack on=20
      Ben Yehuda Mall.=20
      <P>I assumed that he obviously intended that someone we knew was =
hurt or=20
      <P>"About who?"=20
      <P>He looked at me as if I had landed from another planet. "About =
      About everyone who was attacked last night.=20
      <P>I nodded, "Yes, I heard."=20
      <P>"Then why aren't you crying?"=20
      <P>His words shot through me like a spear piercing my heart. Our =
      teach that "words that come from the heart enter the heart." He =
was right.=20
      Why wasn't I crying?=20
      <P>I could not answer. I had nothing to say.=20
      <P>He pointed around the shul. "Why aren't all my friends crying?" =

      <P>I could not answer. I had nothing to say.=20
      <P>"Shouldn't we all be crying?"=20
      <P>He was right. What has happened to all of us? -- myself =
included. We=20
      have turned to stone. Some would call it numbness. Some would call =
      collective national shock. Some would say that we all have =
      never-ending trauma and it has affected our senses.=20
      <P>The excuses are worthless. All the reasons in the world don't =
      our distance from the pain that is burning in our midst.=20
      <P>When an attack happens, in the heat of the moment, we =
frantically check=20
      to see if someone we know has been hurt or killed. And then, if we =
      out that "our friends and family are safe," we breathe a deep sigh =
      relief, grunt and grumble about the latest tragic event and then, =
      with our robotic motions and go on with our lives.=20
      <P>We have not lost our minds, my friends. We have lost our =
      <P>And that is why we keep on losing our lives.=20
      <H4>IF NOT ME, WHO?</H4>When I left the shul, my friend said to me =
      tears dripping from his bloodshot eyes, "I heard that the Torah =
      that for every tear that drops from our eyes, another drop of =
blood is=20
      <P>We are living in a time of absolute madness. And yet, we detach =

      ourselves and keep running on automatic in our daily lives.=20
      <P>Last night, 10 people were killed and nearly 200 were injured. =
      MSNBC referred to the triple terror attack as a "slaughter."=20
      <P>And still, we are not crying.=20
      <P>Perhaps my friends, we are foolish to believe that the nations =
of the=20
      world should be upset about the continuous murder and slaughter of =
Jews --=20
      if we ourselves are not crying about it. Am I not my brother's =
      <P>The most effective way for us to stop the carnage in our midst =
is to=20
      wake up and to react to it from our hearts. How can we demand that =
      stop the tragedy, when most of us react like robots when tragedy =
      <P>If we don't cry about what is happening around us, who will?=20
      <P>If you don't cry about what is happening around us, who will?=20
      <P>If I don't cry about what is happening to us, who will?=20
      <P>Maybe our salvation from this horrific mess will come only =
after we=20
      tune into our emotions and cry and scream about it.=20
      <H4>NUMB TO THE PAIN </H4>My friend walked into shul this morning =
and from=20
      the looks on his friends' faces, he could not tell that they had =
      what had happened on Ben Yehuda Mall.=20
      <P>When our enemies pound us and we fail to react because we no =
      feel the pain, we are truly in a precarious position in the battle =
      <P>I know a woman who has no sensitivity in her fingers. When she=20
      approaches fire, she doesn't feel the pain. That puts her in a =
      position because she might be getting burnt and not know it, =
because her=20
      senses don't feel it.=20
      <P>If we are being hurt and we don't feel it, then we are in a =
very risky=20
      position. A devastating 3-pronged suicide attack on Jerusalem's =
      popular thoroughfare should evoke a cry of pain and suffering from =
all of=20
      us, should it not? Unless of course, we have lost our senses.=20
      <P>And if we have lost our senses, then what hope is there?=20
      <P>I turn on the news to hear of more carnage in Haifa. Sixteen =
      Sixteen of my brothers and sisters.=20
      <P>King Solomon said, "There is a time for everything." Now is the =
      for crying.=20
      <P>May God protect each and every one of us from our enemies so =
that we=20
      will not have to cry in the future.=20
      <BLOCKQUOTE>See also;<BR><A=20
        was a 'lifeline' for immigrant kids</A><BR><A=20
        Yechezkel Goldberg, H.Y.D.</A></BLOCKQUOTE>

      <H3>5. &nbsp;&nbsp;<A name=3D5>QUOTES AND QUICK NOTES</A></H3>
      <BLOCKQUOTE><STRONG>"My son is a hero and we are proud of what he=20
        did"</STRONG></BLOCKQUOTE>- Munir Ja'arah, father of the =
      suicide bomber who carried out Thursday's attack in Jerusalem=20

      <H4>Yassin: Hamas will kidnap Israelis</H4>Hamas leader Sheikh =
      Yassin said <B><I>at the end of Friday prayers</I></B> that the =
Hamas will=20
      endeavor to kidnap Israelis in order to bargain for the release of =

      Palestinian prisoners, reports Ynet.=20

      <H3>6. &nbsp;&nbsp;<A name=3D6>HIGHLIGHT ARTICLES</A></H3>
        Not Desperation</A> &nbsp;<FONT color=3D#4b4549 size=3D-1>In the =
        world, there was widespread belief that the deity wanted humans =
to die=20
        as the ultimate form of worship. People gave their children to =
the deity=20
        of Molech and the Baal. This ancient belief has now returned to =
        the world. Only when death worship is recognized as a basic =
tenet of=20
        Palestinian belief will it be possible to understand the =
        Israel and the world face from suicide terror.</FONT> =

      <BLOCKQUOTE><STRONG><FONT size=3D-1>NOTICE: We make EVERY effort =
to insure=20
        our newsletter is not received unsolicited. If you don't wish to =
        this newsletter, please send an email to <A=20
        with "REMOVE" in either the subject or body of your message. =
        color=3D#800000>Please ensure the email is sent from the address =
        the newsletter!</FONT></I> Thank =
      depend ENTIRELY on viewer/reader donations. PLEASE HELP US get the =
      out about Israel and God's chosen people. All needed info at: <A=20

      <P>Send Comments/Suggestions to <A=20




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