Letters not sent

Roger Baker rcbaker@eden.infohwy.com
Sun, 23 Dec 2001 20:40:30 -0800

Dear President Bush,
                                          if what I hear on the news is 
really true, you want to get the biggest
evildoer Osama bin Laden -- dead or alive -- and then go on from there, 
right?  But from
what I hear he kind of got the slip on you and he could be anywhere 
except probably the USA
so you now need as much help as you can get. And that is what this 
letter is for, but this letter
needs to be kept strictly private but I know you can depend on loyalty 
going down your chain
of command to whoever reads this letter first because of what happened 
to Monica and so on.

Assuming you had a bin Laden detector tuned to his exact wavelength it 
would be easy to find him.
I know some reasonable scientists could still disagree but if you are 
tuned into the latest findings
on science in the CHRISTIAN religious and healing communities as you can 
find in recent issues of
"Spiritual Truth" and elsewhere too, but I can tell you exactly where to 
look if you need to get it.

Just as the spirit of God has an influence over all matter everywhere, 
the lingering spirit of our
human essence can be felt by those who are truly sensitive. Every being 
has an aura that you
can tune into once you have anything like a video tape like you have 
right now!  Or you could
use even their clothes or probably any trace they have left behind if 
you can get within range.

But just the tape is probably enough, let me tell you right up front. 
And don't forget bin
Laden has stronger vibes than just about anyone, as you would agree I 

So thats where we will use to start once I get the word.  Of course it 
will cost us some "up front"
money too, but I think a million dollars or less which is much less than 
what the war is costing
us now every day,  could find bin Laden because I have friends who want 
to help this country
too like me, even though It will cost me a lot of my own money to help 
you find him but I love
this country too so I will crawl on my belly through the mud or do 
whatever else it takes to stop
this terror and evil that we all fear -- when in fact all we really have 
to fear is it itself, right?.

"Loose lips sink ships and..."  --  Roger Baker