[MyAppleMenu] Apr 19, 2011

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Apr 19 18:59:00 EDT 2011


**** Open iOS Safari To A Blank Page <http://www.macworld.com/article/159303/2011/04/ios_safari_blank_page.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Dan Frakes, Macworld

A feature I’d love to see in iOS Safari is for the browser to open to a blank page whenever I tap the Safari icon directly. But until Apple adds such a feature, it doesn’t have to remain just another item on a wishlist—you can get essentially the same behavior, right now, using iOS’s Home-screen-bookmark feature.

**** iTunes 10.2.2 Now Available <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/04/18/itunes-10-2-2-now-available/>
David Winograd, TUAW

**** Thoughts About Sparrow UI <http://tumblr.charaveldesign.com/post/4729610738/thoughts-about-sparrow>
Olivier Charavel

I ask myself why they took Tweetie’s sidebar and built their entire design around it without tweaking it or thinking about this kind of scenario.

**** Apple Asks Judge To Dismiss Lawsuit Alleging ITunes Downloading Monopoly <http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-18/apple-asks-judge-to-dismiss-lawsuit-alleging-itunes-downloading-monopoly.html?cmpid=yhoo>
Pamela MacLean And Karen Gullo, Bloomberg

Robert Mittelstaedt, an attorney for the Cupertino, California-based company, today told U.S. District Judge James Ware in San Jose, California, that blocking iPod music downloads that used competitors’ software was intended to improve downloading quality for iTunes customers.

“Apple’s view is that iPods work better when consumers use the iTunes jukebox rather than third party software that can cause corruption or other problems,” Mittelstaedt said at a hearing.

**** Q&A: Moving Addresses Between Windows XP And Mac OS X <http://gadgetwise.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/18/qa-moving-addresses-between-windows-xp-and-mac-os-x/?partner=rss&emc=rss>
J.d. Biersdorfer, New York Times

What’s the best way to transfer a copy of an Outlook Express address book on a Windows XP machine to a new Mac?

**** Samsung Vows Legal Retaliation Against Its $5.7B Customer, Apple <http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/11/04/19/samsung_vows_legal_retaliation_against_its_5_7b_customer_apple.html>
Sam Oliver, AppleInsider

Following a patent suit from Apple, Samsung has vowed to retaliate with its own legal action, and the South Korean electronics giant is said to be considering a counter-suit related to wireless patents.

**** Apple Ends $30 MobileMe And iWork Rebate Program <http://www.tuaw.com/2011/04/19/apple-ends-30-mobileme-and-iwork-rebate-program/>
Kelly Hodgkins, TUAW

An internal memo suggests Apple is ending the US$30 MobileMe and iWork rebate program. According to the memo, Apple has told all resellers to end the program on April 18th. All references to the rebate must be removed by the end of that business day.

**** OmniFocus: My Life Management Software <http://forkbombr.net/omnifocus-life-management/>
Stephen M. Hackett, Forkbombr

**** Apple Sues Samsung: A Complete Lawsuit Analysis <http://thisismynext.com/2011/04/19/apple-sues-samsung-analysis/>
Nilay Patel, This Is My Next

Taken as a group, it feels like a remarkably solid case — Samsung can’t just up and countersue Apple with its own patents and hope to walk away with a handshake and a cross-license because of the various trademark, trade dress, and design patent claims. How the company decides to deal with those issues remains to be seen; there’s no question in my mind that Samsung designed TouchWiz to look and feel as much like iOS as possible, and then marketed it as such.

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Willow Garage Introduces TurtleBot Robot <http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/18/willow-garage-introduces-turtlebot-robot/?partner=rss&emc=rss>
Nick Bilton, New York Times

It looks as if I can finally stop trying to train my dog to fetch a bagel and coffee from the kitchen each morning. Instead, I’ll be able to use a new robot, the TurtleBot, which is made by the robotics company Willow Garage.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Barthelme <http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/apr/19/barthelme-joanna-kavenna-story?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Fbooks%2Frss+%28Books%29>
Joanna Kavenna, The Guardian

**** Ever So Many Hundred Years Hence <http://www.slate.com/id/2291307/?from=rss>
Mark Strand, Slate


**** New PAP Faces: Only Four Minority Picks, Who Are Not From Diverse Fields <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_658316.html>
Nadia Olisa, Straits Times

Being a young member of both the Malay and Indian communities, I am worried that the minority communities' interests may become less significant, considering how there is a much larger proportion of Chinese candidates fielded for the upcoming elections.

Moreover, I find it disappointing that the PAP could not find candidates from more diverse occupations to represent the minority communities for the next generation of Singaporeans.

**** Under PAP, Singapore Has Developed A Rent-seeking Economy <http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=6572>
Ng E-Jay, Sgpolitics.net

The government’s move to privatize essential services has not created more value for consumers. Instead, it has merely led to rising prices that government-appointed watchdogs not only appear powerless to stop, but in fact appear to be in collusion with.

Inflation in Singapore is not just caused by rising import prices of commodities. It is also due in part to escalating rentals which force businesses and sole proprietors to pass the cost to consumers. And it is also due to unhealthy market collusion between unproductive GLCs, with government watchdogs either turning a blind eye or openly endorsing such moves.

Singapore’s rent-seeking economy arises because of the flawed government policy of asset inflation and unbridled immigration. But asset inflation cannot go on forever at the current rate without creating a bubble, and population growth also cannot continue in this fashion indefinitely.

**** Why Is Medical Cost A Top Reason For Debt Woes? <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/OnlineStory/STIStory_658266.html>
Leong Sze Hian, Straits Times

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has regularly maintained that health care is affordable in Singapore, under our 3Ms (Medisave, MediShield and Medifund).

So, why do the CCS (Credit Counselling Singapore) statistics seem to indicate otherwise?

**** PM Lee On 2-Party System In Singapore <http://politicshap.wordpress.com/2011/04/18/pm-lee-on-2-party-system-in-singapore/>

**** In Singapore, The Party In Power Offers New Faces <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/19/world/asia/19iht-singapore19.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss>
Seth Mydans, New York Times

While Singapore has a multiparty system, opposition parties are hindered by a lack of funds, by the reluctance of potential candidates to challenge the government, by a configuration of districts that favors the governing party and by the sheer organizational power of the P.A.P. All 84 elected seats are being contested; the Constitution provides for the appointment of a small number of nonelected members.

But given the dominance of the P.A.P., the party’s search process — involving background checks, psychological tests and rounds of what are known as “tea session” get-togethers — has become, for all practical purposes, the system by which Singapore chooses its government and leaders.

**** PAP Servant Leaders: Fact Or Fiction? <http://kentridgecommon.com/?p=11103>
Christopher Ong, The Kent Ridge Common

In most Asian societies, humility is a highly valued quality. But while the emphasis on humility is commendable and the reminder timely, several Singaporeans expressed doubt in the idea of a ‘servant leader’.

**** Probe Opposition Candidates’ Motivation? Sure! How About PAP’s Candidates? <http://yeejj.wordpress.com/2011/04/19/probe-opposition-candidates-motivation-sure-how-about-paps-candidates/>
Yee Jenn Jong

We do not have huge resources supporting us. We fight the battle often with our own financial reserves and with the time sacrifices of many volunteers who toil selflessly with us. There’s no huge party machinery or grassroot organisations that opposition candidates can call upon. We have no heavyweight ministers we can count on to aid us into parliament on a GRC ticket. Even if we do get elected, we know the tasks for running the constituency is much more challenging than for that of PAP MPs because we do not get access to needed resources.

I like to in turn question the motives of those who choose to stand on PAP’s ticket. We often hear them say it is to stand forth and serve Singapore. With very tangible benefits for being a PAP MP and even much larger when one becomes an office holder, one cannot help but question if there’s true passion.

**** The Million Dollar Salary Syndrome - Why PAP Could Not Work Like "A Bolt Of Lightning" Anymore? <http://de-leviathan.blogspot.com/2011/04/million-dollar-salary-syndrome-why-pap.html>
De Leviathan @ Sg

Do you see the difference in mindsets between our public and private sectors? Do you see the difference in mindset between our competitive system and the nationalised public transport system in China? Do you see any difference in efficiency? There seems to be a "Million Dollar Salary Syndrome or air" with the PAP Ministers and top public servants which make it easy for them to dismiss issues which they lack competency and interest. In politics, PAP believes in a "nationalised" system to favour PAP. But in transportation they don't believe in a "nationalised" system. Do you see the irony and double standards?

**** Singaporean FT No Good, Foreign FTs Betterer <http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com/2011/04/singaporean-ft-no-good-foreign-fts.html>
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News

When we question our own sons for their motives for returning home, something is seriously wrong, insanity. When we don’t trust our own children but someone who just walked in and be easily convinced by this Ginny comes lately, what are we telling our children?

**** PAP Targets Workers’ Party Star Chen: PAP Jittery? <http://rogerpoh.wordpress.com/2011/04/19/pap-targets-workers-party-star-chen-pap-jittery/>
Spotlight On Singapore

With an unlevel playing field, persecution of the opposition and repressive laws against political freedoms, sympathy lies with the underdog.

The tide is beginning to turn. To all intents and purposes, Singapore is a one party state, and Singaporeans are increasingly fed up with the PAP throwing its weight around.

**** TOC Editorial: Why The Double Standards, Dr Ng? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/toc-editorial-why-the-double-standards-dr-ng/>
The Online Citizen

The PAP has candidates in its ranks who only became citizens in the last few years. Ms Foo Mee Har had problems telling reporters when she became a Singaporean (two years ago), and has spent long periods of time working overseas. Another new citizen, Mr Janil Puthucheary, never did National Service unlike Mr Chen, who had the distinction of serving as an Officer of the Singapore Armed Forces. Mr Chen served in our armed forces despite not actually being a naturalized citizen yet.

PAP leaders have appealed to the public to judge candidates like Mr Puthucheary and Ms Foo on the fact that they have chosen Singapore as their home, but now they challenge Mr Chen’s bona fides for returning home?

**** "The Poor" Are The New Black <http://thotspeak.blogspot.com/2011/04/poor-are-new-black.html>
The Art Of Dumbspeak

No, I don't know what poverty means even though I hear about them, read about them, and I sometimes deal with them in the course of my work. And if these Papie candidates grew up basically the same way that I did (with our "humble HDB-dweller-parents-who-didn't-make-a-lot-background"), what on earth qualifies them to be the best people to understand, serve and fight for "the poor"?

**** Writer's Query On Chen Reasonable, Says PAP <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_658317.html>
Ng Eng Hen, People's Action Party, Straits Times

>From available information, Mr Chen has spent 40 of his 50 years out of Singapore. His entire career has been as a corporate lawyer in the United States and China. His wife and children do not live in Singapore.

He now turns up and asks Singaporeans to elect him as a Member of Parliament. Surely, voters have a right to know from the Workers' Party if such a candidate can identify with the aspirations of Singaporeans and has a stake in our future?

**** When A Son Of The Land Returns <http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/when-a-son-of-the-land-returns/>
Andrew Loh, The Online Citizen

What the PAP should do, if I may humbly suggest, is to look at its own house. It is a fact that many are not impressed at all with its latest batch of candidates. Questions about them have been raised, including their commitment and abilities.

Yet, the irony is that the question of motivation is more suitably directed at the PAP candidates than anyone else.

**** The PAP Manifesto: So You Are Clueless <http://blogging4myself.blogspot.com/2011/04/pap-manifesto-so-you-are-clueless.html>
Blogging for Myself

I am not expecting some grand theory that is good enough to help illuminate mankind into the future, but they do not have a sufficient grasp of the driving forces today beyond being bewildered by it all and can only say this: The future is highly uncertain. Granted, we would of course have to be very adaptable and flexible. What choice have we got if our leaders are intellectually not up making sense of the rising complexity of the new world?

**** GE: S'pore's Parliament Dissolved For 14th General Election <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1123672/1/.html>
S.Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia

Singapore's Parliament has been dissolved for the 14th general election in the country. The Proclamation was issued by President SR Nathan through the government gazette on Tuesday afternoon.

**** GE: Singapore General Election Set For May 7 <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1123684/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

Nomination Day is on the April 27, Wednesday, and Polling Day for the GE will be on May 7, Saturday.

The election deposit for each candidate standing for election will be S$16,000 and nomination papers can be filed from 11 am and noon on April 27.

**** The Battle For Aljunied GRC <http://yawshinleong.blogspot.com/2011/04/battle-for-aljunied-grc.html>
Yaw Shin Leong

**** PAP Manifesto : More Of The Same... <http://singaporemind.blogspot.com/2011/04/pap-manifesto-more-of-same.html>
Diary Of A Singapore Mind

It says it aims to provide "opportunities for a better life for each and every citizen" as opposed to making life better for each and every citizen. This statement in the vision tells us that the underlying belief in the PAP that it is sufficient just to provide "social mobility"/opportunities rather narrowing the income gap or mitigate the effects of the income gap to elevate everyone to a "better life". You have some chance for a better life but if you don't make it, your life won't be better. This is a huge downgrade from the Swiss standard living we once look forward to and....what will happen to ideas that will improve the lives of all Singaporeans such as universal healthcare, decent retirement for all, worldclass public transport (not sardine cans), and better public housing?

**** GE: What To Expect In The Lead Up To Polling Day <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1123698/1/.html>
Imelda Saad, Channel NewsAsia

**** The SDP Promise: A People-managed Community <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/4738-the-sdp-promise-a-people-managed-community>
Singapore Democratic Party

An SDP run Town Council will be a council that is run in the interests of the community. It will not waste funds on razzmatazz projects designed to make your Town Council look good come election time. They will have strict terms of reference; performance standards; project management codes, and financial and progress reporting.

In short, they will ensure that your money and your amenities serve you, not the SDP. Your communities will be returned to you; they will become your own again.

**** GE: PAP Announces Election Lineup <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1123709/1/.html>
S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia

The People's Action Party has given its slate of candidates for the 12 single member constituencies and 15 group representation constituencies on the party website.

This is an unprecedented move before Nomination Day for the party, though the central executive committee members have emphasised that changes before Nomination Day cannot be ruled out.

**** Papsicles 3 <http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2011/04/19/papsicles-3/>
Yawning Bread

Wong must have known what would be in his own party’s manifesto. It must have been ready even as he took potshots at the Workers’ Party’s, for the PAP themselves released theirs only a week later on 17 April 2011. As far as specific proposals go, the Workers’ Party’s 17,440-word tome (excluding the table of contents) was chockful of them. The PAP’s — a mere 1,688 words (including Lee Hsien Loong’s foreword) — had none.

The PAP has been busy rolling out — with the mainstream media beating the drum for them — glitzy plans for “upgrading” whole constituencies. Holland-Bukit Timah will get a new food market, a few neighbourhood parks and a new metro line — never mind that this metro line was announced years ago and is already under construction. Similarly grand-sounding plans have also been announced for Aljunied, Jurong and elsewhere, with the less-than-subtle hint that if voters do not return PAP candidates to parliament, they can kiss all these “brilliant” ideas good-bye. I’m curious though: What are they going to do with the metro line if Holland-Bukit Timah falls to the opposition — stop work and the leave giant holes in the ground?

**** Election Deposit Raised To $16,000 <http://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElection/News/Story/STIStory_658581.html>
Tan Hui Yee, Straits Times

Each candidate in the coming polls on May 7 will have to put up an election deposit of $16,000. This is an increase of $2,500 from the $13,500 required in the previous general election.

**** GE: WP Confirms It Will Contest 4 GRCs, 4 SMCs <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1123724/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

The GRCs are: Aljunied, East Coast, Moulmein-Kallang and Nee Soon, and the SMCs are Hougang, Joo Chiat, Punggol-East and Sengkang West.

Chairman Sylvia Lim said Mr Chen's commitment to Singapore is solid, tracing back to when he did his National Service when he was a permanent resident, continuing to maintain family ties here as well, as he plans to move back to Singapore permanently with his family, whether or not he wins in the General Election (GE). "I think it's important for Singaporeans to look at the facts and look at our candidates, in terms of what they have been doing and how they've been connected to Singapore, and look at the reality rather than the rhetoric in that sense," said Ms Lim.

**** Personal Attacks On WP's Chen Will 'Backfire': Analysts <http://www.straitstimes.com/GeneralElection/News/Story/STIStory_658627.html>
Straits Times

The People's Action Party is unlikely to go 'full guns blazing' or step up personal attack on Workers' Party candidate Chen Show Mao, said two political analysts on Tuesday.

Political watcher Derek da Cunha cautioned that if the PAP went overboard with 'negative campaigning', many voters might recoil. 'It may backfire, particularly if the other side has not done anything wrong. If the electorate perceives they have not done anything wrong, then the PAP attacks come across as being gratuitous,' he told reporters on the sidelines of a seminar at the Singapore Management University.

**** This Is What The Lee Kuan Yew Regime Is Telling The Region <http://exposingsingapore.wordpress.com/2011/04/19/this-is-what-the-lee-kuan-yew-regime-is-telling-the-region/>
Exposingsingapore's Blog

**** Dr.T's View Of Singapore General Elections <http://nofearsingapore.blogspot.com/2011/04/drts-view-of-singapore-general.html>
No Fear Singapore

**** Why I Won't Vote For The Ruling Party <http://thinkformesingapore.blogspot.com/2011/04/why-i-wont-vote-for-ruling-party.html>
Think For Me, Singapore

This ruling party government has created a generation that think going into politics is for the wealth and power. Contradictory to everything that a government should represent. Contradictory to what every bone in my body tells me why someone should be representing me with my vote. Contradictory to every thought I have ever had of joining the government because I wanted to help, because I wanted to make a difference.

The opposition party member may be going into politics for the same reason, wealth and power, however, if you know even an ounce of this country's political climate, you know these opposition candidates are pretty much all prepared to have a long hard life ahead of them and possibly, as a bankrupt. So, my gut feeling is that they are not in it for the same reasons as our ruling party candidates.

With that in mind, it doesn't even matter that the opposition party candidate may not be of the same caliber as the ruling party candidate, it's time to bring "servant" back to the word "government servant".

**** Singaporeans Can Expect A Future Of Claustrophobia <http://kentridgecommon.com/?p=11143>
Salima, The Kent Ridge Common

Will the supermarkets surrounding these areas then be flooded with shoppers every weekend, and shopping become a two-hour endeavour just jostling in the aisles and waiting out the queues? Will we have to always ‘dabao’ our dinners because there’s never a place to sit in the kopitiams? Will the multi-purpose areas have to have partitions so a Malay wedding and Chinese funeral can take place at the same time?

**** We Are Good They Are Bad. <http://javertworld.blogspot.com/2011/04/we-are-good-they-are-bad.html>
Javert's World

Janil Puthucheary, came to Singapore in 2001 only became a Singaporean in 2008 after being spotted by PAP. I question his motive. Foo Mee Har living in Singapore since 1989 and only became a Singaporean in 2010. I too question her motive.

And last but not least. Look at Tin Pei Ling credential. Gosh it’s a joke. The most attractive part about her CV is her marriage.

**** George Yeo's Response On My Comment That It Is Unfair To Ask For Workers' Party's Track Record <http://www.raviphilemon.net/2011/04/george-yeos-response-on-my-comment-that.html>
Ravi Philemon

**** Letter Rebutting Indranee Rajah (Unpublished) <http://whyliddat.wordpress.com/2011/04/19/letter-rebutting-indranee-rajah-unpublished/>
Why Liddat?

What Ms Rajah sees as gridlock, I see as the inclusion and consideration of views from different constituencies. Effective governance hinges on how well policies can accommodate these views and not on how quickly legislation is passed. If the latter is the goal, as Ms Rajah suggests, we should drop all pretense of having a parliamentary system, and instead institute a rule of elite oligarchy to reflect the current state of affairs in Singapore.

**** UN To Review Singapore’s Human Rights Record On 6th May 2011 <http://jacob69.wordpress.com/2011/03/07/un-to-review-singapores-human-rights-record-on-6th-may-2011/>
Jacob 69er

**** GE: WP Defends Chen Show Mao's Commitment <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1123734/1/.html>
Wayne Chan, Channel NewsAsia

Workers' Party chairman Sylia Lim said: "For example, he's serving on the SMU Law School advisory board. So since 2007, four years ago till now, he's been in touch with WP, our activities and also coming back and learning more about how he can contribute.

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