[MyAppleMenu] Apr 7, 2011

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Apr 7 18:59:00 EDT 2011


**** My First Intel Mac <http://lowendmac.com/musings/11mm/going-intel.html>
Dan Knight, Low End Mac

**** Houston, We’ve Got A Problem: When A Good App Goes Bad <http://appadvice.com/appnn/2011/04/houston-weve-problem-app-bad/>
Bryan Wolfe, AppAdvice

As it stands, the integrity of very good apps can immediately be shattered because of one lousy update. After all, the negative ratings remain in the App Store forever.

**** Bing For iPad Arrives – Win For Microsoft <http://appadvice.com/appnn/2011/04/bing-ipad-arrives-packed-full-features/>
Bryan Wolfe, AppAdvice

Microsoft has released its free Bing for iPad app, the tech giant’s first native app for the tablet. The app offers a visually appealing search experience, making it a compelling alternative to Google search.

**** Apple Whisks Defective iPad Away, Leaving Me Without One <http://consumerist.com/2011/04/apple-whisks-defective-ipad-away-leaving-me-without-one.html>
Laura Northrup, The Consumerist

The problem with having the latest, shiniest, newest gadgets is that when something goes wrong and that shiny gadget sells out, there aren't any others to exchange it for. That seems to be what happened to Nicholas, who bought an iPad 2 at Target, and shipped it off to Apple after had screen problems after only a few hours of use.

**** How To Manage Your Kids' iOS App Purchases <http://www.macworld.com/article/158936/2011/04/howto_ios_purchases.html>
Dan Moren, Macworld

**** LeapFrog's First App Is A For Awesome <http://digitallife.today.com/_news/2011/04/07/6421617-leapfrogs-first-app-is-a-for-awesome?>
Suzanne Kantra, Today

**** NetSupport Assist Now Available For Mac, Linux <http://www.macworld.com/article/159089/2011/04/netsupportassist.html#lsrc.rss_main>
Ben Camm-Jones, Macworld UK

NetSupport has announced that its classroom instruction and monitoring software is now available for the Mac OS and Linux platforms. NetSupport Assist lets teachers control lessons from their terminals by providing them with a live thumbnail of each student's desktop.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Modern Times <http://www.thesmartset.com/article/article04061101.aspx>
Morgan Meis, The Smart Set

To be modern is one thing; to know what to do with that is quite another.

**** The Joys Of Mexican Vegetarian Dishes <http://www.latimes.com/features/food/la-fo-mexican-vegetarian-20110407,0,7802316.story?track=rss>
Lorenza Muñoz, Los Angeles Times

No New Age-y tofu or walnut 'meat' here. Just simple and light meals featuring cheese and vegetable staples of the Mexican kitchen.

**** Jonathan Gold Reviews The Olive Garden <http://www.laweekly.com/2011-04-07/eat-drink/jonathan-gold-reviews-the-olive-garden/>
Jonathan Gold, LA Weekly

I had no intention of eating lunch at the Olive Garden. I was planning to intercept the grumpy photographer at the door and spirit her to the Derby, a track-fueled steak house less than a minute's drive down the street. We'd have a Sidecar or two. We'd laugh at how she'd been fooled. There would be leftover meat for her bull terrier.


**** Yale-NUS: Up To 50% Could Be Foreign Students <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110407-0000436/Yale-NUS--Up-to-50-could-be-foreign-students>
Ng Jing Yng, Today

International students can make up to half of the Yale-National University of Singapore (NUS) liberal arts college's intake, even as the guideline for local universities stands at 20 per cent for the admission of foreign students.

NUS vice-president (university and global relations) Lily Kong explained that NUS will maintain an overall cap of 20 per cent for international students but this proportion could vary within individual schools and faculties, with the majority of the places given to locals. She added that this approach will be adopted by Yale-NUS College.

**** Stupid As Stupid Gets <http://singaporedesk.blogspot.com/2011/04/stupid-as-stupid-gets.html>
Singapore Notes

The $64 question is whether Lee has half the EQ of Goh to appreciate what transpired at the NUS Forum.

**** Two-Party System Not Workable For PAP <http://www.freakthoughts.net/?p=581>
Freak Thoughts

To be fair, governing a nation is not to be taken lightly. Singapore has an parliamentary term of up to five years, and things could have gone drastically wrong in the hands of opposition within that five years before PAP can regain control. However, in a true democracy, this is the price that citizens are willing to pay. This is the risk of democracy, people might elect some incompetent fellows in to power, but this is no excuse for messing around with GRCs and keeping the other parties under represented in the parliament.

**** The Upside Of 3-cornered Fights <http://www.todayonline.com/Singapore/EDC110407-0000419/The-upside-of-3-cornered-fights>
Cheow Xin Yi, Today

While conventional wisdom dictates that three-cornered fights dilute opposition votes and cede the battle to the ruling party, the upside is that the electorate becomes more discerning - by being exposed to opposition candidates of varying quality, said political analyst Eugene Tan.

**** The Ruling Party's NCMP Gamble <http://blogs.straitstimes.com/2011/4/6/the-ruling-party-s-ncmp-gamble>
Rachel Chang, Straits Times

In January, a day after a marathon five-hour parliamentary debate on the minimum wage, a satirical Twitter account by the name of “Fake PM Lee” posted this: “It dawned on me that all the MPs (including the opposition), are working very hard. They came up with 20 different ways to agree with me on the minimum wage.”

The expansion of the NCMP scheme for the coming GE, to guarantee at least nine opposition MPs in the 12th Parliament, is the ruling party’s response to a perceived desire among voters, especially younger ones, to see a wider variety of views expressed in Parliament.

However, it is important to note the limits of the NCMP scheme: it gives the semblance of opposition without the substance.

**** Why One Retired, Another Resigned <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_653875.html>
Han Neng Hsiu, Public Service Division, Prime Minister's Office, Straits Times

Under the Pensions Act, a pensionable officer may be allowed to retire from the civil service before he reaches the retirement age, provided he satisfies certain service conditions, including having served for at least 15 years. Upon retirement, the officer will be eligible for pension and medical benefits under the Act. The medical benefits are based on the officer's medical scheme at the point of retirement.

Mr Heng Swee Keat was eligible to retire from the civil service with a reduced pension. He was subject to the same rules that apply to other officers retiring under the Pensions Act. Mr Lawrence Wong is 38 years old and did not meet the years-in-service requirement for early retirement. He, therefore, resigned from the civil service.

**** Generals Eligible To Retire With Benefits <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_653847.html>
Desmond Tan, Ministry Of Defence, Straits Times

Both officers were under the Savings and Employee Retirement (Saver) scheme, which is non-pensionable. Under this scheme, officers who retire after their full career with the SAF receive a lump sum from their Saver accounts which has been built up during their service.

However, some officers may decide to leave the SAF earlier. Those who leave at age 40 or older and have served at least 10 years of Saver service, are eligible to retire from the SAF with medical benefits based on their medical scheme at the point of retirement, and a portion of the funds accumulated up to that stage in their Saver accounts.

**** Difference Between A Gift And An Exchange <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/OnlineStory/STIStory_653748.html>
Jillian Teo, Straits Times

I refer to last Saturday's report ('Name change 'sends wrong message'') in which Ng Teng Fong Hospital's chief executive, Mr Foo Hee Jug, said that naming the upcoming Jurong hospital after Mr Ng was 'a fitting way of recognising the significance of this gift'.

It would be of interest to the public if he could clarify if the 'gift' was a conditional one. If it is, then it should not be called a gift but an exchange.

**** Don't Field A Candidate Who's Not Ready <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/OnlineStory/STIStory_653744.html>
Tim Mou Hui, Straits Times

Why field a candidate who is not ready? Shouldn't the understudy phase be done well before elections are called and campaigning begins?

The inexperienced rookie would have to look after the affairs of the ward she has been assigned to, and by then, it would be too late if constituents realise that the said candidate does not have what it takes to look after their needs. This can hardly be a positive step for leadership renewal.

**** Understudy MPs <http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com/2011/04/understudy-mps.html>
Chua Chin Leng, My Singapore News

**** Choice Of Political System Will Of Singaporeans, Not PAP <http://yoursdp.org/index.php/news/singapore/4709--choice-of-political-system-will-of-singaporeans-not-pap>
James Gomez, Singapore Democratic

There is no need for the PAP to split itself to provide a two-party system in Singapore. The PAP must stop belittling and patronizing Singaporeans.

Singaporeans will decide the political system, not the PAP.

**** LTA Overlooks Nuovo Residents’ Concerns On NSE <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/lta-overlook-nuovo-residents-concerns-on-nse/>
Deborah Choo, The Online Citizen

“Our government has always been trumpeting about how open and fair they are in their policies and plans.” Mr Chua added, “in this case, they have shown lack of openness and lack of fairness.”

**** A Uniquely Singaporean Model Of Politics: PAP As Party, Or PAP As Government? <http://kentridgecommon.com/?p=10744>
Koh Choon Hwee, The Kent Ridge Common

It seems that regardless of the number of opposition members in Parliament, the PAP is already spending time thinking of ‘what’s the right way to fix them’, what’s the right way to ‘buy supporters’ votes’ and to win the short-term at the expense of the long-term.

**** SPP – Singapore People’s Party Or Strictly Potong Pasir? <http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/spp-singapore-people%E2%80%99s-party-or-strictly-potong-pasir/>
Benjamin Cheah, The Online Citizen

For now, the Chiams must win their two-fold gamble on Potong Pasir and Bishan-Toa Payoh. Failure risks political irrelevance. This is not a failure the SPP, and the Chiams, can afford.

**** It's All About The Money, Really <http://singaporedesk.blogspot.com/2011/04/its-all-about-money-really.html>
Singapore Notes

**** Straits Times’ Credibility – Et Tu, PM Lee? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/straits-times-credibility-et-tu-pm-lee/>
The Online Citizen

**** CNA’s Political Forum – Old Monkey, New Tricks? <http://theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/cnas-political-forum-old-monkey-new-tricks/>
Howard Lee, The Online Citizen

In short, the Political Forum was a classic example – used since the dawn of politicised television – of an attempt to set the public agenda. It is still a far cry from the increasingly inclusive engagement that Balji painted it to be.

**** 选前报道 “他打开了我政治的窗口”——罗文丽谈詹时中 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp110407_012.shtml>
游润恬, 联合早报




**** 选前报道 指总理“两党制行不通”说法悲观 刘程强:我国人才比过去多 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp110407_014.shtml>
林慧慧, 联合早报



**** 选前报道 人民党可能“老少配” 挑战碧山大巴窑 <http://www.zaobao.com.sg/sp/sp110407_011.shtml>
游润恬, 联合早报


**** Tin’s $14,000 Tuition Fees <http://kentridgecommon.com/?p=10718>
Christopher Ong, The Kent Ridge Common

Why should Singaporeans pay for an individual $14,000 monthly to understudy and learn the ropes for 4-5 years in political office? Shouldn’t this person be fully prepared for political office?

**** Walking The Ground <http://javertworld.blogspot.com/2011/04/walking-ground.html>
Javert's World

So seriously how will the person I elected to be in Parliament know my plights if they don’t even bother to reach out the people by walking the ground.

**** SMRT Investigating Major Delay Along East-West Line <http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/major-delay-mrt-system-along-east-west-line-20110406-194142-731.html>
Alicia Wong, Yahoo!

SMRT says it's still investigating the train fault on Thursday morning that left 17,000 passengers stranded on the East-West line during peak hour traffic.

The delay lasted between 15 minutes and over an hour for some commuters.

**** I Don’t Want Tin Pei Ling <http://miyagi.sg/2011/04/i-dont-want-tin-pei-ling/>

I am angry you haven’t even con­sid­ered lis­ten­ing to us. There are many who share my views, and we are upset that you think our protests are “noise”. Sure, there are idiots who take issue with Miss Tin’s fash­ion sense and her affin­ity for branded goods, but we, the Sin­ga­porean peo­ple, are telling you very calmly and care­fully, that we do not want her as one of our MPs.

She can have her intern­ship some­where else and learn on another job. Just not on our money. We’re not buy­ing any more of your state­ments in defence of her char­ac­ter or “met­tle” or “steel” — it’s all just noise.

**** 17,5000 Affected By Train Disruption <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1121244/1/.html>
Channel NewsAsia

Some 17,500 commuters were inconvenienced when MRT services were disrupted this morning.

An SMRT spokesperson said the eastbound train which stalled at 8.49am was due to a fault in the train.

**** Socio-political Website To Shut Down <http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/socio-political-website-shut-down-20110406-231721-656.html>
Alicia Wong, Yahoo!

Controversial socio-political website The Temasek Review (TR) will be shutting down sometime after July this year following several years of operation.

In an exclusive email interview with Yahoo! Singapore, editor Amanda Tan said that the editorial team of seven made the decision partly because of uncertainty over funding for the site, which is not for profit and runs on donations.

**** GE: PAP Introduces Another Batch Of New Candidates <http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1121277/1/.html>
S Ramesh/Hoe Yeen Nie, Channel NewsAsia

**** Papsicles 1 <http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/papsicles-1/>
Yawning Bread

If Lee still holds fast to his view, then he should examine his definition of talent. Maybe he finds very little because his definition is highly restrictive. Maybe “talent” by Lee’s reckoning is actually little more than willingness to toe the Lee line, working hard at increasing income inequity, institutionalising racial divides and breeding elitism. If that is the case then I am rather glad we do not have enough of such “talent”.

Oddly, Goh Chok Tong suggested to the media the day before that the PAP had too much talent and might face difficulty finding enough executive positions for them all.

**** An Open Letter To Opposition Parties In Singapore <http://pussyfootsteps.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/an-open-letter-to-opposition-parties-in-singapore/>
Live. Life.

You can criticise all you want – that’s the easy part. Making others look bad is the easy part. The difficult part is to prove you are able to substantiate your words with actions. To win our hearts you have to offer concrete programs and ways to better Singaporeans’ lives.

**** Tin Pei Ling – Personal Folly Or Gamble Gone Wrong? <http://thethinkingfishtank.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/tin-pei-ling-%E2%80%93-personal-folly-or-gamble-gone-wrong/>
The Thinking Fish Tank

People of Singapore do not need mediocre leaders. In fact, we need them to be great, strong, experienced and capable. It does not matter if our leader is like us; it matters if he/she can better us.

**** Greed Is Good, For Some Guys <http://singaporedesk.blogspot.com/2011/04/greed-is-good-for-some-guys.html>
Singapore Notes

**** MM Lee On Two-party System And Opposition <http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/mm-lee-on-two-party-system-and-opposition/>
The Online Citizen

"here’s no chance of the opposition having enough capable people to take over. It’s as simple as that. We can’t find enough good people to run the government, we are constantly looking for such candidates. You can see the quality of the people that Low Thia Khiang has found. He’s tried very hard. We get the constant critics. I say, ‘Come on, form an opposition. Drive round the place. Go down and meet the people and see whether you can win them over.’"

**** WP’s Electoral Strategy <http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=6535>
Ng E-Jay, Sgpolitics.net

If WP makes the most gains and increases its number of seats in Parliament, it will vindicate their strategy of being close to the PAP, so as to attract swing voters who are not necessarily wholesale against the PAP, but who are merely disgruntled at certain aspects of PAP’s policies or who simply want a stronger watchdog in Parliament.

**** SDP Takes Issue With YOG Spending <http://www.todayonline.com/Voices/EDC110408-0000377/SDP-takes-issue-with-YOG-spending>
James Gomez, Today

Dr Vivian Balakrishnan and the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) need to be publicly accountable for the failure to spend within the YOG budget. In particular the MCYS' over-spending by three times its original budget of S$104 million and running an event that was riddled with incompetence and mismanagement needs to be addressed.

**** On Second Thoughts <http://singaporelifetimes.blogspot.com/2011/04/on-second-thoughts.html>
Singapore Life And Times

Opposition MP Low Thia Khiang pitch about buying political insurance now resonates with me. The present government is good, but it is not perfect. Some policies are not debated enough in Parliament nowadays. Many PAP members make the obligatory speeches, especially near election time.

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