CAFI Newsletter #85
Fri, 31 May 2002 17:59:27 -0400

Isaiah 62:6


Is It Inevitable? - Or Is It A Disastrous Idea?

               Friday, May 31, 2002





By Naomi Ragen

Like most people in the world,  for years I assumed
that the conflict between Arabs and Israelis was a
conflict about land.  I assumed that this conflict
had something to do with people losing land, wanting
land, feeling disenfranchised, deprived of rights…

Recently, I began research into terrorism, Saudi
Arabia, and Islam which has given me some startling
evidence that everything I’ve believed in the past
couldn’t have been farther from the truth.

The fact is, the conflict between Arab and Israeli
is a conflict between Muslim and Jew.  Moreover, it
is only a tiny part of a much wider conflict between
Muslim and all other religions, and those countries
that treasure freedom of religion.  It is the
conflict between fanatical and intolerant and
ignorant hordes bent on converting the world to
their vision of the one and only true faith: Islam.

The first inkling that this was the case were in
the books I read on Saudi Arabia.  Did you know that
it is a crime to own a Bible in Saudi Arabia, and
that people have been jailed for it?  Did you know
that no one is allowed to celebrate Christmas or
Easter there, and that no churches of any denomination
can be built there
(let’s not even talk about synagogues…)?

Did you know that Jews are not allowed into Saudi
Arabia, and that all things Jewish are a crime?  Did
you know that even those who practice Islam according
to the Shia tradition are also considered criminals
and are persecuted?

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia has been using its
American-provided oil wealth to build elaborate
mosques in places all over the world which have very
few Muslims.  This is what Peter Theroux (certainly
no friend of Israel) wrote in his book Sandstorms:
“Even the least observant Muslim in Saudi Arabia
measured power and influence in religious terms
—why else did the kingdom spend vast fortunes on
palatial mosques in places where there were almost
no Muslims?  It was a subtle and informal way of
marking territory. When the city of Rome decided
in 1984 to grant a building permit for a mosque
near the Holy See, the reaction of the Riyadh press
[was] jeering articles [that ] applauded this
“tanazul”, relinquishing or surrender, on the part
of Rome and the Vatican…Europe and all Christendom
were gloatingly shown to have caved in to Islamic

Unlike the shrines of almost all other religions
who welcome visitors of other faiths, the Islamic
cities of Mecca and Medina are forbidden to anyone
who does not practice Islam.

The deisre of the Islamic world to take over Jerusalem
has one reason and only one: Islamic intolerance.
Before Israel took over the Old City in 1967, it was
closed to Jewish worshippers.  The outbreak of
violence in Pakistan , Indonesia, and parts of
Africa are also being portrayed as territorial
disputes by the press.  But anyone with eyes in his
head can see they too are Muslims against Hindus,
Muslims against Christians. Muslims against anyone
who isn’t Muslim.

Of all the freedoms we hold dear in the West, none
is more precious than freedom of religion.  Muslim
immigrants are using that freedom  and Saudi
petrodollars to build an Islamic empire that will
threaten religious tolerance in the West. We can
already see the results with the rise of antiSemitism
in Europe, led by Muslims who attack Jews, burn
synagogues, and target religious schools.  In Israel,
the turnover of Christian Bethlehem to Muslims led
directly to the destruction of the Christian community
and the desecration of one of its holiest shrines,
the Church of the Nativity, which was defiled by
Palestinian gunmen, raped of precious artifacts,
and then trashed.

When the West urges Israel to allow Muslim fanatics
to mark more territory, it is rewarding Muslims for
their crimes against humanity.  Already, Muslims
have lowered the standards of decency and brought
all of the civilized world to new lows,  convincing
so-called intelligent and moral people to accept the
outrages of  supermarket killings, playground bombings,
school bus bombings, flying baby carriages, murdered
grandmothers, blown up Seder nights as a legitimate
part of some moral equation in which the Muslims are
always the ones with the understandable grievance
that one can accept. “The Israelis murdered my brother,”
they’ll explain after killing the baby, forgetting
to mention that their sibling belonged to Fatah, or
Islamic Jihad, or Hamas.  And that is the way the
press will present it. The Israeli or settler
(baby in the carriage) against the idealistic young
freedom fighter willing to risk his life for…you name
it…any word that falls easily on Western ears and
sensibilites.  By allowing this propaganda to succeed,
barbarous acts become palatable with the help of their
journalistic apologists,  helping the West to engage
in its own brand of moral suicide, preparing itself
for the day when the norms of Saudi Arabia will soon
be the norms of  us all.

Every inch of land Israel surrenders, gives that
Muslim vision a new victory, infusing new strength
into its megalomania.  Every compromise Israel is
forced to make by the world, or its own foolish
leadership, strengthens the cynical resolve of the
Muslims to expand the theatre of their conquests, and
to turn the world into the hateful prison that is
Riyadh and Jeddah, places where women walk like
black ghosts, unable to work, or drive, or go out
without permission from their husbands and fathers;
a place where music is outlawed, and movies, and
theatres; and where the worship of Jehovah or Jesus
is a jailable crime.

Should Israel cease to exist, there would be no
peace.  It would simply whet the Muslim appetite to
gobble up the next country and the next and the next,
until they achieve their vision of one God,
One Prophet; that is the Muslim God, Allah, and the
one Muslim prophet, Mohammad.

Those of you urging Israel to compromise, should look
out your own windows and think of the morning after.


By Robert S. Wistrich   Jerusalem Post

    The rising tide of anti-Semitic vitriol across Europe
- with synagogues burning in Paris, London and Marseilles,
and the old pogromist cry of "Death to the Jews!" once more
echoing from Brussels to Kiev - has shocked many in Israel
and the Diaspora. Such hostility has not been seen since
the end of World War II and has exposed the dormant
genocidal demons still lurking beneath the civilized veneer
of Europe, as well as the hollowness of its pretensions to
moral superiority. Much less attention has been paid,
however, to the massive Muslim contribution to this wave of
anti-Semitism which in Europe and the West has found its
most enthusiastic supporters among recent Arab and Muslim
immigrants. Since October 2000, there has been an alarming
rise in the number of anti-Semitic assaults on Jewish
communities around the world for which young Muslims have
been responsible - and nowhere is this more apparent than
in France. These new immigrants carry with them anti-
Semitic baggage from their mother countries and Islamic

    Their hatred is further reinforced by the malevolently
Judeophobic sermons heard in their local mosques or the
scenes of "martyrdom" continually relayed by satellite TV
programs from the Middle East. This highly explosive
cocktail of fanatical religious passion, Jew-hatred, and
warlike zeal - sentiments perfectly encapsulated in the
concept of Jihad (Holy War) - has been still further
inflamed by the violently anti-Israel coverage of the
Palestinian intifada in most of the French and European

    Not only that, but the Muslim war against the Jews,
especially in Europe, is also fuelled by their feelings of
alienation, exclusion, and marginalization - largely the
product of an unsuccessful integration into the majority
culture. Many Muslims see themselves as victims of European
racism and displace their rage against the far more
successful Jews whose influence they tend to exaggerate.
Their frustrations and resentment have led to an intense
though vicarious identification with the Palestinian
victims of "Israeli aggression." Meanwhile, the Jews -
particularly in France with the growing spectre of Le Pen
adding fuel to the flames - find themselves caught between
the new Islamic Judeophobia, the anti-Arab xenophobia
(anti-Semitically tinged) of the Front National, and the
Israelophobia of much of the European mass media.

    ONE OF the paradoxes of the present situation is that
only with the electoral success of Le Pen have the Western
media begun to acknowledge (though somewhat grudgingly)
that anti-Semitism is indeed a problem, though wherever
possible it is subordinated to the wider issue of racism
and anti-racism. But when it comes to Muslim anti-Semitism,
the West inexplicably looks the other way. The ubiquity of
Muslim incitement against Jews from Cairo to Damascus,
Baghdad, Teheran, and Lahore is barely commented upon. Its
direct connection to the terrorist war of the Islamists
against Israel and the West is underplayed, if it is
mentioned at all. Even the deluge of venomous Judeophobia
widely available in Arab and Muslim bookshops and on video
cassettes in Europe itself, is rarely investigated though
it clearly amounts to a culture of incitement. Holocaust
denial material, when sponsored, promoted, or disseminated
by Muslims, arouses only a small ripple of interest yet the
same phenomenon when it can be linked to neo-Nazis or neo-
fascists is most extensively covered by the Western media.

    Another virtually taboo subject is the close
resemblance between Nazi and Islamic anti-Semitism. This is
apparent in the visual imagery of the Arab press which
endlessly indulges in hideous stereotypes of Jews
reminiscent of the classic Nazi propaganda rag, Der
Stuermer. Muslims have largely taken over the Nazi
conspiratorial view of world Jewry as a giant octopus
controlling the world's wealth and mass media, manipulating
the US, fomenting wars and revolutions, and seeking to
dominate the planet by subverting all rivals - especially
Islam. Israel, in particular, is portrayed as the
incarnation of evil, populated by criminal racists and
Shylocks in military uniform, whose policies include
spreading drugs, vice, prostitution, AIDs, and the cultural
poisons of modernity into Muslim society. From there it is
but a small leap to embracing the idea that all the Jews of
Israel should be eliminated. Hence the widespread
glorification among Palestinians, Arabs, and millions of
Muslims of the suicide bombers who deliberately target
innocent Israeli civilians. But to discuss these causes and
effects would, it appears, be most inconvenient to the good
conscience of many self-righteous Europeans. After all,
only 60 years ago the unquenchable hatred we are now seeing
on the Muslim street was also rampant among the peoples of
Europe whose complicity and in many cases active
collaboration made the Nazi extermination of Jews possible.

   But the impeccably "anti-racist" and humanist
Europeans of today prefer not to recognize their handiwork
in the perverted and genocidal ideology of Islamist anti-
Semitism, for which historically they bear considerable

    Instead they stand by almost silently when they are
not actively denying the existence of Muslim Jew-baiting or
trying to excuse it as a purely political act of "resisting
the (Israeli) occupation." This trivializing response to
the Muslim war against the Jews (which has its counterparts
in Israel and the Diaspora) reminds me of the failure of
the West to effectively counter Nazi anti-Semitism. It
smacks of appeasement, cowardice, and a failure to confront
Europe's inner demons - which have instead been projected
with almost hysterical fury against the alleged sins of the
Jewish State. But the "original sin" of European racism
will not be so easily exorcised, and deflecting it against
Israel is likely to prove as suicidal as the exploding
bombers who are wrecking the Palestinian cause.

  (The writer is Professor of European History at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a senior research
associate at the Shalem Center.


By Cynthia Yacowar-Sweeney

Just last week, Arafat called upon his people to
remember the Prophet Muhammad's Treaty of Hudaybiyah
in a speech given to the Palestinian Legislative
Council. The Western world, including the U.S. State
Department, seems to have ignored the significance
of Arafat's plea.

The Prophet Muhammad entered into a 10-year peace
pact with the Koresh tribe back in the 7th century,
known as the Hudaybiyah Treaty. After two years
when he gained military might, Muhammad slaughtered
the entire tribe, in defiance of the peace treaty.
The treaty wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

Nor are the peace treaties that Arafat signs, like
1993's Oslo accords. Arafat admitted in 1998, when
interviewed by Egyptian television, that he respected
the Oslo Treaty in the same manner that Muhammad did
the treaty of Hudaybiyah. In other words, Arafat
viewed Oslo not as the building blocks of trust
and cooperation, but as temporary measures, to be
violated when no longer politically expedient.

Faisal Husseini, the late PA Minister of Jerusalem
Affairs, admitted last year that Oslo enabled the
Trojan Horse - Arafat and his PLO - to get its feet
into Israel, to get autonomy over the West Bank and
Gaza. These areas were to be used as launch pads
for hundreds of lethal attacks on Israel that would
weaken it in stages so that eventually it would be
destroyed. Once the Trojan Horse was inside Israel,
Oslo was rejected, just as Muhammad's treaty of
Hudaybiyah. Arafat's 1974 Phased Plan would
facilitate the liquidation of Israel, stage by stage,
piece by piece. No "peace" plan would stand in the
way of Arafat's "piece" plan.

Right after Arafat signed the Oslo Accords, he told
a reporter that he would take of Palestine what he
can get (Phase 1), establish a state (Phase 2) and
later convince the Arab nations to deal the final
blow to Israel. A few months later he called for
Jihad in a South African mosque in Johannesburg and
referred to that very same Treaty of Hudaybiyah, a
euphemism for the destruction of Israel. And it
wasn't the first time that Arafat called for the
end of Israel, despite his words of peace. In
January 1996, Arafat spoke secretly in Stockholm
to a group of Arab delegates. This is what he
said (as confirmed by Prof. Murray Kahl who
first released the story in February 1996):

"We Palestinians will take over everything, including
all of Jerusalem...We of the PLO will now concentrate
all our efforts on splitting Israel psychologically
into two camps. Within five years, we will have six
to seven million Arabs living on the West Bank and in
Jerusalem. You understand that we plan to eliminate
the State of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian
State. We will make life unbearable for Jews by
psychological warfare and population explosion; Jews
won't want to live among us Arabs...I have no use for
Jews; they are and remain Jews! We now need all the
help we can get from you in our battle for a united
Palestine under total Arab-Muslim domination!"

Yet to the Western world, Arafat so lovingly refers
to the Israelis as "our Jewish cousins" with whom he
wants peace, while calling for another million
martyrs to Jerusalem just last week.

Those who believe that there will be peace if Israel
withdraws from the West Bank, Gaza, and East
Jerusalem are deluding themselves. Arafat has again
called upon his people to remember the Truce of
Hudaybiyah, to specifically remind them that the
disputed territories are only part of his short-term
goals for now, and that he has no intention of
accepting any treaty that includes only those
territories as eventually part of a Palestinian state.
Such a treaty will only bring Arafat to his next phase
of phases and eventually be ripped up in much the same
way that Mohammad's treaty of Hudaybiyah was.

"We must never forget our long-term goal, the
liberation of all of Palestine, from the river to
the sea," Faisal Husseini told the Palestinian people
last year.

The Treaty of Hudaybiyah has also not been forgotten.
It has found its way back.


By David Ignatius    Washington Post   May 31, 2002

TEL AVIV -- It was hard to find an Israeli here this
week who wasn't applauding Ariel Sharon's recent
crackdown on Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian
Authority. For a country that was beginning to be
spooked by suicide terrorists, it was obviously a
relief to take military action -- even one that
some of Sharon's supporters conceded lacked a
coherent long-term strategy.

Always a man for surprises, Sharon is now adding
to that popularity through two unusual moves he has
made during the past 10 days -- attacking some
sacred cows of the Israeli right wing.

Sharon's first wild card was his decision last
week to fire the ultra-Orthodox Shas party from his
coalition government after it refused to back his
emergency economic program. That move cheered
secular Israelis, who have long disliked the deals
that various Israeli governments have offered to,
in effect, buy the votes of right-wing religious
parties such as Shas.

Enough, said Sharon, as he sent them packing.
Hooray, said many (probably most) Israelis, who
are tired of the religious restrictions and special
favors the religious parties have won for
themselves over the years.

No sooner had Sharon attacked the rabbis than he
did another surprising thing: He took the first
steps toward giving Israel a defensible border,
by allowing his defense minister to begin planning
a security fence along the West Bank like the fence
that separates Israel from the Gaza Strip.

Building a fence to keep out suicide bombers may
sound like the most obvious step imaginable, but
it's one that Israeli governments have refused to
take for three decades. That's because the Israeli
right wanted to maintain a claim to a greater Israel
that might stretch all the way to the Jordan River,
rather than accept a peace deal that would push
Israel back toward its pre-1967 borders. Building a
fence is important because it implies that what's on
the other side doesn't belong to you -- or, at least,
that you can't protect it. And that's of crucial
importance to the thousands of Israelis who live in
the West Bank settlements that would be on the
other side of the security fence. As Israeli
analyst Zeev Schiff wrote this week in the Israeli
daily Haaretz, it is clear that dozens of settlements
will remain on the other side of the West Bank fence.

Sharon is less a strategist than a tactician, and I
doubt that he has fully worked out a plan for how to
deal with the settlements over the long run. To
abandon them altogether would trigger a virtual
civil war in Israel. The settlers tend to be
rightists, many of them recent arrivals from the
United States, and they form a politically potent
movement that Sharon himself has often courted.

But Sharon also knows that most Israelis don't
live in settlements; they live in the areas
running from Tel Aviv northward along the coast.
That's where the suicide bombers have been attacking
recently, and Sharon recognizes that he must protect
this core Israeli population -- which now, quite
understandably, has the jitters. When people eat
lunch in an Israeli restaurant these days, they
seem more attentive to the security than to the food.

Sharon's cabinet hasn't officially endorsed the
fence, but according to Schiff, Israeli Defense
Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer held discussions on
Monday about hiring contractors to begin construction
immediately. The existing Gaza fence has largely
prevented terrorist infiltration from there, another
top Israeli military official told me this week,
saying that a West Bank version is inevitable.

"At the end of the day, there is no other choice
than to build the fence," this Israeli general said.
"Sharon realizes we need to do our best to save lives."

And what about the political consequences for the
settlers who live on the other side? "The only
consideration that's dominant now about the fence
is security," the general said. "The settlements
will be handled in a different way -- by the army
going in, by intelligence, by other ways."

If Israel can build a fence, then it can have a
defensible border. And if it has a border, then
perhaps it can make peace with a Palestinian state
that's on the other side of that border. That's
wishful thinking right now, at a time when
Israelis and Palestinians are still boiling with
rage and frustration. Each lacks confidence in
the other as a reliable partner.

Sometimes crises force people to think about what
was previously unthinkable, such as a security
fence along the West Bank. Too many people are
dying to ignore this need any longer. But any
move by Sharon to protect the Israeli heartland
will also begin the serious debate about what
would happen to the settlements if a Palestinian
state ever came into being. That's a debate that
needs to begin now -- not least because it would
encourage Palestinians that people are finally
taking this issue seriously.

By tackling two sacred cows of the Israeli right
 -- the border issue and favoritism for the
ultra-orthodox parties -- Sharon has enhanced his
standing with the ordinary Israelis who make up
this country's version of the silent majority. He
couldn't have done so without backing from the
Israeli Labor Party, which must have promised it
would back him if the right pushed for a
no-confidence vote in the Knesset.

The deck is being reshuffled these days in Israel,
as well as in Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority.
And Sharon, the gambler, hasn't yet played his last hand.


By Jan Willem van der Hoeven
Director: International Christian Zionist Center
May 15, 2002

After all the years of terror they have continuously
suffered at the hands of the Arabs, it really is
incredible how many in Israel still fail to comprehend
that the fight they are embroiled in is not for justice
for the "poor Palestinians" so that they can also have
a state of their own. No! The fight is against them
and against their sovereign Jewish state of Israel,
for which the Palestinians are used as pawns in the
hands of huge Islamic crowds from various Muslim Nations.

The solution these nations are seeking has therefore
not so much to do with finding justice for the
Palestinians as it has to ending the Jewish occupation
of "Muslim lands" - meaning all of Israel.

Because of this, giving the Palestinians their
independent state will make reaching their goal that
much easier for all these Islamic nations. And this
is precisely what Israel's present government, under
the vacillating leadership of Mr. Ariel Sharon, is
going to be pressured to do by all the nations and
institutions of the world!

I was present at the Likud's Central Committee
meeting on May 12 where, with an overwhelming majority,
the vote was taken against the establishment of such
a state, which the Arabs themselves have termed
 "the most important weapon they will have"
to use against Israel.

Though most of the Likud party members voted against
placing this "most important weapon" in the hands of
the Arabs, even among them, in my opinion, there
existed an astonishing lack of understanding of
the desperate gravity of this question.

As I have said, Shimon Peres and his colleagues
gave the Palestinians the guns with which they have
murdered scores of Israeli men, women and children.
Now, a Likud-led government would be willing to give
the Arabs the ultimate weapon they have dreamed of,
and with which they plan to finish off what is
left of Israel: their own Palestinian State!

In light of the perpetuation of this policy of
utter danger and the Muslim final solution to the
Israel problem (not to the Palestinian problem),
the total absence of a heartfelt outcry by those
Likud members who voted absolutely against such a
possibility is truly amazing! Have Likud Knesset
members and ministers so lost their spines that they
cannot even strongly and with fierce determination
at least back what they vote for as their own wish?!

If this lack of visible concern is a true indicator
of where these Likud members are, then I can only
conclude that, just as most of the members of this
party eventually went along with the evil of Oslo,
so too do they appear quite likely to succumb and
go even one step further than Oslo, by helping the
Arabs fulfill their fervent, long-held dream of
the final solution of the problem of a Jewish state
in their midst.

© 2002 Israel My Beloved

     6.    QUOTES TO NOTE

        "The Palestinians would have in the West Bank
         an area that was contiguous. Those who say
         there were cantons—completely untrue…His
         [Arafat’s] negotiators understood this was
         the best they were ever going to get. They
         wanted him to accept it. He was not prepared
         For him to end the conflict is to end himself."

Former U.S. Middle East envoy Dennis Ross, on the
peace terms presented by President Clinton to Israel
and the Palestinians in December 2000


We hear frequently of the "Holocaust" and "genocide"
in association with the Israeli incursion into Jenin
— especially in the European presses. The very mention
of those charged words in reference to fewer than 70
dead in a war zone is blasphemous to the memory of
6 million butchered in a methodical state program
of death. Auschwitz alone saw 10,000 gassed on
some days.

The belief that giving the Palestinians a state
will bring peace is a delusion. The truth is that
they want it all. The short-term goal is a state
consisting of the West Bank and Gaza. The
long-term goal is a state that includes all of
"historical Palestine," including Jordan.

For more great reading, visit our new EDITORIAL ARCHIVE


Become a WITNESS TO THE NATIONS and let them know what
great things our Lord is doing for Israel and what great
things He will continue to do for her, His firstborn.

           WHERE ARE THE TERRITORIES that everyone
           is talking about?
           WHAT IS THE "WEST BANK"?

Nothing can stop God from performing what He has promised
to do (not even the bad press Israel receives).

The Mountains of Israel is an exciting and refreshing new
perspective on the Arab-Israeli conflict, clearly outlining
how God is fulfilling His Word in modern-day Israel.
t is highly  suitable for the beginning reader on Israel
and for those who have studied Israel from a Scriptural
perspective for many years.