CAFI Newsletter #60
Fri, 14 Dec 2001 13:11:55 -0500

"On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen"
Isaiah 62:6


Friday, December 14, 2001





11 December 2001 - (
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reports that
several Arab television stations, including those in Egypt, are
broadcasting a special series on the "evidence" of a Jewish
conspiracy to rule the world, as described in the Czarist
anti-Semitic tract, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. While
the Protocols is still widely sold in the Arab world, this is
the first television series on the subject that attempts to
show how the Jews and Israel act today in line with the
conspiracy described in the tract. The thirty-part series,
entitled "Horseman Without a Horse", is a huge undertaking
starring over 400 Arab actors, some quite well-known, from
Egypt, Syria and France. According to MEMRI, "The series, whose
budget ran six to eight million Egyptian pounds, was
produced by Arab Radio and Television (ART), established in
1993, which broadcasts to the Middle East, North America,
Latin America, Australia and Africa."

An Egyptian weekly, Roz el-Youssuf, lauded the series“ writer,
for he "courageously tackles the 24 Protocols of the Elders of
Zion, revealing them and clarifying that they are the central
line that still, to this very day, dominates Israel“s policy,
political aspirations, and racism..." MEMRI reports that
according to the series originator, the Jewish conspiracy
against the world directly affected Egypt when "three Zionist
rabbis, promoters of the Zionist idea. concocted an elaborate
plot according to which Palestine would be annexed to Egypt,
and Britain would subsequently conquer Egypt and hand
Palestine over to the Zionists." The series originator stated
that, while the Jews only started publicly advocating their
plots at the Basle Zionist conference, "previously, they had
been active only in associations and large institutions
throughout the world."

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion contain 24 aspects of an
alleged Jewish plot to take over the world. According to
the anti-Semitic series, "19 of the 24 protocols had [already]
been put into practice." The series is intended to show, says
its originator, "all the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
that have been implemented to date, in a dramatic, comic,
historic, national, tragic and romantic manner."

Roz el-Youssuf refers to several of those protocols and how
the series' originator interprets their modern application by
the Jews. One of the protocols in the anti-Semitic tract
refers to the Jews plotting to "choose someone corrupt
[for the presidency of the superpower] and when he resists us
- we will expose him." This was evident, according to the
writer, in "what happened to President Clinton and to other
presidents throughout history." According to Roz el-Youssuf,
the series also "raises such questions as, 'How can a
country like America collaborate with the Jews when it is
familiar with the Protocols“ directives against it
[America]?'" and the application of such protocol-inspired
rules as "'Feed a dog, [but] not a Muslim or a Christian'
and 'Kill a Muslim or a Christian and take his house as
your house and his lands as your lands.'"


by Paul Greenberg  -  December 14, 2001

Sometimes the targets of a war are the last to
recognize it. But this week, after another terrorist
attack and more in the offing, even Israel's
Cabinet recognized that the Palestinian
Authority has no authority, at least over its
terrorists. And if it did, it wouldn't exercise it. The Israelis
now have proceeded to make this war formal, declaring
that they see no point in negotiating with Yasser Arafat any
longer. It only gives him cover.

As one Israeli commented after one of Chairman Arafat's
endless and empty promises to crack down on the killers:
"The Palestinian Authority fight terrorism? The Palestinian
Authority is the terrorism."

A rough count indicates that half of those who have been
shooting up shopping malls and bombing discos were
members of Chairman Arafat's peace-loving Authority,
and the other half could expect to get nothing but aid and
comfort from it. How many "martyrs" has The Chairman
blessed by now? One loses count.

And the Israelis have lost patience. That includes all those
doves, now molted into hawks, who used to wax
enthusiastic about a peace process that has produced
nothing but war.

Some opened their eyes early. Shlomo Avineri, a former
director of the Israeli foreign ministry, was one of the most
active advocates of the agreement that was signed at
Oslo in 1993 -- and of the Israeli withdrawals from Gaza
and the West Bank that went with it. But even a year ago
he was facing the unpalatable truth. It was the lynching of
two Israeli soldiers at the Ramallah police station that did
it for Shlomo Avineri. To quote a piece he did for The
Jerusalem Post at the time:

"Last summer at Camp David, Arafat rejected the most
generous offer ever made to a Palestinian leader by an
Israeli statesman (and) it suddenly dawned on us that we
do not have a partner: only an enemy, who cannot even
find a humane word when our people are lynched. ... What
came out -- on the street, among the Palestinian elite on
CNN -- was sheer hatred, and a fundamental rejection of
Israel. (So) now we know: There is no such thing as a
Palestinian leadership with whom an agreement can be
reached. We are at war."

Yasser Arafat himself made the same point, at least when
speaking to his people in Arabic. The propaganda from the
Palestinian Authority against Israel, Israelis and Jews in
general has been incessant and ever more incendiary since its
chairman rejected peace --and the results ever more violent.

No, it's not yet a war on the scale of the Six Day War in
1967 or the Yom Kippur War of 1973, but more like Israel's
undeclared war of independence in 1948, which was fought
between truces and armistice negotiations. Or maybe the
closest parallel to this war is the Arab riots, aka the
Arab Revolt, of 1936. The object of this new war, this
Intifada, is to make life in Israel unbearable -- a steady
round of suicide bombings, roadside ambushes and occasional

And the Israelis are supposed to get used to it, pretend to
believe Yasser Arafat's promises, and do nothing but take
it until they are slowly ground down, a demoralized people
ripe for the final toppling.

Israel isn't having any more of it. If it has to fight a
war, at least it will not pretend there is peace. The
Israelis already have begun to close their borders and may
soon redraw them on their own. What we're seeing is the
beginning of a tragic process as Israel separates itself
from the Palestinians in Gaza and on the West Bank,
fighting even as it seals them off.

Eventually the Israelis may be able to reach informal
deals with local police chiefs, militia leaders and warlords
on the other side of the line ą la Afghanistan. But till
then, it's clear, Israel is going to start rolling up
Yasser Arafat's military power -- his compounds, airports
and armories. Maybe that will get his attention, maybe it
won't. By now, it may not matter what he does. Did it ever?

It has become clear these past two years that Yasser Arafat
was never serious about peace, only about finding a more
effective kind of war to wage in its name.

The greatest loser in this unending tragedy, this war
between two peoples who are more alike than they may know,
will be the civilians -- not just in Israel but in
whatever is now left of the peaceful Palestine that so
many of us suckers thought was possible after Oslo. But
the leaders of that state-in-the-making had different
ideas. Seldom has a people been more ill-served by its
leaders, who once again have led them down a blind alley.

©2001 Tribune Media Services


by David Dolan    © 2001

While cleaning out old papers from one of my
desk drawers the other day, I came across a
letter to Saddam Hussein signed by five U.S.
senators in late April 1990. Led by then Majority
Leader Bob Dole of Kansas, the three
Republicans and two Democrats had come to
the Middle East as emissaries of President
George Bush (the original model). Their goal
was to talk Saddam into being a good guy. It
didn't work. Appeasement rarely does.

The Butcher of Baghdad had created waves
when he threatened in mid-April to wipe out
half of Israel with chemical weapons. Fearing
that the threat of such an attack alone might
upset world oil and financial markets, Bush
dispatched the delegation to explain that Iraq
would pay dearly if Saddam shot his
unconventional warheads at the tiny Jewish

What was the threatened penalty that the
senators delivered to Saddam? His good
business ties to America and the West might be
weakened or even severed if he tried to gas
thousands of Jews to death in Tel Aviv!

On their way back home, the five politicians
stopped by Jerusalem to meet with worried
Israeli officials. I attended their press conference
as a reporter for CBS Radio. Sen. Dole read out
the letter containing the message that he said
President Bush had asked them to deliver to
Saddam. My amazement grew as I realized that
it only amounted to a vague and lame economic
threat, which I guessed the brutal dictator
would simply scoff at as he whipped out his
pistol to murder another rebellious family

When it was time for questions, my hand shot
up. "Sen. Dole, you must surely know that the
Iraqi leader is widely known in this region as
the 'Butcher of Baghdad' because of his previous
actions. He started a bloody war with Iran that
left around one million people dead over the
past decade, many of them young teenage boys.
More than this, he has already used chemical
weapons on his own Kurdish citizens in
northern Iraq, leaving hundreds or thousands
dead. In light of all that, how can you and
President Bush possibly think that he will be
deterred from attacking Israel by a mere
economic penalty?"

The obviously embarrassed Dole mumbled a
few inaudible words, then passed the baton to
Sen. Howard Metzenbaum.

Noting his Jewish background, the Ohio
Democrat started out by agreeing with my
characterization of the notorious Saddam,
adding that he had not slept the night before
over the prospect of meeting him. "Israel is very
important to me, and the threat of a chemical
attack upon this land is very disturbing," he
continued. From that point however, his answer
became rather pathetic as he blabbered on about
how the Jewish people "were able to forgive the
Germans" after the Holocaust, explaining that
we must reason kindly with our opponents if
we hope to have a positive impact on them.

"Forgive me for asking a follow-up question
senator," I interjected. "West Germany has
expressed remorse over the Nazi Holocaust,
asked forgiveness from the Jewish people and
paid out substantial financial compensation to
Israel and individual Jewish victims. Saddam,
on the other hand, issued his chemical threat a
mere two weeks ago, and has certainly not asked
Israel to pardon him for it. How can you
compare the two cases?"

The gray-haired Democrat echoed Sen. Dole in
mumbling some weak defense of the official
U.S. government appeasement of Hitler's Iraqi
clone. Just over three months later, Saddam
invaded Kuwait. Nine months later, he sent his
Scuds flying toward Tel Aviv and Haifa. Thank
God they were not armed with chemical
warheads. Next time, they might be because the
evil butcher - due to Gulf War inaction - is still
on his terrible throne.

My rediscovery of the old letter, handed out to
journalists who covered the press conference,
came just as the current President Bush was
announcing that his government would freeze
all U.S. assets of the radical Palestinian Hamas
and Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations. The
action followed the hideous suicide terror
attacks early this month in Jerusalem and Haifa,
prompting the White House spokesman to
declare that - wonder of wonders - Israel
actually has the right to defend itself! Now -
miracle of miracles - the European Union has
even declared that the groups are "terrorist
networks," urging Yasser Arafat to "dismantle"
them forthwith!

"Better late than never" has been the main
response from Israelis here in the troubled
Promised Land. But the sad fact is that many
people are now referred to as "the late" due to
the tragic and deadly stream of Palestinian
Islamic terror attacks that have been going on for
years! More forceful and far earlier moves by the
American and European governments might
have prompted Arafat to really shut down the
terrorist organizations long before now.

It is probably too late for a serious crackdown,
given that the radical groups have run amok for
so long and control the Palestinian streets in
many places. More than that, they still have
their jihad buddy Saddam to support them,
along with the dictatorial regimes in Iran, Syria,
Libya and elsewhere who have been pandered
to over the years by the fickle, oil-dependent
West. Still, better late than never .

David Dolan is a Jerusalem-based author and
journalist who has lived in Israel since 1980. He
reported for CBS Radio for over 12 years.



William J. Bennett - Jerusalem Post

(December 14) - Two weeks ago, Israel was
rocked by several terrorist attacks which took the
lives of 26 Israelis and wounded scores more. And
just this past Wednesday an attack on an Israeli
bus killed 10 and injured more than 30. It is no
longer enough for us to sympathize with Israel.
Now, more than ever, America needs to stand up
for our only true ally in the Middle East.

In his original joint session speech to Congress,
President George W. Bush laid out a clear US
policy: "From this day forward, any nation that
continues to harbor or support terrorism will be
regarded by the United States as a hostile

The president did not limit this policy to terrorists
who attack the US. It was, rather, a statement with
universal application, based on a universal moral
principle: Terrorism, intentionally targeting civilians
for death in order to advance a political agenda, is
always and everywhere wrong.

For too long, US foreign policy - to say nothing of
the global perspective - has identified a moral
equivalence between Israel and the Palestinians.
But there can be no moral equivalence between a
nation that seeks to live in peace and a nation that
seeks the destruction of its neighbor.

And make no mistake about it, that is what most of
the Arab states in the region seek. Palestinian
Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat walked away
from a peace offer that offered almost everything
he allegedly sought. The Palestinian Liberation
Organization, which today claims to seek only the
"disputed territories," was formed in 1964, three
years before those territories came under Israeli

While there is no moral equivalence between
Israel and Palestine, there is a moral equivalence
between Osama bin Laden and Arafat. Some will
protest this identification; Arafat, after all,
denounced the terrorist attacks of September 11.
Of course - yet on the same day, his state-owned
newspaper praised suicide bombers as "the most
honorable people among us."

It will be said that Arafat has arrested Palestinians
suspected of terrorism, as requested by Israel. But
he arrests far too few, and, as Binyamin
Netanyahu has pointed out, these imprisonments
are too short-lived.

Yes, but Arafat is the legitimate ruler of this
territory. Well, that is only because the US - and
many other nations - have given him legitimacy.

What we have learned is that Arafat is a more
experienced terrorist than bin Laden, and that
what he says in English is not what he says in
Arabic. When speaking in English, he claims to
desire a Palestinian state next to Israel. When
speaking in Arabic, however, he reveals his true
desires: a Palestinian state in place of Israel.

Let us assume, for the sake of argument, that
Arafat is not a sponsor of terrorism. Let us
assume he is doing everything within his power to
stop the attacks on Israel.

If that is the case - and the evidence, I believe,
shows it is emphatically not - then we should no
longer negotiate with him.

For if the suicide bombings carried out against
Israel are not proof that Arafat supports terrorism,
they are proof that he cannot stop it. And if he
cannot guarantee Israel's security, then Israel
should make no concessions to him in the hope of
achieving what he cannot provide.

Let us, finally, assume that in the wake of the most
recent carnage, Arafat does shut down the
terrorist groups responsible for this and other
terrorism. What that would prove is that Arafat
could have done so all along yet chose not to, thus
once again suggesting that he is an accessory to

However you look at the situation, then, the Arafat
era is over. Either he is a sponsor of terrorism, or
he is unable to stop it. In either case, he has no
place in any "peace process."

I hope that this serves as a clarifying moment in
America's war on terrorism.

There is no question on whose side we ought to
be in the present circumstance, for there is no
difference between the recent events in Israel and
the events of September 11 - except as to the

We are not fighting only those terrorists groups
who brought death to innocent Americans on
September 11. We are fighting those terrorists
who bring death to innocent civilians anywhere.

This war is not only against the Taliban or
al-Qaida. It is a war against terrorism. And, as the
president said, we must be prepared to fight it -
wherever it takes us.

(The writer, former US secretary of education, is
co-director of Empower America and chairman of
the Committee on Terrorism and American


Analysis By Herb Keinon - Jerusalem Post - December 14, 2001

(December 14) - On first reading, there seems
something downright childish about the
government's declaration early yesterday morning
that from now on Palestinian Authority Chairman
Yasser Arafat has no relevance; or, as one
diplomatic official paraphrased, "for us he is now
nothing but air."

The security cabinet's declaration - which stated
"that Chairman Arafat has made himself irrelevant
as far as Israel is concerned, and therefore, no
contacts will be maintained with him" - smacks of
a peeved child whining to a classmate who
continuously annoys him that "I don't see you, I
don't hear you."

But the declaration is far from childish, and has
significance on three different planes: domestic,
Palestinian, and international.

On the domestic front, this message is directed as
much toward Foreign Minister Shimon Peres as
toward Arafat himself.

Internal Security Minister Uzi Landau, wondering at
the cabinet meeting about the significance of the
declaration, asked Sharon what it all means, to
which Sharon - with characteristic humor - replied,
"it means, Uzi, that when Arafat calls you, you can't

Obviously, it is not the hawkish Landau who can't
take Arafat's calls any longer, but rather Peres.

The decision means that the government will no
longer speak with two voices, on the one hand
calling Arafat Israel's bin Laden, and on the other
seeing him as the one person with whom to talk

"In the past we have given Arafat the possibility to
be both a terror leader, and an address for
negotiations," Housing Minister Natan Sharansky
said. "He took advantage of that, and that gave
him much legitimacy in the world.

This unnatural duality, Sharansky explained,
created a situation whereby Israel invited world
pressure on itself after starting military action
against the PA.

Continuously considering Arafat as a potential
partner meant that when Arafat mouthed the "right"
words, the world would pressure Israel to follow up
and give him one more chance.

Seeing Arafat as an peace partner tied Israel's
hands militarily, because it meant that Israel would
not push so hard as to topple him - because then
there would be no one in the future to conduct
diplomatic talks with. By no longer seeing Arafat
as a partner, the government has effectively
removed the political restraints it placed on its own
military actions.

The declaration also sent a clear message to
Peres that, for all intent and purposes, this
government views Oslo as dead and gone. As
Sharansky put it, "the only hope to get back to a
peace process is to free ourselves of the illusions
of Oslo and look for new directions."

Likewise, the declaration sent a strong message
to the Palestinians that if they want to negotiate
with Israel, they might want to find themselves a
new leader.

Granted, Israel cannot choose the Palestinians'
leader, but it can choose whether it will deal with
the leader that the Palestinians have selected.
After 15 months of non-stop violence, the
government decided that since dealing with Arafat
has brought it a grisly diet of charred buses and
mutilated bodies, there is no reason to deal with
him anymore.

Minister without Portfolio Tzipi Livne likened this to
a neighbor with a troubled past who moves into an
apartment building. After initial hesitance, the
residents let him into their confidences, share
responsibilities with him, and expect him to help
take care of the security.

But when they see that the neighbor is not what
they bargained for, that he brings into the building
thugs who cause problems, they decide to have
nothing to do with him.

"They decide not to let him baby-sit," Livne said,
"because every time they do, they come home to
dead kids." The husband they will not deal with,
she said, but they hold nothing against the wife.

And finally, the cabinet's declaration was meant to
send a diplomatic message to the world. It is
telling the world that a cursory glance at what is
happening on the ground will convince them that
Arafat really does not have any relevance.

Take the killings outside of Emmanuel as an
example. The terrorist who was killed in the attack
was on the list of 33 names US envoy Anthony
Zinni gave Arafat to arrest. Arafat, according to
Israeli intelligence information, knew who this man
was, and where he could be found - yet he did
nothing. Giving him the list was, therefore, indeed
irrelevant, because he did nothing with it. If that is
the way he will act, the government determined
yesterday, then that is the way he will be treated.

The hope is that the international community will
follow suit. A senior military official said recently
that the worst thing Israel could do to Arafat is
declare him a non-partner, because this would
kick the legs out from under him, and deprive him
of the legitimacy he has in the world. This decision
was not taken sooner because of diplomatic and
political considerations - diplomatic and political
considerations that yesterday morning the
government decided paled in comparison to the
horrid results on the ground.

     6.   QUOTES TO NOTE

          "Anyone who still insists that Arafat can be a
           partner to negotiations is sick."

Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir told a gathering yesterday
that the Israeli government must completely nullify all of its
previous accords with the Palestinian Authority and utterly
destroy the PLO. Shamir called the Oslo Accords a "nightmare
come true" and a "suicidal agreement."



the question is: what really has the UN done in recent
years which contributed to peace in our part of the world?
The answer is nothing at all, in fact, the UN has contributed
to the destabilization of our region and in line with its
regrettable tradition has been and still is the homeground
of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic bias.

PEACE PROCESS: Israel's Path to Suicide
Israel must recognize that it cannot achieve peace by
surrendering to those who are relentlessly hostile to the
value of freedom. As a start, it should secure its own
borders militarily, forbid the establishment of a Palestinian
state, and oust Arafat from power. Rather than appeasing
its attackers, Israel must retaliate with as much force as
is necessary to subdue them.
Become a WITNESS TO THE NATIONS and let them know what great things
our Lord is doing for Israel and what great things He will continue to
do for her, His firstborn. Please read the 'Witness to the Nations'
document and if you agree with what you have read, please place your
name on this most Holy List and stand with all those who hold firm to
the promises of God and the blessings of Abraham.
