[MyAppleMenu] Feb 26, 2011

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Feb 26 18:59:00 EST 2011


**** New MacBooks, New Interface, New OS <http://ihnatko.com/2011/02/25/new-macbooks-new-interface-new-os/>
Andy Ihnatko's Celestial Waste of Bandwidth (BETA)

The Lion discussion had a consistent theme: there are a lot of iPad concepts that translate nicely to the desktop. Silly people have mused on that idea and imagined that Mac OS X would inevitably turn into a tablet-style, multitouch OS, if it even continued to exist at all. But when Apple talks about bringing iOS features to the desktop, they’re just referring to features that make the iPad slightly more awesome, like remote-nuking a stolen computer, and being able to close an app without having to spend five minutes closing all of its windows and saving its data.

**** Mac OS X Lion Building In Support For Super High Resolution 'Retina' Monitors <http://www.macrumors.com/2011/02/24/mac-os-x-lion-building-in-support-for-super-high-resolution-retina-monitors/>
Arnold Kim, MacRumors

In Mac OS X Lion references to Resolution Independence has been replaced with a new system that could pave the way for these super high resolution "Retina" monitors.

**** Apple Gets Back To Basics In Mac OS X Lion <http://www.macworld.com/article/158024/2011/02/lionbacktobasics.html#lsrc.rss_main>
David Chartier, Macworld

When Lion arrives, the Mac might begin to resemble some aspects of Apple’s simpler, more streamlined OS that’s designed for mobile devices. But that’s only because they are fundamentally good ideas that can polish a full-featured desktop platform and make it even easier to use, without sacrificing any of the power and flexibility that brought users to the platform to begin with.

**** Could Lion Bring Us Closer To A Mac Home Server? <http://www.macworld.com/article/158157/2011/02/lion_osxserver.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld

It’s clear that Apple’s decision to merge the client and server versions of Mac OS X into a single installer is a strong statement that the company wants more people to use the server software. At a time when Apple has stopped selling its high-end Xserve and focused only on the Mac mini server, combining the two versions of Mac OS X shows that the server software is intended to work on any Mac.

**** LaCie Unveils Thunderbolt-compatible Little Big Disk <http://www.macworld.com/article/158160/2011/02/thunderboltlacie.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Ben Camm-Jones, Macworld UK

**** Lion Will Drop Support For Earliest Intel Macs <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/02/25/lion-will-drop-support-for-earliest-intel-macs/>
Michael Rose, TUAW

Apple's not saying yet, but the machines based on these 32-bit Intel CPUs may not have the horsepower or addressable memory space to support Lion, or Apple may be pushing towards a full 64-bit OS and kernel (which might cause some issues for hardware drivers and peripherals). In any event, if you've got a first-generation Intel Mac that's more than four and a half years old, you may be staying with 10.6 Snow Leopard (or Leopard or Tiger, for that matter, if you haven't updated).

**** How To Be A Savvy Mac Software Shopper <http://www.macworld.com/article/157264/2011/02/savvysoftwareshopper.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Lex Friedman, Macworld

When should you buy software from the Mac App Store, and when should you buy directly from the developer? Here is a list of what needs to be considered when you're buying new Mac software.

**** Hacker Writes Easy-to-use Mac Trojan <http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9211659/Hacker_writes_easy_to_use_Mac_Trojan?source=rss_operatingsystems&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+computerworld%2Fs%2Ffeed%2Ftopic%2F123+%28Computerworld+Mac+OS+News%29>
Robert McMillan, Computerworld

Sophos hasn't seen the Trojan used in any online attacks -- it's more a bare-bones, proof-of-concept beta program right now -- but the software is pretty easy to use, and if a criminal could find a way to get a Mac user to install it, or write attack code that would silently install it on the Mac, it would give him remote control of the hacked machine.

**** Little-known Options For The OS X Login Window <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/02/26/little-known-options-for-the-os-x-login-window/>
TJ Luoma, TUAW

**** My Backup Plan: Kirk McElhearn <http://www.macworld.com/article/158076/2011/02/mybackupplankirk.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Kirk McElhearn, Macworld

I’m a belt-and-suspenders guy when it comes to backups. All this began one day in the mid-1990s, when I lost a day’s work on my PowerBook 100. From that day on, I have been extremely prudent about how I protect my data, and I currently use a multi-pronged backup approach, and even use multiple backups for important data.

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Think That Restaurant Looks Shady? Donteat.at Lets You Know For Sure <http://voices.allthingsd.com/20110225/early-adopter-think-that-restaurant-looks-shady-donteat-at-lets-you-know-for-sure/?mod=ATD_rss>
Drake Martinet, Wall Street Journal

Stoller’s app, donteat.at, parses the weekly-updated public data set for those flagged establishments and keeps an updated list of violators.

>From then on, if a donteat.at user ever checks in via Foursquare to a restaurant that has been flagged, they receive a text message alerting them to that fact.

“In under a minute–I worked very hard on that,” said Stoller.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** The Someone You're Not <http://www.esquire.com/features/ray-towler-profile-0311>
Mike Sager, Esquire

Our packed prisons are starting to disgorge hundreds of mostly African-America men who, over the last few decades, we wrongly convicted of violent crimes. This is what it's like to spend nearly thirty years in prison for something you didn't do. This is what it's like to spend nearly thirty years as someone you aren't. And for Ray Towler, this is what it's like to be free.

**** From <i>Macarons</i> To McDonalds <http://www.slate.com/id/2286561/?from=rss>
Mike Steinberger, Slate

The French respond to the argument that their national cuisine is in decline.

**** New & Collected Poems By Ruth Fainlight <http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/feb/26/new-poems-ruth-fainlight-review?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Fbooks%2Frss+%28Books%29>
Fran Brearton, The Guardian

Ruth Fainlight's late husband, Alan Sillitoe, wrote in the preface to his own Collected Poems that "a poet and writer, wherever he lives, even if on home territory, suffers exile for life". For Fainlight, who was born in the US to European Jewish parents, and who moved to England at the age of 15, that condition of exile is understood at the deepest level. Her own New & Collected Poems, representing half a century's work, asks us to read her writing life as a journey that never really ends, even with publication of a monumental achievement. As "The Fall" puts it, "Once you let go, there's no hold anywhere. / Whatever your home was, having left it / There can be no other."

**** Bent Spines <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/27/books/review/Price-t.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss>
Leah Price, New York Times

A year ago, an injury left me unable to sit. For months, I could choose only between standing and lying on my back. In the past, sick days had bought me time to read, novels anesthetizing every ill. But now, with no lap to rest a book on, books became unwieldy. Tables were too high when I lay down, too low when I stood up. Flat on the floor, I tired of propping a paperback above my head. Pacing the room, I craved an extra hand: one to hold the book, another to turn its pages, a third to underline.

**** It Gets Worse <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/27/books/review/Fishman-t.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss>
Ted C. Fishman, New York Times

Susan Jacoby has long made it her project to uncover ill-formed, cynical “junk thought” and administer a cold dose of reason and logic against it. But Jacoby is no Mr. Spock. Her rationalism is delivered in an angry barrage peppered with enthusiastically snide asides. In previous books, including “The Age of American Unreason” and “Freethinkers,” her targets have been right-leaning religionists, social Darwinists, and the paucity of reason in a generation that stares too much at glowing screens and too little at learned books. In her latest jeremiad, “Never Say Die,” she fights to slay the conspiracies of ignorance and greed that she believes conceal a single, and indeed irrefutable, truth: extreme old age can be nasty, brutish and long.

**** These Crowded Streets <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/27/books/review/Syjuco-t.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss>
Miguel Syjuco, New York Times

Julius’s peripatetic wanderings and their connections to personal histories — both his own and those of the people he meets — form the driving narrative, allowing him to reflect on his adopted New York, the Africa of his youth, the America of today and a Europe wary of its future. With every anecdote, with each overlap, Cole lucidly builds a compassionate and masterly work engaged more with questions than with answers regarding some of the biggest issues of our time: migration, moral accountability and our tenuous tolerance of one another’s differences.


**** GE: PAP To Field At Least 20 New Candidates <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1113047/1/.html>
Evelyn Choo, Channel NewsAsia

PAP chairman Lim Boon Heng has said his party plans to field at least 20 new candidates in the upcoming General Election so that they can gain experience working on the ground while the older ministers carry on.

**** Gender Or Race No Obstacle In SMCs? <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110226-0000216/Gender-or-race-no-obstacle-in-SMCs?>
Cheow Xin Yi, Today

Neither a woman nor a minority race candidate has been fielded in a single seat for the past two decades, and political analysts think the People's Action Party is going to take a big step forward during the coming polls.

No decision has been made yet but there is a belief that incumbents Amy Khor, Grace Fu and Michael Palmer will remain in their wards - Hong Kah North, Yuhua and Punggol East, respectively - which were carved out as Single Member Constituencies in the redrawn electoral map.

**** 罕见的政策大U转 <Ruth Fainlight's late husband, Alan Sillitoe, wrote in the preface to his own Collected Poems that "a poet and writer, wherever he lives, even if on home territory, suffers exile for life". For Fainlight, who was born in the US to European Jewish parents, and who moved to England at the age of 15, that condition of exile is understood at the deepest level. Her own New & Collected Poems, representing half a century's work, asks us to read her writing life as a journey that never really ends, even with publication of a monumental achievement. As "The Fall" puts it, "Once you let go, there's no hold anywhere. / Whatever your home was, having left it / There can be no other." >
郭丽娟, 联合早报


**** What Other Bloggers Are Teaching Me About Singapore <http://expatbostonians.wordpress.com/2011/02/25/what-other-bloggers-are-teaching-me-about-singapore/>
Expat Bostonians

**** Track Records, Desperation And Stupidity <http://mollymeek.wordpress.com/2011/02/25/track-records-desperation-and-stupidity/>

If the country arrests and detains citizens only for engaging in unlawful political activities, the citizens of that country should start worrying about whether the activities their government has made unlawful should really be unlawful.

**** Our Way, Not The Nordic Way: DPM Wong <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110226-0000169/>
Venessa Lee, Today

Population czar Wong Kan Seng (picture) pointed to studies that show no conclusive link between improved fertility rates in a country and generous leave policies or state expenditure.

"The situation is far more complex than what we know," said Mr Wong, who is also deputy prime minister. In fact, OECD figures show that in places such as Sweden, Denmark and Norway, their high TFR appears due mainly to a phenomenon foreign to Singapore society: Almost as many people having babies out of wedlock as they are within marriage.

**** IBAHRI Gravely Concerned By Conviction And Sentence Of Dr Chee Soon Juan, Leader Of The Opposition Singapore Democratic Party <http://www.ibanet.org/Article/Detail.aspx?ArticleUid=568B54B5-F316-4BA3-96E4-410A6C3AAA77>
IBA Human Rights Institute

**** 新加坡“红包”和减税的威力 <http://news.163.com/11/0226/10/6TQFO35V00014AED.html>
吴华伟, 齐鲁晚报


**** Singapore Defends Death Penalty In First Rights Report To UN <http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/asiapacific/news/article_1622143.php/Singapore-defends-death-penalty-in-first-rights-report-to-UN>

Singapore in its inaugural report to the United Nations on the status of human rights defended its tough stance on the death penalty as well as other issues like detention without trial that have repeatedly come under fire from human rights groups.

The government countered this week that given Singapore's small size and high population density and diversity, 'it is vital that individual rights and freedoms be exercised responsibly within a legal framework.'

**** GE: Sembawang MP Welcomes Boundary Changes <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1113156/1/.html>
Hetty Musfirah Abdul Khamid, Channel NewsAsia

Senior parliamentary secretary for manpower and health, Hawazi Daipi, says the changes in the electoral boundaries for Sembawang Group Representation Constituency (GRC) will allow MPs to be more focused in serving residents.

**** GE: Deputy PM Teo Says Electoral Boundaries Redrawn To Better Serve Residents <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1113145/1/.html>
Low Mei Mei / Dylan Loh, Channel NewsAsia

Mr Teo said the boundaries fit in better with the population distribution, particularly for his ward, which he says has "grown very big".

**** Singapore Human Rights: Disgraceful <http://rogerpoh.wordpress.com/2011/02/26/singapore-human-rights-disgraceful/>
Spotlight On Singapore

All autocratic regimes pull out the same bag of tricks with the assertion that their countries are unique.

No doubt the Indonesian president must be laughing like mad as Indonesia is even more diverse than Singapore.

**** Meritocracy Has To Be Balanced With Sense Of Community, Says SM Goh <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1113180/1/.html>
Hoe Yeen Nie, Channel NewsAsia

"Just emphasising meritocracy alone is like standing on one leg. You need the other leg in order to be stable."

The second leg, Mr Goh said, is community. "You want to think beyond yourself, beyond the family to the community."

**** The Battle For Nee Soon GRC <http://yawshinleong.blogspot.com/2011/02/battle-for-nee-soon-grc.html>
Yaw Shin Leong

**** Singapore Struggles To Raise Fertility Rate <http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2011-02/26/c_13751382.htm>

Many of the young people told Xinhua that they knew it was tough to raise children, sometimes even one, in a cosmopolitan society where people would have to be financially capable and spend enough time on kids.

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