[MyAppleMenu] Jun 22, 2011

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Wed Jun 22 18:59:00 EDT 2011


**** Apple Dealers Hit With Lion Bar <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/21/apple_lion_os/?>
Paul Kunert, The Register

Apple is bypassing the channel to sell the forthcoming Lion OS directly to biz customers in yet another blow to its beleaguered partner base, resellers have claimed.

**** If You Want That Verizon Unlimited Data Plan, You Really Need To Hurry <http://allthingsd.com/20110620/if-you-want-that-verizon-unlimited-data-plan-you-really-need-to-hurry/>
Ina Fried, All Things D

Verizon Wireless, which has said it plans to move away from unlimited data plans for new subscribers, confirms that new tiered options will be the norm starting next month.

**** Mozilla Ships Firefox 5, Holds To New Rapid-release Plan <http://www.macworld.com/article/160653/2011/06/firefox5.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Gregg Keizer, Computerworld

Mozilla on Tuesday delivered the final version of Firefox 5, the first edition under the new faster-release regime it kicked off earlier this year.

The company also patched 10 bugs in Firefox 5, including one in the browser’s handling of the WebGL 3-D rendering standard that rival Microsoft has called unsafe.

**** Apple Continues To Blur The Line Between Pro And Consumer <http://gigaom.com/apple/apple-continues-to-blur-the-line-between-pro-and-consumer/>
Darrell Etherington, GigaOM

Apple is already a company that knows how to make a tool that everyone can use. Now that it’s increasingly becoming one that also knows how to make tools that everybody can afford, there are even fewer barriers to the potential heights it can reach.

**** Two More Words About Final Cut Pro X: Don't Panic <http://feldmanfile.blogspot.com/2011/06/two-more-words-about-final-cut-pro-x.html>
The Feldman File

**** How To Find And Play High-resolution Audio On The Mac <http://www.macworld.com/article/160651/2011/06/how_to_find_and_play_high_resolution_audio_on_the_mac.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld

Everybody is familiar with high-definition video these days, which packs more visual information (more pixels) into the shows you see on TV and on Blu-ray discs. But you may not know much about high-resolution audio, which offers music in formats with clarity and fidelity that can be superior to that of CDs. I took a look at the current offerings, and how you can play these high-resolution files on a Mac. Here’s what you need to know.

**** Hands On: First Look At Firefox 5. New? Or, Newer? <http://mac360.com/index.php/mac360/comments/hands-on-first-look-at-firefox-5.-new-or-newer>
Alexis Kayhill, Mac360

**** The Final Cut Pro X Backlash <http://daringfireball.net/2011/06/final_cut_pro_x_backlash>
John Gruber, Daring Fireball

This ground-up rewrite may well have been the right thing to do. Apple seems convinced that this is a better fundamental concept for video editing — and, really, storytelling in general. But it may prove risky not to offer a transition period. Hell, even with iMovie, when they made the switch from old-style editing to the new one (and lost a bunch of features in the initial release of the new iMovie), Apple kept iMovie HD 6 available as a free download for two years. If iMovie users were worth appeasing with a transition period, surely professional Final Cut Pro users are too. If Final Cut Pro X can’t even open Final Cut Pro 7 projects, how quickly can editors be expected to switch?

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** No Easy Answers To Password Problems <http://www.technologyreview.com/business/37837/?ref=rss>
Robert Lemos, Technology Review

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Foreign Bodies By Cynthia Ozick: Review <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/8565809/Foreign-Bodies-by-Cynthia-Ozick-review.html>
Mark Sanderson, The Telegraph

Ozick is not in the business of providing easy answers. She deals in big themes – not the least of which is anti-Semitism – yet uses a playful style to explore them. To echo the most famous line in The Ambassadors (“Live all you can; it’s a mistake not to”): read this wonderful novel; it would be a mistake not to.


**** Your Bomb, Your Problem <http://singaporedesk.blogspot.com/2011/06/your-bomb-your-problem.html>
Singapore Notes

LHT even had to pay $600 for two Certis Cisco officers to guard the bomb overnight. The boys in blue probably wandered off to the nearest Starbucks to hassle black shirted netizens discussing politics over lattes.

**** 'Optimal' Ratio Of 1 Foreign Worker To 2 Singaporeans <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_682604.html>
Ng Kai Ling, Straits Times

The current ratio of one foreign worker to two Singaporeans is optimal and this has to be kept under firm control, even as employers complain that it is difficult to find enough staff, said Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, director for quality worklife and all nationalities at the National Trades Union Congress.

Read: This is how far the PAP government had screwed up, so let' s just call this number 'optimal'. I don't need to justify why this number is 'optimal'.

**** Screw Those With Entitlement Mentality <http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com/2011/06/screw-those-with-entitlement-mentality.html>
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News

If you don’t pay me, then I would not serve. Thank you, good riddance.

**** Take Care Of Your Own Bomb! <http://kirstenhan.me/2011/06/21/take-care-of-your-own-bomb/>
Funny Little World

I can’t believe that the police even tried to get away with not dealing with the potential bomb from the get-go. Isn’t that kind of what they’re there for? To deal with emergencies and protect people?

**** 原被通知须自请专人拆除 工地炸弹终由军方专家移走 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp110622_017.shtml>
王秘, 联合早报

警方表示,警方不具备拆弹资格,需要依赖武装部队的“生化武器、辐射性物质及爆炸物防御团”(Chemical,Biological,Radiological and Explosive Defence Group, 简称CBRE)专家,才能解决问题。按照现行的例常处理程序,警方会通知武装部队,并寻求安全拆除炸弹的方案。


**** 淡滨尼私人组屋最高售价下调10万元 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp110622_001.shtml>
谢燕燕, 联合早报

面对各方舆论压力,淡滨尼新私人组屋项目Centrale 8的私人发展商提前公布确实售价,并大幅度调低预设价,五房式组屋的88万元最高预设价,实际售价现为77万8000元,下调幅度达10万2000元(11.6%)。

"...and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!"

**** Singapore Elected President: Why Pay Millions $$$ For A Rubber-stamp? <http://rogerpoh.wordpress.com/2011/06/21/singapore-elected-president-why-pay-millions-for-a-rubber-stamp/>
Spotlight On Singapore

People are also asking why this government, “famed” for its lack of generosity towards the poor and needy in our society, can be so so generous as to pay the EP $16,000 a day for him just to be a rubber-stamp.

**** Hollow Victory <http://politicalwritings.wordpress.com/2011/06/22/hollow-victory/>
Political Writings

Until either the rules or the economics are changed, foreigners will continue to be preferred over Singaporeans.

**** Economic Growth And Human Rights: Mutually Exclusive? <http://www.yoursdp.org/index.php/perspective/vantage/4866-economic-growth-and-human-rights-mutually-exclusive>
Vincent Wijeysingha, Singapore Democratic Party

**** Disturbed By Police Stance After 'Bomb' Find <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/OnlineStory/STIStory_682286.html>
Lau Jiamin, Straits Times

Perhaps I should look to private security companies for crime prevention as well?

**** Hundreds Of Millions Of Ringgit Worth Of Sand Shipped Off To Singapore Island <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/6/22/nation/8949755&sec=nation>
Elan Perumal And Stuart Michael, The Star

After a hiatus of several months, sand thieves have returned with a vengeance to continue mining sand worth hundreds of millions of ringgit which is shipped off to Singapore.

**** Singapore Transforms Into A Gambling Hot Spot <http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-singapore-casinos-20110622,0,195548.story>
David Pierson, Los Angles Times

Casino critics accused leaders of the People's Action Party, which has been in power even before Singapore declared its sovereignty as a republic in 1965, of undermining family values. Simmering anger over the issue was said to contribute to the party's bruising performance in the May elections when it scored its smallest majority in five decades.

Other critics said the resorts underscored the government's lack of vision — calling it a quick fix that does little to resolve the country's economic challenges.

**** Small Air Space No Excuse For Intrusion - Zahid Hamidi <http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v5/newsindex.php?id=595776>

Defence minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has reminded Sigapore not to give the excuse of its small air space to violate into this country's air space.

He said Malaysia had tolerated Singapore on several matters with the hope that the spirit of neighbourliness would be made as a benchmark not to make military provocations.

**** Singapore's GIC Ups Stake In Infrastructure Holding <http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/21/atlantia-gic-idUSLDE75K20B20110621>
Valentina Za, Reuters

**** If You Want A Break, She Should Get One Too. <http://kirstenhan.me/2011/06/22/if-you-want-a-break-she-should-get-one-too/>
Funny Little World

But that doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to deny another person the rights that you want for yourself.

**** DBSS – ‘Overpaid’ By 550 Million Dollars? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/06/dbss-overpaid-by-550-million-dollars/>
Leong Sze Hian, The Online Citizen

Singaporeans have been complaining about the issue of DBSS pricing policy for years. It is good that the Minister for National Development has now heard the public outcry on this issue, has stopped making statements like “DBSS is not HDB“, and has agreed to review the DBSS housing option as part of the overall review of housing policies.

**** Police's Clarification On War Relic Disposal <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1136581/1/.html>
Mustafa Shafawi, Channel NewsAsia

The police said on Wednesday that the use of specialist contractors, qualified and licensed to dispose of war relics which are assessed not be an imminent threat to public safety, is a well-established practice.

AC Lim said it was the CBRE's expert assessment that the relic did not pose an imminent threat to public safety and could be removed by specialist contractors.

**** Companies Eye Singapore As HK Space Is Squeezed <http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/22/us-reuters-summit-hkoffice-idUSTRE75L27M20110622>
Kevin Lim And Charmian Kok, Reuters

Singapore is benefiting from a shortage of office space in Hong Kong as multinational companies expanding in Asia turn increasingly to the Southeast Asian city-state for their regional bases, property developers and consultants said.

They said that while rents are soaring in both cities, there is a much larger supply of new office developments coming up in Singapore to cater to the growing demand. In contrast, firms wishing to expand in Hong Kong will either have to outbid other prospective tenants or move out of the city center.

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