[MyAppleMenu] Oct 7, 2010

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu Oct 7 18:59:00 EDT 2010


**** New iPod Nano: Double-Speed Playback Isn’t 2x <http://www.mcelhearn.com/2010/10/06/new-ipod-nano-double-speed-playback-isnt-2x/>
Kirk McElhearn, Kirkville

The 2x icon shows what the correct speed should be, and the user’s manual for the nano confirms this. So there’s a bug on the iPod nano, causing the speed to be less than it should, but ending up with what Apple should have used.

**** Apple Settles Backdating Suit With NYCERS <http://www.marketwatch.com/story/apple-settles-backdating-suit-with-nycers-2010-10-06-1820290>
John Letzing, MarketWatch

Apple Inc. has agreed to settle a securities class-action lawsuit related to alleged stock-option backdating for $16.5 million, the New York City Employees’ Retirement System said Wednesday.

**** Tweet Library For iPad Makes Twitter Useful <http://www.tuaw.com/2010/10/06/tweet-library-for-ipad-makes-twitter-useful/>
Brett Terpstra, TUAW

Tweet Library is a Twitter client, but its main feature set revolves around archiving and organizing your tweets.

**** A Closer Look At Knox For Mac <http://www.net-security.org/article.php?id=1504>
Zeljka Zorz, Help Net Security

Knox (v. 2.0.5) is a Mac application that will allow you to create password-protected and encrypted vaults on your computer or to turn an external drive into one in order to securely move data from one Mac to another.

**** Review: Fontographer 5 <http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=29ccb8007c3d5ab9c063a403c06cbbdd>
Jay J. Nelson, Macworld

Every design studio should have Fontographer 5 for its wealth of font creation, editing, fixing, and conversion abilities. Individual designers will have to weigh its price against their needs. If all you need to do is convert fonts among formats and platforms, FontLab's TransType Pro and FontGear's FontXChange are simpler and more economical options. But for font creation and enhancement, Fontographer is a must.

**** Apple's MacBook Air Supply Dries Up As Rumors Of New 11.6-inch Model Persist <http://feeds.appleinsider.com/click.phdo?i=ff21e46e9377a9e81a12a1b446e85f25>
Neil Hughes and Kasper Jade, AppleInsider

Supplies of Apple's MacBook Air have dried up throughout the company's indirect sales channels, fueling rumors that a significant makeover to the lightweight notebooks is fast approaching.

**** This Time, Motorola Sues Apple For Patent Infringement <http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20018791-37.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=News-Apple>
Greg Sandoval, CNET

Motorola, one of the major telephone handset makers, has accused Apple in a lawsuit of violating 18 patents. In an announcement on Motorola's site, the company said that Apple incorporated in the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, and certain Mac computers, or in associated services, technnology that was developed by Motorola.

**** New Apple TV And iTunes Play Counts And Last Played Dates <http://www.mcelhearn.com/2010/10/07/new-apple-tv-and-itunes-play-counts-and-last-played-dates/>
Kirk McElhearn, Kirkville

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Unemployed <http://www.tomdispatch.com/archive/175304/>
Andy Kroll, TomDispatch.com

Stranded on the sidelines of a jobs crisis.

**** The Spoils Of Happiness <http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/10/06/the-spoils-of-happiness/?ref=opinion>
David Sosa, New York Times

Nozick’s thought experiment — or the movie, for that matter — points to an interesting hypothesis: Happiness is not a state of mind.

**** Confessions Of A Used-Book Salesman <http://www.slate.com/id/2268000/>
Michael Savitz, Slate Magazine

I spend 80 hours a week trawling junk shops with a laser scanner. I don't feel good about it.


**** 审查为了什么? <http://www.zaobao.com/yl/yl101007_003.shtml>
韩山元, 联合早报


**** Singapore Will Maintain Currency Appreciation Pace In Review, Survey Shows <http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-10-07/singapore-will-maintain-currency-appreciation-pace-in-review-survey-shows.html>
Patricia Lui, Bloomberg

Singapore’s central bank will refrain from allowing faster currency appreciation at next week’s twice- yearly review to balance the risks of slowing global growth and accelerating inflation, according to a Bloomberg survey.

**** Despite Success, Singapore Casinos Face Political Risks <http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/business/features/article_1589641.php/Despite-success-Singapore-casinos-face-political-risks-Feature>
Kai Portmann, DPA

With those sensational stories, and all the other cases of problem gambling that never made it into the newspapers, 'the political risk increases' for the casinos as the authorities might come up with even more safeguards, said da Cunha.

**** Death Of Matriarch Lifts Veil On Singapore's First Family <http://news.id.msn.com/regional/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4382802>

Singaporeans got a rare glimpse into the private life of the country's most powerful family on Thursday following the funeral of elder statesman Lee Kuan Yew's wife.

**** New Singapore Rules 'Harmful', Says CASBAA <http://www.rapidtvnews.com/index.php/201010078149/new-singapore-rules-harmful-says-casbaa.html>
Rose Major, Rapid TV News

Asia’s major pay-TV lobby group has again called on Singapore not to implement cross-carriage rules, calling the proposals “very harmful” to the country’s reputation.

According to the Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia (CASBAA), if the rules are implemented next year, incentives for content innovation will be suppressed, with particular damage to the business of producing or acquiring “marquee pay-TV programming, which by its nature is expensive to produce or acquire.

**** A Family's True Colours <http://petunialee.blogspot.com/2010/10/familys-true-colours.html>

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