Evil-doer proof perplex

Roger Baker rcbaker@eden.infohwy.com
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 00:02:23 -0800

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On the positive side, this is the key smoking-gun, coffin-nail evidence
sufficient to convince a sometimes sceptical world that bin Laden
did indeed do the dastardly deed that caused everything to change
forever in the United States, etc.

But on the other hand if we do release the evidence, it is of such a
nature that it will appear to many like it was fabricated by the CIA.

Therefore it is best that we take the word of Dick Chaney who would
never lie to us about such things. The evidence is extremely solid, 
the risk of terrorism would only be strengthened, overall, if this 
were actually to be made public, so it is probably wise not to release 
it. -- R



...But within the administration, a debate has broken out over the 
wisdom of
making the tape public. Many in the White House argue that it will 
bolster the
case to the Arab world that Mr. bin Laden planned the attacks and portray
him as so cold-blooded that his own followers did not know their mission 
result in their certain death. Others, however, are arguing that many in 
Arab world would find the discovery of the tape too convenient and charge
that it was a creation of the C.I.A. and Hollywood collaborators. "The 
is not good, the images are dark, and it would open us up to charges 
that we
fabricated it," one senior official said today...

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<fontfamily><param>Geneva</param>On the positive side, this is the key
smoking-gun, coffin-nail evidence 

sufficient to convince a sometimes sceptical world that bin Laden 

did indeed do the dastardly deed that caused everything to change

forever in the United States, etc.

But on the other hand if we do release the evidence, it is of such a 

nature that it will appear to many like it was fabricated by the CIA.

Therefore it is best that we take the word of Dick Chaney who would

never lie to us about such things. The evidence is extremely solid,

the risk of terrorism would only be strengthened, overall, if this

were actually to be made public, so it is probably wise not to release
it. -- R



...But within the administration, a debate has broken out over the
wisdom of 

making the tape public. Many in the White House argue that it will
bolster the 

case to the Arab world that Mr. bin Laden planned the attacks and

him as so cold-blooded that his own followers did not know their
mission would 

result in their certain death. Others, however, are arguing that many
in the 

Arab world would find the discovery of the tape too convenient and

that it was a creation of the C.I.A. and Hollywood collaborators. "The

is not good, the images are dark, and it would open us up to charges
that we 

fabricated it," one senior official said today...
