[MyAppleMenu] Oct 5, 2010

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Tue Oct 5 18:59:01 EDT 2010


**** Apple Fights $625 Million Patent Verdict <http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=0650adea0bdff8f67d3dfd97d4e36618>
Miguel Helft And John Schwartz, New York Times

Apple is challenging a jury verdict that could force it to pay as much as $625.5 million to a company founded by David Gelernter, a Yale computer science professor, for infringing three patents related to how files are displayed on the iPod, the iPhone and Macintosh computers.

A federal jury in Tyler, Tex., on Friday awarded the company, Mirror Worlds, $208.5 million in damages for each of the patents infringed. They include a patent related to Cover Flow, a central feature of Apple’s computers and mobile devices that allows users to scroll through album covers, photos and other files.

**** Quick Look: Postbox 2 <http://theappleblog.com/2010/10/04/quick-look-postbox-2/>
Andrew Flocchini, GigaOM

If you need a smarter alternative to Apple’s Mail, Postbox 2.0 may be just the thing. It’s a Mozilla-based email client that prides itself on saving you time. It also has support for plug-ins, native archiving, to-do tags and tabs. All these features are aimed at creating a more organized inbox.

**** Microsoft, Oracle, Apple Show Competition Through Litigation Is Back <http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Mobile-and-Wireless/Microsoft-Oracle-Apple-Show-Competition-Through-Litigation-Is-Back-495604/>
Wayne Rash, eWeek

In the tech world there’s innovation, there’s competition through innovation, and, for Microsoft, Oracle and Apple lately, there’s litigation.

**** How A Team At Apple Made The iPod Dream A Reality <http://www.fastcompany.com/article/how-a-team-at-apple-made-the-ipod-dream-a-reality>
Adrian Gostick And Chester Elton, Fast Company

The release of the iPod has famously revolutionized the music business, and that was exactly what Apple CEO Steve Jobs and the iPod team set out to do; they are an ideal example of a team with a big dream. But it's interesting to note that their dream wasn't entirely original, which in some ways made it even more ambitious. MP3 players had already been on the market from other manufacturers. But Apple dreamed of making a player that would be transformative, that would be world class.

**** Sparrow: New Email Client For Mac That’s Just Like Tweetie <http://minimalmac.com/post/1242740076>
Minimal Mac

**** Review: Apple's Second-generation Apple TV (2010) <http://feeds.appleinsider.com/click.phdo?i=023357b205f7547c0bb04dce459bc91b>
Neil Hughes, AppleInsider

The new, improved, $99 Apple TV is a step in the right direction for the set-top box famously referred to as Apple's "hobby," but the incremental upgrades it offers are, for now, just a tease of bigger and better things to come for the platform.

**** How To Password Protect Folders <http://rss.macworld.com/click.phdo?i=9ce7c5ea460f4a4aa097aea5862e551d>
Christopher Breen, Macworld

You can password protect any folder by turning that folder into an encrypted disk image.

**** No AirPrint & AirPlay For Legacy IDevices <http://appadvice.com/appnn/2010/10/apple-reminds-airprint-airplay-legacy-idevices/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AppAdvice+%28AppAdvice%29>
Alexander Vaughn, App Advice

**** iPad In The Dark <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-philip-neches/ipad-in-the-dark_b_749262.html>
Philip Neches, Huffington Post

When I was a kid, I'd smuggle a book and a flashlight into bed. The iPad is better.

**** Case Sensitive Development On Mac OS X <http://www.chapter31.com/2010/10/04/case-sensitive-development-on-mac-os-x/>
Chapter 31

What I did was to create a case sensitive partition on the Mac and move my “Workspace” (project folders and files) and “MySQL” install to the new partition. Now any case sensitive issues will be found during development which is much preferable to finding them in staging/production.

**** While You Are Waiting For Airplay… Netflix App Gets Video Out <http://www.9to5mac.com/29284/while-you-are-waiting-for-airplay-netflix-app-gets-video-out>
9 To 5 Mac

The Tomorrow Weblog

**** Social Games That Sway Behavior <http://feeds.technologyreview.com/click.phdo?i=9c93f28536b693c18fcafd2fdb0685a7>
Kristina Grifantini, Technology Review

With the rise of social networks, game designers are finding new paths to desired outcomes.

MyAppleMenu Reader

**** Kindlerotica <http://www.slate.com/id/2269132/>
James Ledbetter, Slate Magazine

The strange but inevitable rise of e-reader pornography.

**** Aiming To Learn As We Do, A Machine Teaches Itself <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/05/science/05compute.html?ref=science>
Steve Lohr, New York Times

Researchers are fine-tuning a computer system that is trying to master semantics by learning more like a human.


**** A High-speed Railway Dream <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/OnlineStory/STIStory_586527.html>
George Yuille Caldwell, Straits Times

The Tanjong Pagar Railway Station must be preserved for future use as the terminus for the high-speed rail service to Kuala Lumpur, and beyond to China.

**** Why Mail Collection And Delivery Are Separated <http://www.straitstimes.com/STForum/Story/STIStory_586635.html>
Patsie Tan, Singapore Post, Straits Times

Having postmen collect and deliver mail is impractical as posting cut-off times would vary from block to block, leading to confusion.

**** MPs Want Law Amended <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_586786.html>
Judith Tan & Liew Hanqing, Straits Times

Elderly persons seeking maintenance from their children should have to thrash out the issues with them in mediation sessions first. And if their children say they are unable to support them, the authorities should have the power to go through Government records to check if these claims are true.

These are among the recommendations a group of 10 Members of Parliament (MPs) have made to amend the Maintenance of Parents Act (MPA).

**** SDP Appeals In High Court <http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_586795.html>
Selina Lum, Straits Times

**** Non-Dominant Discourse: Rachel Zeng, Sha Najak, Ezzam Rahman & Seelan Palay <http://dailyserving.com/2010/10/non-dominant-discourse-rachel-zeng-sha-najak-ezzam-rahman-seelan-palay/>
June Yap, Daily Serving

Quoting Martin Luther King at the opening of the exhibition, “almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world a better place,” Seelan Palay more modestly added, that while the four artists may not be able to improve the conditions of the world, they hope at least to make Singapore a little better, and doing so for them means having room for thought and expression beyond dominant and official terms.

**** Virtual Vice <http://www.singaporelawreview.org/2010/10/virtual-vice/>
Wu Wenyu, Singapore Law Review

Singapore’s take on online gambling has never been clear-cut.

**** The Pinnacle at Duxton <http://attitudedjon.wordpress.com/2010/10/04/the-pinnacleduxton/>

>From My Perspective

Louis met the both of us at the top skybridge of the HDB, after paying $5 each. It was worth the money though, as I got to experience one of the best views of Singapore.

**** Analysis: Labour Chief v. Minimum Wage <http://findmuck.wordpress.com/2010/10/04/labour-chief-v-minimum-wage/>
The Mind Game

On the bigger picture, the question perhaps is – do we want a society more akin to Switzerland and the United States, or do we want one like China and India? The third-world style of development is an arena we cannot win, we need to move forward.

**** When Workers Raid The Treasury <http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com/2010/10/when-workers-raid-treasury.html>
My Singapore News

**** Imported Ideas: A Melting Pot Of Policies That Could Work Right Here At Home <http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/Examiner-Opinion-Zone/Imported-Ideas-A-melting-pot-of-policies-that-could-work-right-here-at-home-104280814.html>
Max Borders, Washington Examiner

In Singapore, they’ll put you to death for selling drugs and fine you for chewing gum on the street. But when it comes to healthcare, Singapore is doing something right.

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