Where is the criminal investigation

Wayne Johnson cadaobh2@brgnet.com
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 09:51:29 -0500

"The secret to success is sincerity.  If you can fake that, you are set."

Bush has certainly mastered the art of faux sincerity.  He may or may not
understand what he is doing as he does it.  It just "feels" right.  Maybe he
thinks G-D comes to him at night.  (For more insights, read Molly Ivin's
great book.)

Meanwhile, as he blusters about, wrapped in the flag of an apparently
successful military campaign, the country begins to dissolve around him.
Perhaps this dissolution was destined to happen anyway, but the Bush
"domestic" team is looking 3 or 4 cans short of a six pack right now.  After
weeks of hoopla, our new Father Land Protectorate came up with the wholly
non-original...and dreadfully late...notion of a "staged" alert system,
patterned on military Devcom.  Whoa!  The Attorney
General-that-wants-to-be-King, er President, slurps around like the biggest
hog at the civil rights trough, looking for some "examples" to punish!  His
focus being on a dimwitted Morrocan (sp?) and a zoned-out kid barely out of

Meanwhile, down in Houston land, the Enron crooks are buying each other
expensive Christmas presents.  Hope they get something nice for George and

In Washington, closer to home here,  US Postal Workers don't know from
minute to minute whether they are going to be vaccinated, treated, or what.
I am sure it is a simple statistical coincidence that so many of these
victims happen to be African American descent.  Right.  Attempts to
"sanitize" government buildings is largely a failure; people who re-enter
will likely be at risk for years.

And the question for today is: Is the Anthrax episode a "trial run"?  If
this had been smallpox, we would be in the middle of a national epidemic of
Medieval proportions and our economy would be approaching free fall.  Small
pox is vastly more potent and every cough, every breath spreads the disease.
Not to suggest that we fail to capture Ben Ladin, but it is clear from the
Anthrax episode that this country is NOT prepared for a major bio-terrorist
act despite all the somber rhetoric (and that is what it is) to the

Merry Christmas.


-----Original Message-----
From: austin-ghetto-list-admin@pairlist.net
[mailto:austin-ghetto-list-admin@pairlist.net]On Behalf Of Carolyn Garner
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 7:47 PM
To: moriaty@austin.cc.tx.us
Cc: austin-ghetto-list
Subject: Re: Where is the criminal investigation

she and all the other board members are being sued by a consumer's group
they (the board) sold all their stock prior to the public announcement of
trouble.  As for Phil I doubt that is why he resigned, he has never shown
any such
delicacy before

"J. David Moriaty" wrote:

> Has anyone mentioned Phil Gramm's wife was on the Enron board?  Maybe
that's why
> he called it quits.
> judas dave