CAFI Newsletter #79
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 17:19:59 -0400

Isaiah 62:6



           WHERE ARE THE TERRITORIES that everyone
           is talking about?
           WHAT IS THE "WEST BANK"?

Nothing can stop God from performing what He has promised
to do (not even the bad press Israel receives).

The Mountains of Israel is an exciting and refreshing new
perspective on the Arab-Israeli conflict, clearly outlining
how God is fulfilling His Word in modern-day Israel.
t is highly  suitable for the beginning reader on Israel
and for those who have studied Israel from a Scriptural
perspective for many years.

               Friday, April 19, 2002









Caroline B. Glick   Jerusalem Post  April 19, 2002

On Remembrance Day, members of the reserve
infantry company that lost 13 men last Tuesday
were given a day's furlough from combat to visit
the families of their fallen comrades.

Outside the home of their dead company
commander, Maj. Oded Golomb, they spoke to
reporters of their friends' heroism. Capt. Ya'acov
Azulay, for instance, died after running into battle
to save the soldiers who were struck down in the
initial ambush. Azulay, a policeman in civilian life,
was wearing his blue bullet-proof vest from his
day job on top of his olive drab uniform.
"At first we couldn't figure out who the guy with the
blue vest was. But he yelled out he was going to
save them. Then 15 minutes later, we saw the
blue vest again, as his body was evacuated on a
stretcher," one of his comrades said.

"It's really amazing," said another. "All of us are
just regular people in civilian life, family men who
work for a living, but the heroism we saw there
was just incredible, unthinking, running in under
constant heavy fire to save our wounded. It was

Where does this reserve of resilience and
strength come from? Israel is after all, fighting for
its life in a war against terrorism that the world is
hell bent against allowing us to wage, let alone
win. The answer, is that Israelis today know the
truth about ourselves and that truth, quite simply,
is that Israel is a great nation.

A poll conducted by Market Watch for the
Independence Day Ma'ariv provides a stunning
picture of Israeli society in the midst of war. While
469 Israelis have been murdered and more than
3,000 wounded over the past 18 months, 73
percent of Israelis are hopeful about the future of
the country. Even as 61% of Israelis fear for the
existence of the state, 83% of Israelis prefer life
here to life in any other country.

We see this patriotism in our army, where
manpower officers are reporting a 130%
mobilization rate of reservists - 100% of the
reservists called up for service reported for duty
along with thousands of volunteers.
And it is not simply a matter of duty; it's a matter
of decency. The reservists, who risk their lives to
protect Palestinian civilians from the terrorists
who exploit them as human shields, also treat
them with humility.

In Tulkarm, a group of reservists that needed to
break down the wall of a Palestinian home took
up a collection among themselves when they
finished fighting - NIS 1,500 in total - and gave it
to the family to pay for the damage.

In Bethlehem, another group of reservists gave a
Palestinian family NIS 2,000 they raised among
themselves after seizing three rooms in their
home for 48 hours. Reservists who seized homes
in Bethlehem and Ramallah insisted on mopping
the floors before departing. Hundreds of
reservists have added candy to their regular gear.
They hand out the chocolate bars to Palestinian
children to try to ease their anxiety.

When last week a priest at the Church of the
Nativity, held hostage by terrorists, emerged from
the church to speak on his captors' behalf to the
IDF troops, he was greeted by a soldier who dug
into his pockets and pulled out an apple and a
bottle of mineral water which he offered to the
beleaguered clergyman.

While having such men forming the backbone of
the IDF is a source of pride, it becomes a
wellspring of strength and endurance when
placed in the context of the forces arrayed against
us today.

Perhaps again, the contrast was most starkly
described by the same company of reservists that
lost 13 men in 25 minutes of fighting in Jenin last
week. One of the men described his shell shock,
"We went to the kibbutz for our commander's
funeral late that evening, and I remember standing
outside a house on the kibbutz and feeling
frightened a sniper would start shooting at us from
the window. We were just a half an hour from
Jenin, and yet it is a completely different world.

There, we were fired at from every window from
every house. Here, a window is a window."
As Foreign Minister Shimon Peres described the
scene in the Jenin refugee camp, "There wasn't a
house that wasn't booby-trapped, and there was
no way to neutralize the danger without
demolishing the structures. We also encountered
booby-trapped men, Palestinians who raised
their hands to surrender while wearing explosive
vests, in an attempt to detonate themselves
among our soldiers."

The international community has pilloried us with
accusations of a "massacre" in Jenin and
charged us with human rights abuses for
destroying houses. Division commander
Brig.-Gen. Eyal Shlein angrily denied those
allegations earlier this week, pointing out the
difference between the IDF and the Palestinian
terrorists. "There was no massacre whatsoever. If
we wanted to commit a massacre, we could have
taken over the camp in one day. The IDF did not
use artillery or aircraft."

As for the house demolitions, Shlein was
emphatic. "A balanced person does not
booby-trap his house with the intent to return to it."
In a swipe at the Palestinian propaganda
machine and the international press corps that
parrots its claims without comment, Shlein said,
"We intend to demolish the booby-trapped
buildings, because after we get everyone out,
they will accuse us of leaving booby-trapped

The saying goes, "A man is known by the
company he keeps," and the same is no less true
of nations. Israelis today scan the international
community and note the difference between our
supporters and our adversaries. On the
adversaries side, we have European and Arab
governments who brazenly threaten us with
sanctions and war. We have Kofi Annan and the
UN that threaten us with international troops who
will come in to stop "Israeli aggression" against
innocent Palestinians; and we have urban
terrorists in European cities who attack Jews,
destroy Jewish property, and call for our collective

On the friends side, we have the American
people and Diaspora Jewry. Israelis note that
while Secretary of State Powell may have been
taken in by the EU, the UN, and the Saudis - the
same forces doing everything in their power to
scuttle the US war on terrorism - the American
people are far from fooled.

We saw with gratitude and appreciation that at
the mass rally in support of Israel in Washington
on Monday, members of Congress from both
parties, leading Christians, and African
Americans stood shoulder-to-shoulder with
American Jews in declaring their support of Israel
and in explaining to Powell and his associates
that there is no difference between Yasser Arafat
and Osama bin Laden.

We saw that under a week after the call was put
out for the rally, over 100,000 Jews, from all over
the US descended on Washington, where they
stood for hours in the blistering sun to show their
commitment to Israel.

We saw last week that a third of France's brave
and anxious Jewish community, which has
suffered from an average of a dozen daily attacks
since Easter and more than 400 attacks in the
last year, rallied virtually alone in the streets of
Paris in support of Israel.

The architects of the Oslo process promised us
we were standing at the precipice of a new world
order. But the terrorism and anti-Semitism, and
the blind hatred that fertilizes them both, have
proven the old order is still the order of the day.
Although most of us would have been happier if
the utopia Oslo promised had materialized, there
is comfort and relief in knowing the truth.

The utopians, who promised us everlasting peace
and universal brotherhood in exchange for signing
our land away to a terrorist, told us it was by
appeasing our enemies that Israel would fulfill its
mission as "a light to the nations." Today, as we
return to the old world order, where we are hated
because our enemies like to hate us, the internal
strength denied us in a decade of self-abnegation
has returned.

We look at ourselves in the mirror, and we like
what we see. We look at our friends, and we
respect them for who they are. We look at our
enemies and understand their hatred for what it is
- an expression of their moral failure.

Today, we understand that being a light to the
nations means setting an example of loyalty to our
traditions of valor and simple human decency,
with the hope that others will follow, and not
attempting to appease murderers and begging
for acceptance.

Given this state of affairs, it is not surprising that
83% of Israelis wouldn't want to live anywhere else.


by Joseph Farah   April 18, 2002  © 2002

On April 9, 13 Israeli soldiers were killed in an
ambush in the Arab town of Jenin.

While the operation was "sophisticated," according
to Israel Defense Forces, and included a building
loaded with explosives in strategic locations,
flanking rifle fire used to pin down the Israelis and
a suicide bomber to trigger the key blast, there is
something about this incident that illustrates why a
Palestinian state is not in the best interests of the
world, nor even those who would live in such a

The most "clever" part of the operation was
dispatching toward the pinned down soldiers the
suicide bomber – a boy about the age of 10. Why
was this clever? Because the Arab leadership who
sent him understood that Israeli soldiers, even those
under the stress of battle, would not shoot a
10-year-old child.

Thus, the boy exploded and killed the soldiers, too.

It's this kind of immorality – repeated a thousand
times a day in Yasser Arafat's territories – that
makes Palestinian statehood a bloody awful idea.

It's not only a threat to Israeli security – the
argument we hear repeatedly from media pundits –
it would also ensure that future generations of
Palestinian children will be victimized in this
manner. More will be indoctrinated from birth to be
martyrs. More will be taught that Jews are evil.
More will be taught the virtues of hatred.

And Israeli Arabs, who ironically today know more
freedom than any of their brethren in Arab
countries, will become slaves of a new state under
the totalitarian control of Arafat and his unelected

In an interview I conducted with Pat Buchanan
this week, I explained to the columnist, who
strongly favors the creation of a Palestinian state,
that no such state has ever existed in the history of
the world. He conceded that point, but replied that
Arab states such as Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia
never existed before they were created by the
colonial powers in the last century.

True enough. But why would the world want to
repeat that mistake? What did the creation of those
states do for the world? And, just as importantly,
what did the creation of those states do for the
people who live within their borders?

This is the question that is never discussed by the
pundits. I've been called a racist for opposing the
creation of a Palestinian state under the leadership
of Arafat. In fact, I believe many of those calling for
the creation of such a state are themselves racist.
They do not have the best interests of the Arabic
people at heart. They do not believe Arabs are
capable of self-government. They apparently think
that Arabs are only worthy of living under tyranny.

On the other hand, I say the only chance for peace
in the Middle East will come when there is an
expansion of freedom – a defeat of tyranny.

Is this a pipedream?

Not really. I remember when the Lebanese people
governed themselves freely.

Because of that recent experience with
self-governance, Lebanon could be a free nation
again if given the chance. But it suffers instead
under the yoke of domination by neighboring Syria
– one of only a handful of countries in the world
occupied by a foreign military power.

Why does the Arab world need another police
state? Will the so-called "Palestinian people" really
be better off under an Arab dictator than under
Israeli domination? As an Arab-American
journalist, who has spent a good deal of time in the
region, I tell you the answer is no.

It's time for the dictators in the Arab world to be
overthrown. It's time for an expansion of freedom.
It's time to aid insurgency movements in the Islamic
world that will bring freedom to the people. It's not
time to create more slave states.

Yes, a Palestinian state headed by Arafat or an
Arafat-like successor sworn to the destruction of
Israel will be a constant threat to the Jewish state.
But, what most observers miss, is the fact that it
will also be an oppressive obstacle to freedom for
the Arab people.


By Margot Dudkevitch  - Jerusalem Post   April 18 2002

As sirens sounded throughout the country marking
Remembrance Day on Tuesday morning, reservists
and conscripts at the Jenin refugee camp stood at
their armored personnel carriers and at doorways in
the dusty alleyways, bowing their heads in
remembrance of comrades.

Combat weary and yearning for their families and
homes, most reservists were called up for Operation
Defensive Shield following the Seder night massacre
at the Park Hotel in Netanya.

"We came here to do a job - destroy the terrorist
infrastructure and round up terrorists, and at the
same time make every effort to minimize any
damage to the local population," one soldier said.

Jenin, long considered a terrorist hotbed, was the
scene of some of the most intensive battles between
soldiers and Palestinian gunmen. Twenty-three
soldiers were killed in the fighting and dozens

Most of the camp's 13,000 residents fled with the
army's entry into the camp. A small number of
residents chose to remain, plus several hundred
terrorists - who engaged in gun battles and planted
bombs on roads and in doorways of homes, which
they detonated as soldiers approached.

Some 500 males surrendered to the troops; of
whom 150 were confirmed to have participated in
terrorist activities and gun battles with soldiers.

Israel estimates that 50 Palestinians were killed in
the gun battles. Some 20 Palestinian bodies have
been recovered, and several wounded Palestinian
gunmen have been pulled out of the rubble.

Several women were reported among the dead, next
to whose bodies soldiers found Kalashnikov assault
rifles. International Red Cross teams have been
working with soldiers to locate bodies and remove
them for burial, while truckloads of food, medicine,
and other goods have been brought into the city and
camp for residents.

Entering the camp, the soldiers were confronted by a
fortified outpost, a "fortress of terror" and not a quiet
residential area, said Maj. (res.) Rafi Lederman.
"More than 50 percent of the suicide bombers who
perpetrated attacks inside Israel were from Jenin.
They trained here, received their weapons and
bombs here, and instructions regarding where to
perpetrate their attacks," he said.

"Suicide bombers from other areas came through
Jenin and received their equipment and blessings
from the local people," he added.

>From the military tent city set up on the outskirts of
town we enter the camp in armored personnel
carriers along dusty roads. The shutters and
windows on most buildings are closed. Most of the
houses are unharmed and appear to be empty.

In recent days some of the camp residents have
started to return. In some places stone walls
surrounding the buildings have been knocked down
and bullets have left pock marks on the exterior
walls. An eery silence prevails.

The local hospital is untouched and ambulance
crews stand at the entrance.

We leave the APCs and proceed on foot, the
soldiers cautioning us not to stray from the roadside
due to the danger of explosive boobytraps planted by
the Palestinians that have not yet been defused by
sappers. Remnants of some of the bombs
detonated against troops remain in the streets.

Several hundred meters inside the camp we are
confronted by a war zone, the scene of some of the
most intensive and bitter gun battles, where
Palestinians boobytrapped buildings and gas

"We had received intelligence reports prior to our
entry and knew there were hundreds of kilograms of
explosives. Some we managed to defuse and others
were detonated against our soldiers," said

Hagai Tal, the marketing manager of The Jerusalem
Post Internet Edition, has been serving inside the
camp since the IDF launched Defensive Shield. "As
we entered the camp from the outskirts we came
under heavy gunfire from the surrounding buildings.
Our deputy commander was wounded in the leg -
that was our welcome," he said.

The soldiers operated slowly and cautiously, he said,
moving from house to house. "We covered 600
meters in three days due to the intense gun battles,"
he said. "In one of the buildings we entered we found
two women and children who were screaming and
yelling. We offered them sweets and then placed
them in one of the rooms in accordance with

"One of the women told us there was no one else in
the house, but when we told them to remain in the
room she called out to her husband that soldiers
were inside and told him to run away. They began
shooting at us - soldiers in a house opposite opened
fire and killed them," said Tal.

"In another incident we reached a house toward
nightfall and called on the occupants to step outside.
They did and then a group of three men came out
later. We asked them to lift their shirts, two did but
the third one didn't and turned to the side and tugged
a chord in order to activate explosives. We shot him.
He was one and a half meters from us," he said.

Near the center of the camp, damaged buildings
have been reduced to rubble, walls have been
knocked down, and steel girders hang from portions
of walls left standing. Bottles of oil, sugar, and
disposable diapers sit on shelves in one of the
shops, its interior and front wall destroyed save for a
number of shelves. A sewing machine on a table and
a chair next to it are all that remains of what appears
to have been a tailor's shop next door. Posters of
"martyrs" or suicide bombers remain pasted on the

On the second floor porch of a two-story building
washing still hangs on the line, but the interior of the
apartment is totally destroyed. Dubbed by troops as
"ground zero," an enormous clearing of rubble is
what remains of buildings and alleyways that were
flattened and destroyed by army bulldozers. It is the
site where 13 soldiers were killed and six wounded
when they walked into an ambush of bombs and
gunfire last week.

Under heavy gunfire the wounded soldiers were
eventually retrieved as well as the bodies, but due to
the ferocity of the gunfire bulldozers had top be sent
in to knock down buildings and clear a way for them
to be evacuated. An elderly woman, her
granddaughter, and two others walk over the rubble
toward us. As soon as they see the camera they
begin wailing and make gestures with their arms.

"It is a difficult situation, an extremely complex one,"
said Dr. David Zangan, the unit medical officer, as he
looks at the women. "Residents have started to
return to the camp, but most have stayed away. We
give them food and water," he said.

Another soldier standing nearby surveying the rubble
says, "We uncovered dozens of bomb workshops,
and on the streets and in the buildings there were
more bombs than dogs turds."

Capt. (res.) Uzi Maor said that "almost every house
was boobytrapped and there were explosive devices
in the streets. We made every effort to minimize
damage to the civilian population. We used only
precise weapons and ammunition and did not use

"Missiles were fired from helicopters at specific
targets and bulldozers were used to damage
specific buildings where gunmen were shooting at
troops. Buildings or homes which were not used by
terrorists were left alone. We operated at the
expense of our own troops. If we had dropped
bombs from aircraft, then we would have had fewer
casualties on our side."

Returning to the tent city we leave the soldiers
behind. All say they hope to return home to their
families soon. "Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said we
may start to pull out in days," says one soldier.

All agree on one thing: The operation launched by
Israel was to defend their homes and their families.


As I helped my toddler get dressed this morning, in a
crisp white T-shirt imprinted with an American flag
and a pair of embroidered blue jeans, I couldn't erase
a heinous picture from my mind. It was an
Associated Press photo taken Saturday in Berlin,
Germany, of a father and his little girl. He is an
unidentified Palestinian demonstrator; she is riding on
his shoulders with a giant poster of Yasser Arafat in
the backdrop. The smiling child -- no more than 4 or 5
years old -- has dark, wavy hair and caramel skin like
my daughter's. She is dressed in a powder-blue
sweatshirt. Maybe she picked it out herself and
pulled it over her head without any help at all.

But what's wrapped around her waist had to be all
daddy's doing. And what a monstrous fashion statement
it is: Strapped to the child is a costume belt of
explosives -- three sticks of mock dynamite, complete
with long white fuses, taped to her tiny belly.
It's the latest in kiddie suicide bomber chic.

In Washington, the heated linguistic debate is over
whether the young Palestinians who keep blowing
themselves up in Israeli markets, malls and restaurants
-- 66 of them since September 2000 -- should be called
"suicide bombers" or "homicide bombers." Either way, the
need remains for truth in labeling the deranged adults
who are grooming these young terrorists in training.

Human rights groups such as Amnesty International and
Human Rights Watch, famous for their clamorous advocacy
of children's rights, stand by silently as "Palestine" and
its sympathizers indoctrinate their youth in the glories
of self-destruction. We hear about the evils of child
labor in Indian sweatshops and the cruelty of conscripting
child soldiers in Sierra Leone. But nothing of the
Palestinian barbarians who revel in turning their toddlers
and teens into nitroglycerine-wrapped killing machines.

These are the ultimate child abusers, willing to sacrifice
their own flesh and blood to satisfy a state craving for
vengeance while cashing in on financial incentives
offered by terrorist insurers. Listen to the father of
a 20-something bomber who killed 21 Israelis at a
Tel Aviv discotheque last summer:

   "I am very happy and proud of what my son did and,
    frankly, am a bit jealous ...
    I wish I had done it myself."

Listen to the Palestinian Broadcasting Corp., where
toddlers recite bloodthirsty verses on Sesame Street-like

   "When I wander into the entrance of Jerusalem, I will
    turn into a suicide warrior in battle dress!
    In battle dress!"

sang one little girl.

   "Palestine! Amidst the shooting of the revolution,
    I turn to you with my blood and the blood of my
    brother and of the son of my neighbors. My heart
    will cleanse your image.
    Allah is great! Allah is great!"

warbled another child, while adult leaders coached them on.
"Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!" the grown-ups cheered. Listen to the
Saudi ambassador to Britain, who sung the praises of the
teen-age Palestinian girl who blew herself up three weeks ago
in a Jerusalem market: "You died to honor God's word," Ghazi
Algosaibi rhapsodized. "She embraced death with a smile
while the leaders are running away from death. Doors of
heaven are opened for her."

And listen to Arafat's wife, Suha, goading other
Palestinian parents to endorse the suicide/homicide
"operations" on Jews: There would have been "no greater
honor," Arafat reportedly told a London-based paper this
week, than watching her son take his own life for the
Palestinian struggle for independence -- if only she had
a son. Mrs. Arafat, it should be noted, is safely in
Paris, where she and her 6-year-old daughter are seeking
respite from "martyrdom" while other people's sons and
daughters do the "honor" of splattering themselves and
innocent bystanders all over the sidewalks. Asked
whether suicide bombings served the Palestinian cause,
Mrs. Arafat responded:

   "Let me ask: 'What is one's position
    (supposed to be toward) an enemy who kills father,
    brother, sister, mother and grandfather in cold blood?
    Should we remain with arms folded?" Should we ?"


      "Europeans, I think, are going to learn that
       their real fears are not that we wish to control
       them, work with them, influence them, or corrupt
       them, but rather that we simply prefer to forget
       about them. They are rapidly becoming little more
       than an old windy Nestor — wordy, impotent, and
       full of empty advice about a glorious past in
       someone else's busy present."

Victor David Hanson - National Review


60 years after the Holocaust, nearly the entire world is
united in allowing the continued slaughter of Jews,
agreeing that Jews have no right to self-defense. The Jews
are demonized as colonizers and aggressors, while Arab
terrorists are praised as valiant defenders when they blow
up a bus full of unarmed passengers, a restaurant full of
children or a holiday celebration full of senior citizens.
In Europe, the scene of the Holocaust, Kristallnacht is
being relived. The United Nations is incapable of agreeing
upon anything other than the evil of the Jews.

The problem with the United Nations is that while democracy
within nations is the best available form of government,
democracy among nations can be a moral disaster -
especially if some nations are not democracies. Many U.N.
member states are dictatorships. Many more are very poor
quasidemocracies with all sorts of tribal and ethnic

For more great reading, visit our new EDITORIAL ARCHIVE


Become a WITNESS TO THE NATIONS and let them know what great things
our Lord is doing for Israel and what great things He will continue to
do for her, His firstborn.
