CAFI Newsletter #66
Fri, 18 Jan 2002 16:12:07 -0500

Isaiah 62:6



Friday, January 18, 2002





by Daniel Pipes The Wall Street Journal January 18, 2002

Last June, Palestinian television broadcast a sermon in a
Gaza mosque in which the imam, Ibrahim Madi, made the
following statement: "God willing, this unjust state Israel
will be erased; this unjust state the United States will be
erased; this unjust state Britain will be erased."

The sheikh's gentle homily comes again to mind as
Palestinians' efforts to build their arsenal and persistent
attacks on Israeli civilians have again been exposed of late.
The most recent assault was at a ballroom last night, when a
Palestinian used hand grenades to kill five and wound more
than thirty Israelis, a much smaller number than would have
been the case had the explosives on the terrorist's body
gone off as intended.

And while the American and Israeli situations might seem
completely different, Sheikh Madi's remarks remind us that
the forces of militant Islam see them as akin. So if a
reminder is needed that the war on terrorism goes beyond
the campaign in Afghanistan, the Palestinians offer a
powerful mnemonic. Militant Islamic rule in Afghanistan
may be history but militant Islam is not.

Osama bin Laden years ago declared a jihad against all
Christians and Jews while his friend Mullah Omar, the
Taliban dictator, talked publicly about "the destruction
of America," which he hoped would happen "within a short
period of time." That militant Islamic leaders wish the
same for Israel should hardly be news. The most powerful
of them all, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
recently called for "this cancerous tumor of a state be
removed from the region."

There are differences in the situations, to be sure.
The jihad against the U.S. is newer, less advanced, and
less supported by non-militant Islamic elements. But
especially now, as the U.S. has formally declared war on
terrorism, the common cause of the two states is growing.

As far as being target nations goes, Israel is a bit
further along the learning curve. The attempt to destroy
the Jewish state has gone on since it came into existence
in 1948. For over a half century, the majority of Arabs
have persisted in seeing the state of Israel as a
temporary condition, an enemy they eventually expect to
dispense with, permitting Israelis to, at best, live as
a subject people in "Palestine." At worst, who knows?

When Israel first came into existence, the Arabs
casually assumed they would destroy it. But Israel did
something right. For 45 years the state defended itself
with a toughness and determination that had, by 1993,
left the Arabs reeling. It was a moment when Israel
should have pushed its advantage, to get, once and for
all, recognition of its right to exist.

Instead, the Israelis made what has turned out to be
the historic mistake of easing up. Rather than go in
for victory, they offered advantageous deals to their
two main enemies, the Syrians and Palestinians.

Predictably, these offers backfired: Rather than being
seen as far-sighted strategic concessions intended to
close the conflict, they were interpreted as signs of
Israel's demoralization. The result was renewed Arab
hopes of destroying Israel through force of arms and
an upsurge in violence. Diplomacy, in other words,
unintentionally revived Arab dreams of obliterating
the Jewish state.

Obviously, this wall of Arab rejection harms Israel,
denying its bid to live as a normal nation, subjecting
its population to homicidal attacks, and compelling it
to take tough steps against neighbors. But Israel is
prospering despite these attacks, boasting a high
standard of living, a democratic policy, and
a vibrant culture.

The great irony is that Arabs are paying the higher
price for their destructive urge. The Arab focus on
harming the Jewish state prevents a talented and
dignified people from achieving its potential. It
means they neglect improving their own standard of
living, opening up their own political process, or
attaining the rule of law. The result is plain to see:
Arabs are among the world leaders in percentages of
dictatorships, rogue states, violent conflicts,
and military spending.

Getting Arabs to reconcile themselves to Israel's
existence is easier to say than to do. But it is,
and will remain, the only solution. Only such a
change of heart will close down the century-old
conflict, permit Israel to attain normality, and give
Arabs a chance to advance down the path to modernity.

But this interpretation of the Arab-Israeli conflict
puts the onus on Arabs, something we're not altogether
accustomed to doing these days. Conventional wisdom
has shifted so far that even Israelis tend to consider
Arab acceptance of Israel a fait accompli, shifting
the burden of action to Israel in the form of
concessions (handing over the Golan Heights, parts of
Jerusalem, etc.). But if that position was credible
in 1993, surely today's inflamed rhetoric and the
drumbeat of Palestinian violence proves it to
have been a mirage.

Israel now has the unenviable task of convincing the
Arabs that their dreams of destruction will fail.
Translated into action, that means resolve and
toughness. It means becoming feared, not loved.
The process will be neither domestically pleasant or
internationally popular. But what choice is there? The
failure of the Oslo negotiating process showed nothing
so much as that attempts at a quick fix are doomed to fail.

Understanding the conflict in this way has profound
implications. It means that the outside world, always
anxious to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict, can be most
helpful by simply coming to terms with the basic fact
of continued Arab rejection of Israel. It must
acknowledge Israel's predicament, tolerate its need to
be tough, and press the Arabs to make a fundamental
change in course.

For many governments, even the American one, this
approach requires a reversal from current policy of
premising a breakthrough on concessions from Israel.
Such a reversal in policy will not come easily, but
it is a near-prerequisite for anyone truly serious
about closing down the Arab-Israeli conflict.

        2.    ARAFAT IS ARAFAT

by Ehud Ya'ari - Jerusalem Report

"Karine A" shows, if nothing else, that Yasser Arafat, while
publicly declaring a cease-fire, is clearly preparing for the
next round of fighting. The huge amounts of weapons found
aboard the ship bound for the Palestinian Authority could only
have been intended for a future round -- Arafat understands
that he has lost this round, and is now trying to cut his losses.

When Arafat is planning on entering that next round is not
known. He probably doesn’t have any definite timetable
himself. But he certainly wants to be ready for whenever the
opportunity arises.

The Palestinian Authority has been and is engaged in ongoing
efforts to smuggle in arms, mostly through the border with
Sinai. After this episode, however, exceptional even by
Palestinian standards, there are a few observations that can
be made, and conclusions drawn.

For one thing, post-Karine A, it is unimaginable that any Israeli
government -- except a far-left one led, say, by Yossi Beilin --
would agree to grant the Palestinians a state that has
exclusive control over its borders with Jordan and Egypt. It
was always stupid to assume that Israel might take such a
risk. It would be even more stupid to think that Israel could
take such a risk from here on.

The borders will need to be under much tighter supervision
than Ehud Barak had suggested at Camp David in the
summer of 2000, where he proposed joint Israeli-Palestinian
patrols along the border and joint supervision of the border

This essentially means that in one way or another, the future
Palestinian state will remain a combination of two
semi-enclaves "wrapped" by Israel, with strict control of
shipping off Gaza’s coast as well.

Furthermore, contrary to Israel’s routine assessments, it
turns out that Arafat has maintained intimate working
relationships with Hizballah and Iran, although both those
parties have publicly criticized his cease-fire moves.

Arafat has kept an open, though clandestine, channel to Iran
by means of a special envoy who pays frequent visits to
Teheran while successfully eluding media attention. And with
Hizballah, Arafat has been able to build on old acquaintances,
including Imad Mughniyeh, Hizballah’s deputy secretary
general and chief of operations who appears on the United
States’ list of the world’s 22 most wanted terrorists.

Mughniyeh grew up in Beirut and was a young trainee in
Force 17, Arafat’s own bodyguard. He and Arafat still have a
common language. This PA-Hizballah-Iranian axis has even
got the Egyptians publicly upset. They want Arafat as a junior
ally, not as a partner in a rival pro-Iranian coalition.

The Palestinian-Iranian cooperation in the Karine A operation
should not be viewed as a one-time incident but as a trend
developing simultaneously and in parallel with Arafat’s
maneuvers to reclaim American favor.

And those who believe these two lines of policy are
contradictory should stop worrying about contradictions. This
is the way Arafat likes his politics to look.

As an operation, the Palestinian/Iranian performance was not
particularly impressive. The decision to load the Karine A with
its deadly cargo at Kish Island off the Iranian coast was
reckless, in light of the fact that the region is under very
close American surveillance. Kish Island was formerly Iran’s
entertainment and prostitution Mecca under the shah.

The Palestinians are also apparently unaware of how deeply
their ranks are penetrated by Israeli and other intelligence
services. They’ll be busy seeking out the collaborators now,
but this time, too late.

On the Israeli side, the military operation was complicated
because of political considerations -- especially the need not
to provoke Egyptian and Saudi Arabian sensitivities deep
down the Red Sea. But in itself, it was actually quite a
straightforward commando performance, meeting no
resistance. In general, the rule is the farther away you
operate from Israel -- the boat was seized in the Red Sea 500
kilometers from Eilat -- the easier it gets. The surprise was
complete. But the test here, of course, was not of the Israeli
naval elites’ operational capability, but rather one of

Many senior PA politicos are now snorting and railing against
Arafat, accusing him in private of wild adventurism. They can
fume as much as they want, though. Arafat will have no
problem convincing them, as usual, to sit in his reception
room attending meetings with any passing foreign dignitaries,
while in the back rooms the rais will keep wheeling and
dealing with guys such as Fuad Shobaki. Shobaki, the
bureaucrat in charge of bankrolling all the Palestinian
security organs, acted as the chief financier of the
Karine A operation, with Arafat’s full backing.

Changing the balance of forces will remain Arafat’s primary
objective. Introducing long-range Katyusha rockets that can
reach up to 20 kilometers seems to him the proper way to
deter Israel from punitive actions after terrorist operations.
Creating a threat to Israeli urban centers will remain his goal,
even as he resorts again to the role of "perpetual negotiator."

"Terror is terror is terror," said President Bush. And we can
add: "Arafat is Arafat is Arafat."


           The War Against Western Civilization

By Alan Caruba/

Americans are largely unaware of the
way, throughout the Middle East, the truth is turned on its
head. Facts and evidence that are “obvious” to the Western
mind is immediately declared a lie, a hoax, and a fabrication
by the voices that rule the Middle East. “The story of the
arms ship is but a licensed fabrication by Israel,” said the
editor-in-chief of the Egyptian government’s daily
newspaper, Al-Akhbar. To the rest of the world, it is
evidence the Palestinian Authority wants nothing but war
with Israel.

Everything the U.S. offers as proof of the plots of Osama bin
Laden and al-Qaida is declared false. Anything that suggests
Israel is actually engaged in self-defense is denied. This
infinite capacity for self-deception and the fact that the
media of the Middle East is entirely controlled by the
despots who rule there, leaves the population in a state
of utter stupification.

One thing, however, is clear. Islam, not just as a
religion, but as a culture, as a society, is a bankrupt
failure. If one looks at the world, it is the West with
its science, its representative forms of government, its
dynamic economy, and its sheer creativity that represents
and defines modern civilization. Islam is stagnation,
poverty, and defeat. Were it not for oil, the Middle
East would be a region of little interest or concern to the
West except for its mad dreams of Islamic world domination.

So, when the World Tribune posted an article on January
11th, “Muslim scholars meet to define terrorism and agree:
Israel to blame,” it provided the key for both Christians
and Jews to understand why America was attacked and why
Muslims around the world pose a threat to all governments.
No other major religion issues calls for the death of
those who worship another faith. No other demands to be
the government of all people.

The article began, “Abu Dhabi – Saudi Arabia, under
pressure from the United States to cooperate in the war
against terrorism, has defined Islamic holy war against
Israel as legitimate self-defense.” Has Saudi Arabia been
attacked by Israel? No. Its primary enemy is Iraq with
which it shares a border. Iraq is a nation that attacked
its neighbor, Kuwait and, previously, Iran, both Islamic
nations. Who is currently protecting Saudi Arabia from an
attack by Iraq? The United States of America.

“The definition was formulated during a Saudi-sponsored
seminar on terrorism attended by Muslim scholars from the
kingdom and abroad. The seminar was held as part of a
Saudi campaign to defend the kingdom and other Islamic
states from charges that they have encouraged
insurgencies in the West.”

Well, yes, they have encouraged a militant Islam now for
decades. They have funded thousands of schools where the
most fundamental version of Islam has been taught. What
did they think would occur as these students - the Arabic
word for student is “taliban” - grew up and went out into
the world? Millions of Saudi dollars have underwritten
Yasser Arafat’s struggle to drive the Jews of Israel
into the sea.

The Muslim scholars concluded that Israel’s efforts to
defend itself against suicide bombers and others who
continue to attack both civilians and military, were
“all acts of aggression unjustly committed by individuals,
groups or states against human beings,” deeming Israeli
“aggression as the worst form of terrorism (justifying)
any retaliation against the Jewish state and its people.”

Here’s a bit of history for you. Immediately
following the announcement of its independence
in 1948, Arab nations attacked Israel. They were
defeated, but Israel was partitioned between its
Arab and Jewish populations. In 1967, Arab
nations again attacked and suffered a
catastrophic defeat in the “Six Day War.” The
Israelis took possession of the Golan Heights of
Syria and the West Bank formerly controlled by
Jordan as buffer zones against further attacks. In
1973, Arab nations choose the holiest day of the
Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, to attack again.
Egyptian and Syrian forces were decisively defeated.
In more than a half century, Israel has never truly
known a single day of peace. And, still, its universities,
its science and technology, its economy thrives amidst
the poverty of its neighboring states.

I ask you. Who are the aggressors? Who attacked Israel
repeatedly? And who has refused and betrayed every
effort to seek peace within Israel? The Palestinians.
Who has supported them? The Saudis, the Iranians, and the
nations of the Middle East. But the Muslim scholars
concluded that Israel’s continued need to defend itself
constitutes “the most dangerous terrorism to world
peace and security and its confrontation is a just
self-defense and jihad (holy war) in the way of Allah.”
This is irrational.

And the destruction of the World Trade Center, along
with the simultaneous attack on the Pentagon was what?
Justified by jihad? Was the U.S. in a state of war
with the Saudis or any other Middle Eastern nation at
the time? No. The U.S. pours billions in oil revenue
into these nations. Everything about 9.11 was irrational.

So the answer has to be that a state of total insanity
exists among the Muslim scholars and the whole of Islam
that permits them to ignore reality, ignore history,
and continue to call for a holy war. It is not just a
war on Israel.
It is a war on Judaism.
It is a war on Christianity.
It is a war on the values and achievements of
Western civilization.

For the Muslim scholars in Saudi Arabia jihad is the
answer to Israel’s appropriate acts of self-defense
and, by extension, those of the United States after
9.11. For too many Muslims around the world, loyalty
to Islam comes before loyalty to the nations in which
they live. Since 622 A.D., Islam has called for jihad.
It needs a dose of reality and it is going to get it.


The physical reality of a mythical city.

By Barbara Lerner - National Review Online -  January 16, 2002

Visit Hebron while you still can — not just because it's the
birthplace of Western monotheism, but because it's the most
surprising city between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean.
The surprise isn't to do with the monster political battles for
which Hebron is the symbol, or about the rights and wrongs of
it all. It's about the place itself, the physical reality of
Hebron and its surroundings. Before I went there last
month, I thought standard press descriptions like "400 Jews,"
"mostly from New York," or "surrounded by 200,000 Arabs"
had some literal, descriptive meaning, politics aside.
So I went to the city of the patriarchs of Western
civilization — Abraham's city — expecting to find a single
cluster of foreign Jews, alone in a vast sand-sea of Arabs,
with no other Israeli civilians for miles and miles.
I thought I'd find only little bands of Israeli
soldiers, there to protect an isolated Judean outpost.
Secular Israelis in Jerusalem told me I was brave to
go, and before I did, I believed them.

Afterwards, I realized what their problem was: They'd
never been there either; they were relying on the
same press reports as I had. As I waited for the
Egged #160 bus that takes you from Jerusalem's
Central Bus Station to the outskirts of Hebron, those
reports seemed credible enough. Soldiers with
machine guns outnumbered civilians in the upstairs
waiting area, and a lot of them got on the bus with us.
Our carry-ons were searched before we boarded, and
afterwards, I sat back for what I thought would be a
long ride, interrupted, if at all, by sniper fire. But five
minutes in, the bus stopped on a Jerusalem street
corner to pick up more passengers — Jews, Arabs,
and indistinguishables — none of whom were
searched. It kept making stops (I quit counting after
the seventh), both inside Jerusalem and long past it
— in a plethora of little towns on the hills above the
road, some Jewish, some Arab — all the way to
Kiryat Arba, a town of 7,000 Jews about a mile from
Hebron. Altogether there are about 10,000 Jews in
the South Hebron Hills, and fewer Arabs than the
inflated numbers the press keeps citing. Hebron's
mythic isolation is just that — mythic.

Hebron spokesman David Wilder met me at the last
bus stop in Kiryat Arba, and drove me into Hebron in
his car — a two-minute trip. David grew up in New
Jersey, and I was glad of it: Most of the dozen or so
other Hebron Jews I met spoke no English, and no
wonder. The claim that Hebron is populated mainly by
fanatics from Brooklyn is another myth. About 12
percent of Hebron's Jews come from America; 75
percent are native Israelis, some descended of the
Jews who lived in Hebron for centuries before the
1929 massacre there. The other 13 percent are
believers from all over the globe. The oft-repeated
number 400 is a fiction too. There are 750 Jews in
Hebron, and they are not all clustered together; they
live in four separate little neighborhoods, starting with
an old, handsome, comfortable one called Avraham
Avinu (Abraham, Our Father) and ending with the
newest, least comfortable one, Tel Rumeida. There,
seven Jewish families have been living in cramped
"caravans" — trailers, to American eyes — for 17
years, waiting for final permission to build actual
houses, like the ones their Arab neighbors live in
across the street.

It came, in November, but this, after all, is Abraham's
city; remnants from his days here — his tomb, his
spring — are all around you. So it was hardly
surprising that when builders first dug into the earth,
two and a half years ago, they uncovered another part
of his world. Ancient Hebron, like ancient Jerusalem,
was a walled city, and two of its walls still stand at the
base of this hill. The oldest was built anywhere from
300 to 800 years before Abraham strode this ground;
the newer one, built 3,700 years ago, is from his time.
I wanted to see them, and the wine cisterns that still
line them, so we got out of the car and walked down
the neighborhood's one street, passing some of the
Arabs who live on the other side of it. Then we
clambered up the little hill at the end to gaze down at
the excavation, and up at the pillars erected above it
— the base for a new layer of civilization, now being
built, to preserve and protect the biblical one below.

"Were we in danger of being shot by any of the Arabs
we passed on the street?" I asked when we were out
of Arab earshot. "Not likely," David said. "Many Arabs
left the city when the troubles here were at their height,
and the ones who stayed rarely shoot at us now. They
know we'd recognize them and they'd pay a price.
The shots mostly come from Abu Sneina," he said,
pointing to an Arab town on another hill, high above
the city. "Anonymous gunmen shoot down on us from
up there pretty regularly, mostly at night. Walk over
here and look at the backs of these trailer homes, and
you'll see what I mean." I did and found ceiling-high
piles of sandbags behind the trailers, oozing sand.

Back in Avraham Avinu again, I looked behind the
buildings I'd admired from the front and found
sandbags there too, piled high enough on each rear
balcony to cover the bedroom windows above them. I
decided that while it took no special courage to visit
Hebron, it took a lot to sleep there night after night.
But then, as I rested on a shady bench in a sunny
inner courtyard, where laughing children clambered
about on bright jungle gyms, a different calculus came
to mind. There were four bombs in Jerusalem during
my two weeks there, and one in Haifa; none here. And
though shootings are more frequent in Hebron, there's
a certain comfort in knowing who and where your
enemies are, and which direction they are likely to
attack from. It's a comfort not to be had in Jerusalem
or Haifa, where danger has no settled address but
can rise up suddenly, unpredictably, from anywhere at
all — as it did on December 1, killing ten teens and
wounding 235 in Jerusalem's main pedestrian mall,
and again on December 2, killing 15 riders on an old
folks' outing bus in downtown Haifa and wounding 38
more. And when you look at that reality with an
unblinking eye — the blind secular faith of so many, in
America and in Israel, that forcing "the settlers" to
abandon the birthplace of Western monotheism will
bring peace any closer — well, that looks like the
biggest myth of all.

The reality behind the myths is stark and simple, and
is not a matter of Left/Right, as the elite media in
America and Israel keep insisting, but of East/West. If
the West will not fight to maintain its hold on its two
birthright cities — the Hebron of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob, and the Jerusalem of Jesus — then, secular
faith in diplo-speak aside, it will in the end cede the
entire Middle East to an imperialist brand of Islam still
seeking conquest, not coexistence, with the
Judeo-Christian world and the Western civilization it
gave rise to. If, on the other hand, Israel and America
join together to insist, clearly and forcefully, that Jews
and Christians will not be defeated and driven hence,
then Islamist imperialism will suffer a major defeat,
and peace and coexistence may yet have a chance.

     5.   QUOTES TO NOTE

        “With its own independent port, such a state
         would receive shiploads of arms, day and night,
         and we would find ourselves facing a terrorist
         state, armed to the teeth.”

Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, telling the
Associated Press on January 17 why he opposes establishment
of a Palestinian state with control of its own borders.


This week Yasser Arafat's Fatah website
( )
put it most succinctly:

         "A legitimate Palestinian entity forms the most
          important weapon that Arabs have against Israel."

Now if Yasser Arafat's Fatah declare to the world -
in plain English - that "A legitimate Palestinian entity
forms the most important weapon that Arabs have against
Israel", how can anyone interested in Israel's survival -
be he a starry eyed Shimon Peres or an approval hungry
Ariel Sharon - suggest that Israel have a hand in creating
a sovereign Palestinian state that would, indeed, be
"the most important weapon that Arabs have against Israel."

          "They murder our kids and use their organs
           as spare parts."

Arafat to al-Jazeera television


          "The point is the U.N.'s fundamental lack of
           support concerning U.S. interests – and even
           disapproval of possible future U.S. military
           actions – proves we are in league with an
           organization that cares as much for us now as
           they did when our Army Rangers were being
           slaughtered in Somalia. We are useful to the
           U.N. only as long as we continue to be a
           no-strings-attached vending machine to starving
           people in Africa (who showed their gratitude by
           parading the naked bodies of American
           servicemen through the streets of Mogadishu). "

from The United Nefarious   By Phillip Kuhlman


The world is now well into the Post-Oslo era, in which
the delusions and denials of reality that were the
foundations of the "Oslo peace process" are at last
being acknowledged for what they were. For those
returning to the planet Earth from Fantasyland in the
"Oslo" parallel universe, it behooves them and us all
to bear in mind some of the unpleasant facts of life
about the Middle East.

The manifestations of hostility toward Israel and the
Jews of Europe, in the form of attacks on Jewish religious
institutions and schools in France and other places, raise
the question of whether we are witnessing a renewed
outburst of anti-Semitism on the continent where the
Holocaust took place.
Become a WITNESS TO THE NATIONS and let them know what great things
our Lord is doing for Israel and what great things He will continue to
do for her, His firstborn. Please read the 'Witness to the Nations'
document and if you agree with what you have read, please place your
name on this most Holy List and stand with all those who hold firm to
the promises of God and the blessings of Abraham.
