CAFI Newsletter #75
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 10:14:14 -0500

Isaiah 62:6

Monday, March 25, 2002


  1.    NEVER AGAIN?






     1.    NEVER AGAIN?

 By Berel Wein  Jerusalem Post

(March 14) One of the slogans that gained favor in some
Jewish circles in the 1970s and 1980s was "Never Again!"
The import of the slogan was that Jews would never again
allow themselves to be slaughtered indiscriminately by
those who hate them. It was not only the scope of the
Holocaust that would never again be repeated, but the
idea behind that atrocity - that Jews should be killed
merely for being Jewish - would also never again
be tolerated.

Well, the slogan has been proven wrong and even empty.
Jews are being killed merely because they are Jews.
They are being killed in cafes and banquet halls,
outside synagogues and in the study halls of yeshivot,
walking on the streets and driving their automobiles.
The Jews who are being killed are old and young,
Zionists and anti-Zionists, Left and Right, haredi
and secular, militants and peaceniks.

They are being killed wherever they can be found -
in Gaza and the West Bank, Hadera and Netanya, Tel Aviv
and Jerusalem. They are being killed in locations and
neighborhoods that were Jewish-owned and populated before
Arizona and New Mexico were admitted to the United States.

And, as was the case 65 years ago, much of the
"civilized" world in effect condones these killings by
its inaction, its biased positions on the dispute, its
public stance in support of the killers and its
pathetic sense of relative morality and hypocritical

There is no nationalistic cause that justifies
rolling hand grenades into a hotel lobby or bombing
people standing outside a cafe. It is only killing for
killing's sake, hatred for hatred's sake that defines
such behavior; except that in the minds of the killers
and those who create, protect and send these fanatics
to their deaths, all of this is justified by the fact
that they are killing Jews.

No Jew is ever an innocent victim in their eyes.

In his infamous speech to the SS in the midst of the
Holocaust, Himmler praised them for remaining strong
and true even though they had to suffer the trauma of
killing babies and old people every day. Well, that
is pretty much the same speech that we hear from
Hamas and Islamic Jihad and all the other fronts for
Yasser Arafat's murderers. Himmler was also embarked
on a jihad. And the world then condoned that jihad,
just as much of it supports the current one.

Well, rabbi, you will say, isn't it true that Israel
is killing Palestinians on a daily basis? Why doesn't
Israel just retreat into its original Auschwitz
borders (Abba Eban's felicitous phrase) of pre-1967
and then the killing will end?

Yes, Palestinian Arabs are dying every day. But
they are dying not because they are Arabs or
Palestinians. They are dying because they are shooting
at Jews, planting bombs, sending out suicide
terrorists, or being in the unfortunate situation of
having terrorists use them as shields and havens.

They are dying because not one of their leaders has
had the courage to condemn their terror. Even in
Nazi Germany there were those who spoke out against
the killings. We are faced with a wall of Arab silence,
broken only by warmed-over peace plans that if
adopted in their present publicized form, can only
result in the destruction of the State of Israel.

The tragedy is that the killing can be stopped.
If Arafat can and will impose a true cease-fire, then
perhaps even positive progress toward a mutual
arrangement of prosperity and accomodation may result.
But as long as the thrust of Arafat's policy is that
indiscriminate killing of Jews will gain him more
than any negotiated arrangement, that the way to the
Palestinian future is through jihad, then more of
his people are also destined to die because of
his cruel cynicism.

And if Arafat continues to prove untrustworthy, then
to whom should Israel turn to negotiate borders,
settlements, commerce and normal relations? To whom,
indeed? The entire idea of any peace arrangement here
is hinged on a satisfactory answer to that question.

Above all else, Israel needs a leadership which will
tell us the truth - that somehow "Never Again!" was
wishful thinking. We now need inspiration and comfort,
not slogans and rallies. We need Churchills and not
Chamberlains, Isaiahs and not false prophets of doom
on the one hand or makers of pie-in-the-sky promises
on the other.

The Jewish people have within it a strength that has
withstood every historical trauma heaped upon it.
It is strong in this hour of crisis and sadness as well.

In the time of the Holocaust, much of Jewish leadership
was silent or ineffective. They did not want to rock the
boat, to say things that were impolitic or challenging.

Well, at least that part of "Never Again!" should be
resurrected and implemented. We should speak up and
speak out, to state our right to live in Israel
without being terrorized and murdered. And if force
is the only way that this can be achieved, then force
it will be. We really don't want it to be this way,

Shabbat Shalom


David Warren - The Ottawa Citizen - March 22, 2002

Pay no attention to the suicide bombers; they are
not currently the issue. Do not notice how Israel responds.
The ceasefire talks U.S. envoy Anthony Zinni is chairing
may stop or start.

A fundamental shift has just occurred in the relations
between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Dick Cheney
has taken over from Ariel Sharon as Yasser Arafat's jailer
(or more precisely, probation officer). The Palestinians
who thought they were fighting the Israelis now find
themselves staring directly at the United States.

This is the meaning of the invitation the U.S.
vice-president extended to Mr. Arafat to meet him on
Monday in Cairo, before the Arab League Summit in Beirut
on Wednesday and Thursday. The invitation is conditional.
Mr. Zinni must first report that Mr. Arafat is making a
"100-per-cent effort" to stop terrorist attacks on Israel.

As ever, Mr. Arafat thinks he will be the last to blink.
He wants to see if Mr. Cheney will meet him, even after
he has privately ordered his militias to continue with
the carnage. Mr. Zinni, anticipating that, is now
telling him it is an extremely stupid idea.
But Mr. Arafat has a genius for this kind of stupidity,
has found it is consistently rewarded, and why
stop now?

Because he is no longer dealing with Israel, or Mr. Sharon.
He is instead staring down a U.S. administration that is
about to decide whether it can live with him any more,
and frankly doubts that it can. Mr. Cheney had, according
to my information, actually told several Arab leaders
during his tour that he would be personally taking over
Mr. Arafat's file. The news was intended to reach
Mr. Arafat from them, first.

In an exquisite piece of diplomatic choreography,
Colin Powell, the U.S. secretary of state, declared the
Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, under Mr. Arafat's command
through the Fatah faction, to be an official
"foreign terrorist organization" within hours of the
suicide bombing at the corner of Agrippas and King
George streets in Jerusalem.

U.S. President George W. Bush paused in El Paso to
express his disappointment with Mr. Arafat's latest
failure. And Gen. Zinni let Mr. Arafat personally
understand the U.S. was aware the murderer, Mohammed
Hashaika, had been released by Palestinian police in
Ramallah at Mr. Arafat's instruction.

In Israel, Mr. Cheney, whose purchase on English
syntax is firm, had been careful to distinguish
between the idea of a Palestinian state and the idea
of Mr. Arafat. The one idea no longer necessarily
contains the other. The U.S., with pressures
building toward Baghdad, can no longer tolerate a
leader who, in addition to his established credentials
as terrorist and psychopath, is in the habit of
telling lies and breaking promises.

Mr. Cheney also made clear to other Arab leaders that
while the U.S. anticipates the establishment of an
independent Palestine, and has now even sponsored a
Security Council resolution to that effect, it will
not allow the formation of another Islamist rogue
state in the suburbs of Jerusalem. A Palestinian
leader who will not dissolve every tie he has with
terrorist violence is one who must be retired.

Syria is also in the firing line. Mr. Cheney not
only cancelled his planned visit to Damascus, he let
the Syrian dictator, Bashir Assad, know why.

The Syrians are instrumental in the current Hezbollah
buildup in southern Lebanon, where tensions are now
sky-high. They have been simultaneously playing with
Iraq and Hamas. There are intelligence reports of
al-Qaeda representation, and Damascus connections
keep turning up in Afghan caves.

While the ultimate sources of terrorist funding and
equipment in the Syrian neighbourhood are the regimes
in Baghdad and Tehran, Damascus is the safe house and
co-ordinating centre. The escalation of attacks on
northern Israel is largely intended to distract the
Bush administration from Iraq, as well as to rally
and focus Muslim world opinion.

Mr. Assad, whose problems include being genuinely
dull-witted, has thus been gravely warned. If he does
not also make a "100-per-cent effort" to close down
the terrorist operations he is now hosting, Syria
will also qualify for a regime change. Mr. Cheney's
non-arrival was the equivalent to flying a small
airplane banner across the sky over Damascus,
reading, "Watch this space."

Indeed, the message at large to the Arab world from
Mr. Cheney comes to this: "Talk is important." If you
don't have a dialogue going with the U.S., then you
are right to lose sleep. And the way to keep it going
is to play straight, for there is no time left for
silly lies and impostures.

The invitation to the Saudi crown prince, Abdullah,
to meet with Mr. Bush at his ranch in Texas is not
the concession it first appeared. I suspect a
conscious ffort was made to play on Prince Abdullah's
vanity, which is considerable.

But the purpose of the exercise is to allow Mr. Bush
to tell him, at close quarters, and in a place where
there can be no point to Abdullah throwing one of
his theatrical tantrums -- no doubt after a fine halal
barbeque -- that the U.S. is calling his bluff.
That the subject can no longer be changed from
Saddam Hussein to Palestine. That the clock is ticking
on Iraq. That Abdullah is wrong, and has misread U.S.
intentions, if he thinks Israel is an unavoidable
issue. For by their own associations with Islamist
terrorism, Mr. Arafat and Mr. Assad make themselves
not merely enemies of Israel, but enemies of the United

             © Copyright 2002 The Ottawa Citizen

     3.    REPENTANCE

By  Naomi Ragen

This is how CNN reported the machine gun shooting of
civilians in the Israeli town of Kfar Saba today: First
the reporter reminded viewers that Ariel Sharon himself
had given up the demand for seven days of quiet, because
Israel itself now realized that that was “unrealistic”
(to demand the end of terrorist attacks is now unrealistic,
because even Israel’s Prime Minister thinks his country
has it coming).  Then she reminded viewers that seven
days ago  Israel had moved into Palestinian controlled
areas, (implying again, that  Israel had it coming.)

There was no reminder, however,  that the IDF move into
Palestinian-controlled cities (which only became
“Palestinian-controlled cities” because Arafat signed
agreements renouncing terror) followed an unprecedented
number of terrorist attacks by Palestinian Authority
Fatah terrorists against innocent Israeli Jews.

She went on to remind viewers that “ tanks were still
occupying Bethlehem and Beit Jala.” (Again, no
background to the Israeli side: Why didn’t she say:
“from which Palestinians have been firing into apartment
buildings in the Gilo neighborhood of Jerusalem.’)
Palestinians are refusing to negotiate until these
tanks are removed, CNN tells us.   When the report
was over, even I could see how people might agree we
deserved to be machine-gunned in our streets.  At least,
if that’s the way you tell the story.

And that was the end of the report. No mention that
in all likelihood, the Kfar Saba killer came from
nearby Palestinian-controlled Kalkilyah, from which
Israel recently pulled out following U.S. pressure and
the presence of special envoy Anthony Zinni, who has
so far gotten more Israelis killed with his visits
than anything else.  No mention that Israel has done
everything it can to comply with American demands,
and Yasir Arafat has not only done less than nothing,
but continues to commit crimes against humanity by
the bushel.

Is this balanced reporting, Mr. Davis?
( who is in charge of balanced reporting)
Surely you, and those you work for, will one day be held
accountable for your part in getting Israelis killed in
cold blood by creating the impression that they have it
coming to them.  Or perhaps -- all CNN ads for Abu Dhabi
hotels, and CNN Arabic aside-- you truly believe that
to be true.

And this is how CNN is portraying the meetings between
Arafat and Zinni.  We are told that Zinni’s mission is
to arrange a cease-fire, and that he is seeing what it
will take to get Arafat to agree to this.  This, after
two terrorist attacks today alone.

Since when did a demand to stop terrorist attacks
against noncombatants become a goal for negotiations
and not a crime against humanity?  Cease when is an
end to terror called a “cease-fire?”   Saeb Ereket
said that  Arafat was doing all that he could to
cooperate, according to CNN.  Well, what about
saying out loud to your terrorist scum to stop
attacking little high school girls?  What is Israel
going to have to do to get “Mr.”  Arafat to agree
to that?  And what would the U.S. be willing to give up
to get a terrorist group to stop killing its children?

I would like to say something which I’ve said before,
months before September 11.  When the world accepts the
slaughter of Jews it simply sets the stage for the
slaughter of innocents  all over the world.  It may
start with the Jews, but it never ends there.

Mr. Bush, and the American people, who suffered
their own outrage today when a grenade attack inside
a church in Islamabad killed 15  worshippers during a
church service, have to understand that this kind of
reporting and this kind of  wishy-washy stance towards
terrorists are endangering civilized people all over
the world as it eats away at civilized norms and
substitutes trashy commentary for unequivocal
descriptions of what is taking place.  I think that
Americans, and Europeans, and Asians – in fact
anyone who is not part of the great Islamo-Nazi
civilization that has grown up under ruthless
dictatorships throughout the Arab world, should put
themselves clearly on the line to say: This is
not negotiable.  Mr. Arafat must stop terrorism,
or be tried for Crimes Against Humanity in an
international tribunal.  Otherwise, every other
crazy  with a grievance will soon be blowing
themselves and the  rest of the world’s women and
children up, as they shop, or eat, or pray.
It is just a matter of time.

We Jews believe that there is such a thing as
repentance.  It has three stages:

1) recognition that one did something wrong,
2) a sincere desire never to repeat such a thing
3) and the ultimate test, being put in the same position,
   acting differently.

After WWII. the world looked with horror at what the
Nazis had wrought, and how appeasement and propaganda
had allowed it to happen.  The world is now being given
a second chance to repent.   All those that stand
behind the attempts to prevent Israel from
protecting her people; all those that want to give
Arafat the freedom to decide whether or not he’ll
stop committing crimes against humanity in exchange
for something other than  not getting the electric
chair, or getting hung, are guilty of crimes that
have already brought disaster to freedom-loving
people once before.

Stand up and be counted.  Because tomorrow it just
may be too late.  Tomorrow, it may be your daughter
coming home from school. Or your congregation in the
middle of prayer.  Or your wedding or Bar Mitzvah.

And the “militant” or “freedom fighter” who shoots or
throws a grenade or blows himself up  might be a
Mexican, or Indian or home-grown Islamo-Nazi eager
to make his own deal for a “cease-fire.”

Copyright@Naomi Ragen 2002


By Victor Davis Hanson, author most recently of
Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power.

One of the advantages of living in relative isolation on
a farm is the opportunity to ponder idle questions when
there are few experts around to give the proper answers.
I list in no particular order a sampling of them that
arose last night while I was walking alone through the
orchard - on the chance that a few other puzzled Americans
have also at times been just as exasperated and confused.

Why does Mr. Mubarak lecture us to become intimately
engaged in the Middle East Peace process, when Mr. Clinton,
who was very recently intimately engaged, got the
intifada for his efforts?

And why does Mr. Mubarak seek to advise us about our
proper diplomatic role, rather than explain to us why
an Egyptian masterminded the deaths of 3,000 of our
citizens and others of his countrymen are top lieutenants of
Mr. Bin Laden and are now killing Americans in Afghanistan?

And why, instead of warning about rising anti-Americanism
in his country - itself the dividend of the virulent
propaganda of his own state-run presses - does he not
ponder another recent poll, one showing that 76 percent
of Americans themselves have an unfavorable view of
the Arab world?

Because, unlike Egypt, we are a democracy, at some
point will some brave American congressman ask the
dreaded question, "Why continue to give billions to
Egypt where three quarters of the people do not like
us - and when three quarters of the American people
would prefer not to?"

Why do Middle Easterners become excited and haughty
as they gloat to you that Americans are unpopular in
their countries, but suddenly grow shocked, silent,
and hurt when you politely and calmly explain why
the feeling is becoming - and perhaps should be - mutual?

Why do so many from the Middle East come here to find
freedom, security, and safety - and then criticize the
country that they would never leave as they praise the
country that they would never return to?

Is there a word for profiling or irrationally hating
Americans? Americanophobia? Misamericany?

Why did we incur only anger from Eastern Europeans and
Orthodox Christians for saving the Muslims of the former
Yugoslavia from Milosevic, but no praise at all from
the Islamic world itself?

If the West Bank is the linchpin of the current Middle
East crisis, what were wars #1, #2, and #3 there about,
when it was entirely in Arab hands?

Is there a difference between Palestinians preferring
to kill Israeli civilians rather than soldiers, and
Israelis preferring to kill Palestinian fighters
rather than civilians?

Why are the EU and international agencies vocal about
well-fed and humanely treated prisoners in Cuba, and
yet said nothing when depraved comrades of these
detainees recently executed an American soldier upon
capture in Afghanistan, and murdered Danny Pearl?

Would the world be angry if a Jewish terrorist forced
a captured Muslim to admit to his race and faith as he
executed and beheaded him on film?

Is it really true, as we were warned for most of
January, that prayer-mats, lamb stew, Korans, and
humane treatment in Cuba ensured that al Qaeda in
turn would not execute captured Americans?

Why do not Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, who
overtly and stealthily war along side the Palestinians,
simply all join with the former to gang up and
declare war openly on Israel and then settle the
issue on the battlefield?

If we remove the fascist regime in Iraq and help
institute consensual government there, why would we
need troops any longer next door in Saudi Arabia?
What and from whom would we then be there to protect?

If we could not have normal relations with the Soviet
Union and Eastern Europe, who both allowed neither
freedom nor democracy, why and how can we
maintain normal relations with the Islamic world?

If America forced Israel to give back every inch of the
West Bank, if America withdrew all its troops from all
Arab countries, if America increased its aid to Egypt,
Palestine, and Jordan, if America sought to placate
Saddam Hussein, remove all U.N. sanctions, and
normalize relations with the Iraqi dictatorship, and
if America sought to restore full relations with Iran
without conditions, would the Muslim world really like
the United States?

Has any American in any live broadcast on television
ever asked a Saudi prince, the king of Jordan, the
President of Egypt, or the royalty of Kuwait, whether
they plan on allowing a free press or democratic
government? If not, why not?

If 19 Americans incinerated 3,000 Muslims in Mecca
or Medina, and blew up 20 acres in either of those
cities with a two-kiloton explosion, would the Saudis
or the Egyptians a few weeks later politely listen to
admonitions from the American government about their
incorrect Islamic policies in the Middle East?

If the Eiffel Tower had been wrecked by an al Qaeda
hijacked airliner, would the French have gone into
Afghanistan after the terrorists? And if so, how and
why? And would they have asked our help? And would we
have given it?

Why in the last decade have we seen a succession of
sraeli prime ministers and opposition figures but
only Mr. Arafat alone?

What would the world think if Mr. Sharon displayed a
revolver and then attempted to strike one of his
ministers at a Cabinet meeting?

Why do Palestinians shoot machine-guns up into the
air at funerals and Israelis do not?

Why do supporters of Israel in America rarely castigate
their country for giving money to Egypt, Jordan, and
Mr. Arafat, while supporters of the Palestinian
authority here always damn the United States for giving
commensurate aid to Israel?

Why do Middle Easterners become far more enraged at
Israelis for shooting hundreds of Muslims than at
Iranians, Iraqis, Jordanians, Syrians, Indians,
Algerians, Russians, Somalis, and Serbians for
liquidating tens of thousands?

If nearly two-thirds of the Arabic world believe that
Arabs were not involved in September 11, why should
any American believe anything that two out of three
people from that region say?

Will Palestinians cheer when Saddam Hussein
launches chemical-laden missiles against Israel when
we invade his country?

Why after half a century has the Saudi government
suddenly now decided to enter the negotiations
about Palestine?

If Iran launched missiles of mass destruction
against Israel, would the EU do anything?

If North Korea attacked South Korea, would the EU
do anything?

If someone blew up another 3,000 Americans, would
the EU do anything?

Has anyone made an inventory of the all the goods,
services, and equipment that France has sold to
Iraq since 1991?

If Johnny Walker Lindh is not charged with betraying
his country, what precisely does an American have
to do to commit treason?

Has anyone heard a Muslim in the United States condemn
September 11 without employing the word "but?"

Why do spokesmen for groups that have the words
"ethical", "humane", "amnesty", "fair" and other such
words of kindness appear so unkind in public interviews?

Why are most of the talking heads on television who are
ex-military men direct, honest, polite, and rarely
self-absorbed, while the academic pundits usually stutter,
lose their cool, and say inane things "one could
imagine." and "as it were"?

How can training someone for four years to lead men
into battle make one a more effective speaker and thinker
than someone prepped for five years in graduate school
to teach in the university and write?

Why do six billion people in the world conclude that
the US military is the most deadly and effective armed
force in the history of civilization when the American
media who covers it does not?

How much annual income and time off does one have to
garner to oppose automatically almost everything the
United States has done since September 11?

I know that there are properly nuanced answers to
these questions that touch on issues of pragmatism,
national security, statecraft, requisite education,
and other such abstract considerations. But millions
of us Americans, I think, wonder about them
nevertheless - and just maybe we are not so crazy
after all.

(This is circulating among friends by e-mail.
We can only assume the attribution of authorship is
correct.  Original source of e-mail unknown.)

     5.    QUOTES TO NOTE

       "One day, it will be proven that the whole story
        ... was one big Palestinian production. And
        Palestinian propaganda has been riding on this
        for a long time now."

Yomtov Samia, former army commander in Gaza, on a German
television report that says Mohammad a-Dura, the
Palestinian 12-year-old who became a symbol of the
intifada after being shot dead on September 30, 2000,
was killed by Palestinian gunfire. It drew no conclusion
whether it was a deliberate act. An earlier investigation
headed by Samia had reached a similar conclusion.


Regardless of all the commitments he has made - from Oslo
to Sharm, Mitchell, Tenet, and Zinni - Arafat has
decided that the terrorism will continue until Israel
withdraws under fire. With each cycle of terrorism leading
to pressure, a "cease-fire," then more terrorism, Arafat
hears more voices of desperation, more calls to
internationalize the conflict, negotiate under fire,
or withdraw unilaterally.

This then, is the impending world of the future. A
battleground between competing visions of humanity, a
world in which suicide bombers, with no remorse or
conscience, explode themselves in major urban centers
throughout the world in an attempt to terrorize
populations into an acknowledgement of their power.

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Become a WITNESS TO THE NATIONS and let them know what great things
our Lord is doing for Israel and what great things He will continue to
do for her, His firstborn.
