real-time available javachat site (to be "stealth" used)

Jim Strong
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 06:37:37 -0800 (PST)

In the course of events, I have come across a site
where those so inclined can set a date and time and
have a discrete and effective real-time rendevous on
the net. The URL is:
Just follow the "To the Virtual Forum" link and pick
your net speed capability and log in as you like. Only
some fort of name is required - no password. Then hit
the "Open Chat Window" button and you're there. A
Virtual Chat Page applet will load, and you then can
pick an empty room (tech arena or student room usually
are good) and interchange away.
Anybody who is interested give it a try around 4 p.m.
today and I will be glad to walk you through using it
and explain how and why it currently is available. Or
e-mail suggestions for a date to try it out if you are
interested. It could be a neat tool.
Billy Jim Strong

The peace of the cosmos is infinite motion

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